Tuesday, September 29, 2009

[now_showing] Digest Number 2235

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

Fwd: FW: Comments were taken off actual police car From: DAVID WILLIAMS
Re: Fwd: FW: Comments were taken off actual police car From: =^..^= KissyKittenz =^..^=
Re: bad news-TROUBLE-May need help From: imsexyman4ever@aol.com
Re: bad news-TROUBLE-May need help From: imsexyman4ever@aol.com
Re: bad news-TROUBLE-May need help From: redantbites@aol.com
The Devil Wears Prada DVD Rip From: Amy Bradshaw
Request:  Movie - All About Steve (Sandra Bullock) From: Tom Bender
PA-MOV The Nanny Express From: *~Patti (PS)~*
Accidentally On PurposeS1E2 From: *~Patti (PS)~*
The Big Bang TheoryS3E2 From: *~Patti (PS)~*
Two and a half menS7E2 From: *~Patti (PS)~*
How I Met Your MotherS5E2 From: *~Patti (PS)~*
PA MO Space Jam 1996.avi From: *~Patti (PS)~*
Being Human Episode 3 BBV-TV From: *~Patti (PS)~*
PA-MOV:  The Experts From: *~Patti (PS)~*
PA MO A Perfect Getaway  2009 TS From: *~Patti (PS)~*
PA MOV Mr Beans Holiday From: *~Patti (PS)~*
Re: Request filled Lt Robin Crusoe From: Cyndy Tschanz
Re: Request filled Lt Robin Crusoe From: star_gazzier
iso o-brother From: TsaLaGi
Re: Fwd:-A.C.- This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi From: =^..^= KissyKittenz =^..^=
Re: Fwd:-A.C.- This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi From: David Williams
PA MOV 1957 Tammy And The Bachelor From: *~Patti (PS)~*
{{PJ}}Children of the Corn 2009 (Cap by Andy).avi From: ♫{ PJ }♫
PA MO Anamorph_300MB .avi From: *~Patti (PS)~*



Fwd: FW: Comments were taken off actual police car

Posted by: "DAVID WILLIAMS" granpapa1955@gmail.com   granpapa1955

Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:14 pm (PDT)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Williams <granpapa1955@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 9:47 PM
Subject: FW: Comments were taken off actual police car

The comments were taken off actual police car videos around the

16 'You know, stop lights don't come any redder than the one you just went

15 'Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch
after you wear them a while.'

14 'If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth certificate a
worthless document..'

13 'If you run, you'll only go to jail tired.'

12 'Can you run faster than 1200 feet per second? Because that's the speed
of the bullet that'll be chasing you.'

11 'You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write
anything I want to on the ticket, huh?'

10 'Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it
will help. Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?'

9 'Warning! You want a warning? O.K, I'm warning you not to do that again
or I'll give you another ticket.. '

8 'The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or
not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?'

7 'Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to
ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs and step in monkey poop.'

6 'Yeah, we have a quota.. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster

5 'In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC.'

4 'How big were those 'two beers' you say you had?'

3 'No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we're allowed
to write as many tickets as we can.'

2 'I'm glad to hear that the Chief (of Police) is a personal friend of
yours. So you know someone who can post your bail.'


1 'You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't..
Sign here.'


Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®. See

Re: Fwd: FW: Comments were taken off actual police car

Posted by: "=^..^= KissyKittenz =^..^=" kissykittenz@yahoo.ca   kissycougar3

Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:41 am (PDT)

-------Original Message-------

Date: 9/28/2009 10:16:43 PM
Subject: [now_showing] Fwd: FW: Comments were taken off actual police car

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Williams <granpapa1955@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 9:47 PM
Subject: FW: Comments were taken off actual police car

The comments were taken off actual police car videos around the country:

16 'You know, stop lights don't come any redder than the one you just went

15 'Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch
after you wear them a while.'

14 'If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth certificate a
worthless document..'

