Friday, August 27, 2010

48 hours - 60% off Traffic Travis Pro

Hi Eino,

Earlier this week Steven Lee Jones launched 'Traffic Anarchy'.

It's a 4 in one submission software tool that helps you to
submit articles to article sites, press releases to press
release sites, rss feeds and social bookmarking.

While I feel that his salespage for his website is far too
overhyped for what this product is, for less than the price of
taking someone to the movies, it is a pretty handy link building
and content syndication tool.

As a bonus, anyone who joins through my link within the next 48
hours will receive my Super Bonus: How to outsource almost
anything online

This is the video recording of me speaking infront of a private
audience in Austin Texas earlier this year where I reveal all
of my closely guarded outsourcing strategies.

You'll learn how to outsource all aspects of your web business.
It's worth joining T.Anarchy just to get your hands on this
bonus alone.

And what's more, for the next 48 hours, anyone who joins
Traffic Anarchy will also receive Traffic Travis Professional
Edition (normally $99 - so that means you are getting it for
60% off as Traffic Anarchy is only $37).

This will be automatically included in your Traffic Anarchy members

To check out Traffic Anarchy, see:

Note: To claim your bonus outsourcing secrets video from my Austin
Texas presentation, make sure you join through the link above and
then email your receipt to with the subject
line 'Traffic Anarchy Bonus'



Kind Regards,

Mark Ling

Post: PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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