Saturday, July 1, 2017

Comment Capsule Warning


You are receiving this email because you either have a Comment Capsule that is not located at the bottom of your article, your article contains a Duel Capsule, or you have more than one Comment Capsule in your article, or all of the above. HubPages no longer supports Duel Capsules, multiple Comment Capsules, and Comment Capsules that are not located at the bottom of the article. Here are your articles affected by this change:

  • How To Build Muscles With BodyBuilding Exercise
  • What will happen when this change is implemented?

    If your article only has one Comment Capsule but it is not located at the bottom, it will automatically be moved there in one month.

    If your article has multiple Comment Capsules, the capsule with the most comments will be retained as a Comment Capsule and moved to the bottom of the page if it is not located there already. The other Comment Capsules will be transformed into Text Capsules with the comments as text quotes. The username of the person who posted the comment will appear beside each comment in the text. This change will also take place in one month.

    If your article has Duel Capsules, these will also be transformed into Text Capsules.

    What action should I take?

    Within the next 30 days you may want to review the affected articles. If some of them have more than one Comment Capsule and the one you want to keep does not have the highest number of comments, we recommend deleting the others. You can always add the most useful information from the other comment sections to the body of the article itself.

    How to I find out which Comment Capsule has the most comments?

    • Open the article in edit mode.
    • Scroll to each Comment Capsule.
    • The number of responses will be listed on each. The one with the highest number of comments will be kept as a Comment Capsule (and the others will be turned into Text Capsules).

    What happens if I do nothing?

    No worries! If you only have one Comment Capsule, it will automatically become the last capsule on the page in 30 days.

    If you have multiple Comment Capsules, the one with the most responses will become the last capsule on the page and the rest will be turned into Text Capsules automatically. You can always go back and edit or delete the Text Capsules with the rest of your comments in them later.

    If you have one or more Duel Capsules, they will be turned into Text Capsules as well and can always be deleted or modified later.

    Thanks for writing on HubPages and for helping us keep up with changes that will ensure we continue to be the best place to publish in-depth articles on subjects you're passionate about!


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