13 'If you run, you'll only go to jail tired.'

12 'Can you run faster than 1200 feet per second? Because that's the speed
of the bullet that'll be chasing you.'

11 'You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write
anything I want to on the ticket, huh?'

10 'Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it
will help. Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?'

9 'Warning! You want a warning? O.K, I'm warning you not to do that again
or I'll give you another ticket.. '

8 'The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or
not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?'

7 'Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to
ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs and step in monkey poop.'

6 'Yeah, we have a quota.. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven.

5 'In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC.'

4 'How big were those 'two beers' you say you had?'

3 'No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we're allowed
to write as many tickets as we can.'

2 'I'm glad to hear that the Chief (of Police) is a personal friend of yours
So you know someone who can post your bail.'


1 'You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't..
Sign here.'

Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®. See how.


Re: bad news-TROUBLE-May need help

Posted by: "imsexyman4ever@aol.com" imsexyman4ever@aol.com   immarv

Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:21 pm (PDT)

did you click ok?

In a message dated 9/28/2009 9:55:05 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
redantbites@aol.com writes:


nope this what i get over and over

In a message dated 9/28/2009 9:12:29 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
imsexyman4ever@aol.com writes:

reclick the original link ... it'll tell you the file already exists in
the download area ... click download all ... it'll give you a file error
message and ask if you want to send error report or not ... i choose not to ...
pando closes ... restart pando and walla ... file resumes ... i just did
it with 2 different files ... i know it works ,... ive done it numerous
other times also.

In a message dated 9/28/2009 7:48:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
redantbites@In a message da

they have a pando file on them now and it did not load them to down, it
loaded to up load .went there not there. i just leave it this way and do what
i can to save what i can.. i know from the past that i will give you a big
head ache trying to fix it. and after this if my pando files don't do
right I'll just wipe it all out and reformat. its get time to anyway. i always
reformat once a year went my norton expires.. and it expires in December
.its the best way i know of fixing anything and the fastest. and i would't
lose much. i back up alot.. cause i know how i am.

In a message dated 9/28/2009 7:13:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
imsexyman4ever@In a message da

changed them how?

In a message dated 9/28/2009 6:56:52 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
redantbites@In a message da

well i just try that and it did not work. it changed the way my files
looked .

In a message dated 9/28/2009 6:34:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
imsexyman4ever@In a message da

in the past when this has happened to me i just reclick the initial file
and it resumes.

In a message dated 9/28/2009 6:20:24 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
redantbites@In a message da

i had shut my pando down close it turn it off.. it was not running..

In a message dated 9/28/2009 6:16:29 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
cptnblackbeard@In a message date

I use the RapidShare time resetter also. The solution is that you MUST
all the time!

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 5:35 PM, <_redantbites@redantb_
(mailto:redantbites@aol.com) > wrote:

Hello to all of the wonderful Ladies And Gen's.I like to start off by
thank you all for all that you have send to the groups. I also like to thank
you for filling my request went I hand them. Now to Tell you what I am email
you about this time. Oh it was BAD night last night. At 2 clock am ,I wash
out my PC and restarted my PC just like I do everytime before I go to bed.
But seeing I am on a time Internet. I thought,; I try this little thing I
collect .(RapidShare Time Resetter). cause it resets your Internet time
on RS so I thought in my out of the box brain. OH that mind just reset my
online time. so My Internet don't stop on me tonight cause i have a lot to
get d/l . and i am way behide. and I have more of those SCI-FI movies
coming and John Wayne, and i am still working on those Shirley Temple. and the
Crow movies and others old movies that came thow.So i shut off my pando,and
after i use that little toy and restarted my pc i open panda and every
thing in my pando was gone I mean EVERYTHING!! tonight cause i have a lot to
get d/l . and i am way behide. and I have more of those SCI-FI movies
coming and John Wayne, and i am still working on those Shirley Temple. and the
Crow movies and others old movies that most where on there last days and i
almost had them done. others where half way finished, like the John Wayne
they were half way finished .I did not know that little toy would do that.
remove everything from my pando "EVEN WITH MY PANDO SHUT OFF"..I had use it
a flew times before but my pando did not have things in it at that time.
that was went i had a paid rs accout.So you see what my out of the box brain
did for me ;screwd me.. you know whats funny thou if i look in the d/l
pando folder its all says its d/l but its not. so that the good part i can go
thow it and try to get each one again ,, and seeing i am a lasy Pc person
i have just about all the pando files from that last 30 days.. so i am send
this picture;s of what was d/l so i can ask for them again if i need to..
i bet most i will not need to.. but there may be a flew i forgot about
that was d/l.It the old movies that i am afair of loseing they do not get send
out alot. and i find them hard to come by .Please forgive me in if i
become a pest in the next week or so asking for this things in the picture's
below.. yes i took a picture so i don't forget what i lost and want back.
Thank you Barbara

