Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reminder: Vox is closing September 30, 2010

This message is a reminder that Vox will be closing permanently on Thursday September 30th. As of this Wednesday, September 15th, you will no longer be able to post to your Vox blog. Learn more at closing.vox.com.

To help you make the transition off of Vox, there are export features that make it easy to move your blog to a free TypePad account, and your photos & videos to Flickr.

  • You can move your blog to TypePad, for free. We've developed a simple process to help you move your blog to TypePad. If you don't have a TypePad account, we'll step you through the process of creating one, help you create a free TypePad blog, and automatically import your Vox posts and photos into your new blog. Learn more.

  • You can export your photos and videos to Flickr. If you used Vox primarily for sharing photos and videos, you may want to export those to Yahoo's popular photo sharing service Flickr. We've developed a simple process that will automatically move your photos and videos to Flickr, while maintaining your privacy settings on your photos. Learn more.

In addition to the tools that we have built to help move content to TypePad and Flickr, there are other services that support migrating your blog from Vox.

More information about the closing of Vox and the available tools for migrating content is available at closing.vox.com.

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