Friday, January 22, 2010

Webinar: Secrets of a PPC Millionaire

Hi eino,

For several months I've been trying to arrange a private meeting
with Mr P, one of the leading Pay Per Click experts around.

This guy has been driving MASSIVE amounts of Pay Per Click traffic on
for 1 to 3 cents a click, and he's been doing it for several years.
When I say massive I mean BILLIONS of ad impressions and MILLIONS of
clicks a month.

I finally tracked this guy down got him to agree to teach a private
webinar to people on my mailing list.

The webinar will take place this Tuesday Jan 26 at 9pm EST (New
York time).


On the webinar he is going to teach you EXACTLY how he drives his
traffic so make sure you have a pen and paper handy to take notes.

This is information he has rarely shared with others and he usually
charges thousands of dollars in consulting fees... but we get to
hear about it for free.

He is also going to teach us how to monetize this traffic, even if
you don't have a website or a product. His income goal is to
double what he spends, so if he spends $1 on ads he expects to make

I hope you can take advantage of the free training I've arranged
for you. Register below, places are limited.




Kind Regards,

Mark Ling

Post: PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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