♠Captain Blackbeard♠


Re: bad news-TROUBLE-May need help

Posted by: "imsexyman4ever@aol.com" imsexyman4ever@aol.com   immarv

Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:23 pm (PDT)

bad solution ... it'll resume if you just follow my directions

In a message dated 9/28/2009 10:13:36 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
cee5222@yahoo.com writes:

Either rename the file you're trying to download or delete the old file.
I've had this problem before and that's the solution that worked for me.
Good luck!

-------Original Message-------

From: _redantbites@redantb_ (mailto:redantbites@aol.com)
Date: 9/28/2009 10:58:40 PM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (mailto:now_showing@yahoogroups.com)
Subject: Re: [now_showing] bad news-TROUBLE- Re:


nope this what i get over and over

In a message dated 9/28/2009 9:12:29 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
imsexyman4ever@In a message da

reclick the original link ... it'll tell you the file already exists in
the download area ... click download all ... it'll give you a file error
message and ask if you want to send error report or not ... i choose not to ...
pando closes ... restart pando and walla ... file resumes ... i just did
it with 2 different files ... i know it works ,... ive done it numerous
other times also.

In a message dated 9/28/2009 7:48:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
redantbites@In a message da

they have a pando file on them now and it did not load them to down, it
loaded to up load .went there not there. i just leave it this way and do what
i can to save what i can.. i know from the past that i will give you a big
head ache trying to fix it. and after this if my pando files don't do
right I'll just wipe it all out and reformat. its get time to anyway. i always
reformat once a year went my norton expires.. and it expires in December
.its the best way i know of fixing anything and the fastest. and i would't
lose much. i back up alot.. cause i know how i am.

In a message dated 9/28/2009 7:13:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
imsexyman4ever@In a message da

changed them how?

In a message dated 9/28/2009 6:56:52 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
redantbites@In a message da

well i just try that and it did not work. it changed the way my files
looked .

In a message dated 9/28/2009 6:34:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
imsexyman4ever@In a message da

in the past when this has happened to me i just reclick the initial file
and it resumes.

In a message dated 9/28/2009 6:20:24 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
redantbites@In a message da

i had shut my pando down close it turn it off.. it was not running..

In a message dated 9/28/2009 6:16:29 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
cptnblackbeard@In a message date

I use the RapidShare time resetter also. The solution is that you MUST
all the time!

