Friday, August 20, 2010

Video - Selling Your Own Digital Products Webinar Replay

Hi Eino,

Last night I ran a live webinar with internet millionaire, Greg
Jacobs, where he taught his digital product selling secrets.

He included some very impressive demonstrations of how he
creates one time offers, runs split tests, creates squeeze
pages, exit splash pages, and more.

He answered dozens of live questions from people about various
aspects of digital product selling too.

Just to let you know, about 90% of the audience LOVED the
content and left extremely positive feedback afterwards in the
question and answer box.

However, there were some who were disappointed, not by the
quality of the content, but because there wasn't enough
training in the basics of product creation itself for total

So with that in mind, I wanted to warn you before watching the
replay that while many newbies loved this webinar, the majority
of those that benefited the most were intermediate marketers.

The replay is online below, it won't be online for long
(probably about 24 hours) so make sure you watch it as soon as
you can:




Kind Regards,

Mark Ling

Post: PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

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