Monday, January 10, 2011

Eino, 1 million in 8 months?

Hey Eino,

Tomorrow night at 9pm EST I'm running my first live webinar of 2011!

In this exciting webinar, my special guest, Steven Clayton, will be
teaching 'The Secrets Behind Building A $1 Million business In Just
8 Months'

If you're in a rush, register right now through the link below,
space is limited:


Note: To see the time of this webinar in your own local timezone
click the link below:


Here's what's being covered on this groundbreaking live webinar:

* Different online business models and pros/cons

* The best model to pick - whether starting out or already

- Why this is the best model

- How this model works exactly

- How much work is involved

* The million dollar challenge

- The results

- The process

- The tools

- The costs/investments

- Lessons learned and the top tips/tricks

* Plus lots more will be revealed on this webinar, and I'll be
giving away valuable spot prizes to webinar attendees just to make
participating even more fun! ...

In his latest email to me Steven mentioned "Mark..this will pretty
much be all content. The idea is to not hide anything while simply
showing exactly how we did everything in building a million dollar
business in 8 months last year"

If you've never been on a live webinar with me before, they're
great because you get to learn live from the comfort of your own

Register now, space is limited to the first 1000, make sure you set
an alarm in your phone so that you don't miss this one of a kind
live online event.


Kind Regards,

Mark Ling

Post: PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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