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 5:35 PM, <_redantbites@redantb_
(mailto:redantbites@aol.com) > wrote:
Hello to all of the wonderful Ladies And Gen's.I like to start off by
thank you all for all that you have send to the groups. I also like to thank
you for filling my request went I hand them. Now to Tell you what I am email
you about this time. Oh it was BAD night last night. At 2 clock am ,I wash
out my PC and restarted my PC just like I do everytime before I go to bed.
But seeing I am on a time Internet. I thought,; I try this little thing I
collect .(RapidShare Time Resetter). cause it resets your Internet time
on RS so I thought in my out of the box brain. OH that mind just reset my
online time. so My Internet don't stop on me tonight cause i have a lot to
get d/l . and i am way behide. and I have more of those SCI-FI movies coming
and John Wayne, and i am still working on those Shirley Temple. and the
Crow movies and others old movies that came thow.So i shut off my pando,and
after i use that little toy and restarted my pc i open panda and every thing
in my pando was gone I mean EVERYTHING!! tonight cause i have a lot to
get d/l . and i am way behide. and I have more of those SCI-FI movies coming
and John Wayne, and i am still working on those Shirley Temple. and the
Crow movies and others old most where on there last days and i almost had
them done. others where half way finished, like the John Wayne they were half
way finished .I did not know that little toy would do that. remove
everything from my pando "EVEN WITH MY PANDO SHUT OFF"..I had use it a flew times
before but my pando did not have things in it at that time. that was went i
had a paid rs accout.So you see what my out of the box brain did for me
;screwd me.. you know whats funny thou if i look in the d/l pando folder its
all says its d/l but its not. so that the good part i can go thow it and
try to get each one again ,, and seeing i am a lasy Pc person i have just
about all the pando files from that last 30 days.. so i am send this picture;s
of what was d/l so i can ask for them again if i need to.. i bet most i
will not need to.. but there may be a flew i forgot about that was d/l.It the
old movies that i am afair of loseing they do not get send out alot. and i
find them hard to come by .Please forgive me in if i become a pest in the
next week or so asking for this things in the picture's below.. yes i took
a picture so i don't forget what i lost and want back.
Thank you Barbara

♠Captain Blackbeard♠



Re: bad news-TROUBLE-May need help

Posted by: "redantbites@aol.com" redantbites@aol.com   redantbites

Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:13 pm (PDT)

In a message dated 9/28/2009 10:23:57 PM Central Daylight Time,
imsexyman4ever@aol.com writes:

> Either rename the file you're trying to download or delete the old file.
> I've had this problem before and that's the solution that worked for me.
> Good luck!
> Connie
deleteing them has i go is what is working. i leave them there till i get
realy to start another one. that way i can copy the file name in search and
find the pando file and start it again after i delete the old one. this what
i have done so far seen last night


The Devil Wears Prada DVD Rip

Posted by: "Amy Bradshaw" CinemaSista@Gmail.com   cinemasista

Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:28 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: CinemaSista
Size: 700MB
Expires: Oct. 28, 2009 (?)


Downloaded and verified. Also fully uploaded and ready to go. =)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


Request:  Movie - All About Steve (Sandra Bullock)

Posted by: "Tom Bender" tdbender@yahoo.com   tdbender

Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:41 pm (PDT)


PA-MOV The Nanny Express

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:05 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: TeamAngel - Mona -
Size: 627MB, 2 files
Expires: Nov. 27, 2009 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


Do you know what Lupus is? Get Educated !!

Lupus information What is Lupus-get Educated

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Patti more *HUGS*

Patti's myspace Patti on Tagged Hi5 Patti
Lupus information myYearbook | Patti Patti's Xanga's

Always Remember:
~ Behind every word typed on your Screen ~
~ There is a Real Person tapping the Keys to make them Appear ~
~ This Person has a Heart and Genuine Emotions ~
~ Please Respect Them ~

"Silent Gratitude Isn't Much Use To Anyone"

Please take the time to thank the great members of our
wonderful group for their hard work and shares ...

"I would like to thank each and every one of you for all you do!"


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00

Accidentally On PurposeS1E2

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:06 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Accidentally On PurposeS1E2
From: Celia
Size: 174MB
Expires: Oct. 5, 2009 (?)

Hope I am not stepping on any toes but this show is smack in the middle of
the other shows I do so I figured I would share:)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


Do you know what Lupus is? Get Educated !!

