Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Important: Webinar date change

Hi Eino,

Yesterday I emailed you about a live webinar that I'm running on
the topic of Mobile Marketing Secrets.

I accidentally said that the date was Tuesday, when it is actually
on Wednesday at 9pm EDT.

I'm sorry about any inconvenience that may have caused.

This promises to be an amazing live webinar packed full of solid
information about how to make mon-ey online through the relatively
new, and highly lucrative world of mobile marketing.

To register and see the full details of what you'll learn visit:


Kind regards,
Mark Ling



Kind Regards,

Mark Ling

Web: http://www.traffictravis.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/seosoftware
Post: PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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