Lupus information What is Lupus-get Educated

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Patti more *HUGS*

Patti's myspace Patti on Tagged Hi5 Patti
Lupus information myYearbook | Patti Patti's Xanga's

Always Remember:
~ Behind every word typed on your Screen ~
~ There is a Real Person tapping the Keys to make them Appear ~
~ This Person has a Heart and Genuine Emotions ~
~ Please Respect Them ~

"Silent Gratitude Isn't Much Use To Anyone"

Please take the time to thank the great members of our
wonderful group for their hard work and shares ...

"I would like to thank each and every one of you for all you do!"

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00

The Big Bang TheoryS3E2

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:07 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

The Big Bang TheoryS3E2
From: Celia
Size: 172MB
Expires: Oct. 5, 2009 (?)

Last one for the night. Enjoy:)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00

Two and a half menS7E2

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:07 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Two and a half menS7E2
From: Celia
Size: 174MB
Expires: Oct. 5, 2009 (?)


Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00

How I Met Your MotherS5E2

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:08 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

How I Met Your MotherS5E2
From: Celia
Size: 175MB
Expires: Oct. 5, 2009 (?)

Tonight's episode. Enjoy:)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00

PA MO Space Jam 1996.avi

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:14 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Space Jam 1996.avi
From: New User
Size: 684MB
Expires: Oct. 12, 2009 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


Do you know what Lupus is? Get Educated !!

Lupus information What is Lupus-get Educated

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Patti more *HUGS*

Patti's myspace Patti on Tagged Hi5 Patti
Lupus information myYearbook | Patti Patti's Xanga's

Always Remember:
~ Behind every word typed on your Screen ~
~ There is a Real Person tapping the Keys to make them Appear ~
~ This Person has a Heart and Genuine Emotions ~
~ Please Respect Them ~

"Silent Gratitude Isn't Much Use To Anyone"

Please take the time to thank the great members of our
wonderful group for their hard work and shares ...

"I would like to thank each and every one of you for all you do!"


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00

Being Human Episode 3 BBV-TV

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:17 pm (PDT)

3rd episode in the 6part BBC Series
About a Vampire, WereWolf and


Do you know what Lupus is? Get Educated !!

Lupus information What is Lupus-get Educated

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Patti more *HUGS*

Patti's myspace Patti on Tagged Hi5 Patti
Lupus information myYearbook | Patti Patti's Xanga's

Always Remember:
~ Behind every word typed on your Screen ~
~ There is a Real Person tapping the Keys to make them Appear ~
~ This Person has a Heart and Genuine Emotions ~
~ Please Respect Them ~

"Silent Gratitude Isn't Much Use To Anyone"

Please take the time to thank the great members of our
wonderful group for their hard work and shares ...

"I would like to thank each and every one of you for all you do!"

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00

PA-MOV:  The Experts

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:19 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: TeamAngel - Mona -
Size: 699MB, 2 files
Expires: Oct. 12, 2009 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00

PA MO A Perfect Getaway  2009 TS

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:19 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

APerfectGetaway TS
From: TeamAngel - Mona -
Size: 775MB, 2 files
Expires: Oct. 12, 2009 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

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PA MOV Mr Beans Holiday

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:19 pm (PDT)

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Mr Beans Holiday
From: Team Angel DVyneDeeva
Size: 1GB, 2 files
Expires: Oct. 12, 2009 (?)

Mr. Bean -- the stick-legged goofball man-child created by Rowan Atkinson on
television in the early '90s, and in the 1997 feature Bean -- undertakes his
second cinematic adventure in the comic romp Mr. Bean's Holiday. Growing
thoroughly sick of the wet, cold, and clammy London weather, Mr. Bean
(Atkinson) finds just the right tonic when he wins a trip to sunny southern
France, all expenses paid, with a new digital video camera to accompany him.
However, he runs headfirst into a series of outrageous and unpleasant
situations, such as winding up in a French restaurant where a maître d'
(Jean Rochefort) convinces him to eat bizarre varieties of seafood that he's
never before encountered, and discovering that the "Very Fast Train"
certainly lives up to its name. Eventually, Mr. Bean (accompanied by a
Russian traveling companion whom he meets along his journey) stumbles onto
the French Riviera and spoils the latest movie production of snobbish,
egomaniacal filmmaker Carson Clay (Willem Dafoe) -- little realizing that
his own klutzy video footage will accidentally end up in Clay's film and be
screened at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival. Unlike the first big-screen
incarnation of Atkinson's character, Mr. Bean's Holiday adheres more closely
to the formula of the original series by rendering the character almost
completely mute.

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Re: Request filled Lt Robin Crusoe

Posted by: "Cyndy Tschanz" cyndyltschanz@yahoo.com   CyndyLTschanz

Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:10 pm (PDT)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU....from the bottom of my heart!
Disney-Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966)
Posted by: "I wont say who" star_gazzier@yahoo.com   star_gazzier
Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:46 pm (PDT)

** Get Pando free here: www.pando.com/ downloadfree **

Disney-Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966)

Starring: Dick Van Dyke, Nancy Kwan


Re: Request filled Lt Robin Crusoe

Posted by: "star_gazzier" star_gazzier@yahoo.com   star_gazzier

Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:30 am (PDT)

You are very welcome

--- On Tue, 9/29/09, Cyndy Tschanz <cyndyltschanz@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Cyndy Tschanz <cyndyltschanz@yahoo.com>
Subject: [now_showing] Re: Request filled Lt Robin Crusoe
To: now_showing@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 2:10 AM

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU....from the bottom of my heart!
Disney-Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966)
Posted by: "I wont say who" star_gazzier@yahoo.com   star_gazzier
Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:46 pm (PDT)

** Get Pando free here: www.pando.com/ downloadfree **

Disney-Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966)

Starring: Dick Van Dyke, Nancy Kwan


iso o-brother

Posted by: "TsaLaGi" ps2tomkat@yahoo.com   ps2tomkat

Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:22 am (PDT)

iso movie o-brother


Re: Fwd:-A.C.- This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi

Posted by: "=^..^= KissyKittenz =^..^=" kissykittenz@yahoo.ca   kissycougar3

Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:49 am (PDT)

Was there another part to this?

-------Original Message-------

Date: 9/28/2009 9:03:50 PM
Subject: [now_showing] Fwd:-A.C.- This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Team Angel David ♦ Please Share With Everyone <delivery@pando.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 8:58 PM
Subject: This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi
To: granpapa1955@gmail.com

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This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi
From: Team Angel David ♦ Please Share With Everyone
Size: 697MB
Expires: Nov. 27, 2009 (?)

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Re: Fwd:-A.C.- This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi

Posted by: "David Williams" granpapa1955@gmail.com   granpapa1955

Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:16 am (PDT)

Not that I,m aware of, but knowing me I skipped right over it.

-------Original Message-------

From: =^..^= KissyKittenz =^..^=
Date: 9/29/2009 3:49:45 AM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Fwd:-A.C.- This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi

Was there another part to this?

-------Original Message-------

Date: 9/28/2009 9:03:50 PM
Subject: [now_showing] Fwd:-A.C.- This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Team Angel David ♦ Please Share With Everyone <delivery@pando.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 8:58 PM
Subject: This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi
To: granpapa1955@gmail.com

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

This Ain't Star Trek XXX cd1.avi
From: Team Angel David ♦ Please Share With Everyone
Size: 697MB
Expires: Nov. 27, 2009 (?)

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Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
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PA MOV 1957 Tammy And The Bachelor

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:51 am (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

(1957)Tammy And The Bachelor
From: Team Angel DVyneDeeva
Size: 697MB, 2 files
Expires: Oct. 13, 2009 (?)

TAMMY TYREE(Debbie Reynolds), 17, lives with her GRANDPA in a houseboat on
the Mississippi River. Although Tammy lacks "schooling," she has a
remarkable, unpretentious wisdom about life, which she imparts by way of an
effective, if amusing, use of archaic words and phrases. Tammy adores her
amateur preacher" Grandpa, but she worries about his drinking.

When a plane crashes nearby, Tammy accompanies her Grandpa, who hopes to
find something of value to salvage. What they end up finding is the small
plane's pilot, PETER BRENT, unconscious but still alive, and they take him
home to recuperate. Over the next few days, Peter finds Tammy's simple ways
charming, and she develops a secret yearning for him, crushed when he's
finally well enough to leave.

After Grandpa is arrested for making moonshine whiskey, he tells Tammy to
look up Peter, who promised Grandpa his help should he ever need it. Tammy
heads on foot to Brent's family mansion, taking along her pet goat. She
meets Pete''s stuffy family, PROFESSOR and MRS. BRENT, the latter an unhappy
fearful and somewhat judgmental woman. She also meets Peter's AUNT RENIE, a
likable eccentric who takes to Tammy.

Tammy impresses the household with her good cooking and charming homespun
manner, even though her tendency to be outspoken often annoys Mrs. Brent.
Meanwhile, Peter is trying to restore the mansion's lost splendor, hoping to
make it self-sustaining again by developing a hardy new crop of tomato
plants. Peter is engaged to socialite BARBARA, who'd prefer that he move to
the city. Barbara's father, ALFRED BISSLE, a houseguest, wants Peter to work
for him in advertising, but Peter turns him down, convinced he can make it

Tammy grows closer to the family, trying to keep her jealousy of Barbara in
check. Meanwhile, ERNIE, Peter's playboy friend, tries to move in on Tammy,
but Peter puts a stop to it. Gradually, Tammy affects the whole household,
figuring out what's bothering each of them. During an annual festival during
which the history of the household is relived, complete with costumes of the
era, Tammy enchants VISITORS with her charming performance as Peter's
great-grandmother. Meanwhile, Barbara becomes aware that Tammy has enchanted
her fiance. When she finds out that Tammy's grandfather is incarcerated, she
hopes to use it against her.

When a huge storm hits, destroying Peter's crops, Tammy tries to keep him
from giving up, but a weary Peter decides to take up Mr. Bissle's offer to
work in advertising. That morning, Tammy takes off. In the meantime, her
effect on the family is c

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Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00

{{PJ}}Children of the Corn 2009 (Cap by Andy).avi

Posted by: "♫{ PJ }♫" poorjohnn@cox.net   poorjohnn

Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:14 am (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

{{PJ}}Children of the Corn 2009 (Cap by Andy).avi
From: ♫{ PJ }♫
Size: 700MB
Expires: Nov. 27, 2009 (?)

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Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.

The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does
not first take from somebody else.

PA MO Anamorph_300MB .avi

Posted by: "*~Patti (PS)~*" psexton312@comcast.net   psexton871

Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:26 am (PDT)

Anamorph (2007) DVDRip - x264 - 300MB - scOrp

IStan is a quiet, solitary detective in New York City. A few months ago, he
solved a gruesome case of serial murders, although an undercover police
officer lost her life. A new set of similar murders begins: the bodies are
elaborately displayed and the killer uses equipment from art and early movie
making in the tableau, or he leaves a clue as to where the investigators are
to stand to get the full artistic effect. Stan is paired with a younger
detective, Carl, whom he brushes off when Carl wants to get to know him. As
pieces fall in place, it's a race to prevent the next killing, quite
possibly someone close to Stan.




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PA MO Anamorph_300MB .avi
From: Patti
Size: 297MB
Expires: Oct. 6, 2009 (?)

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Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando.com to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


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Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date: 09/28/09 05:51:00
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