Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HubPages Weekly: The HubChallenge begins to pay off and get to know alexadry


Hi eino6334,

Here's an updated view of your Hub statistics:

  • Your Hubs have been viewed 10 times
  • Your highest HubScore: 61
  • Comments posted to your Hubs: 0
  • Number of fans: 0
  • When you last published a Hub: 09/04/2009

Build on your own success—publish a new Hub:

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Hubbers Are Quickly Seeing Their HubChallenge Success

Just a couple of short months ago we opened up a new forum called 30 Hubs in 30 Days HubChallengers that is specifically a place for all of you Hubbers to go and join the ongoing 30 Hubs in 30 Days HubChallenge. The HubChallenge is a way for you to basically push yourself to create a decent amount of content (30 Hubs) in a relatively short amount of time (30 days), which will hopefully help you learn, write and publish Hubs in a fun and exciting way.

Well, now that the HubChallenge awesomeness has been going on for more than a month now, we are starting to see some pretty incredible results from the Hubbers that have already finished their 30 Hubs in 30 Days. I posted a blog about one of these hard-working Hubbers, cosette, that sheds some more light on why she initially decided to join the HubChallenge, what she (really) thought about it and the results that she's seeing now that it's been completed for nearly a month. As you'll see, she's seen some solid success and would recommend it to any other Hubber out there who is looking to boost their traffic a bit (who isn't, right?).

If you have been thinking about joining the HubChallenge, there's no better time to give it a shot than right now, so go ahead and click here and get to writing your first Hub today!

Ryan Hupfer
HubPages Communicator of Awesomeness!

Hubber2Hubber: soni2006 Interviews alexadry

This week soni2006 interviewed an awesome Hubber and a HUGE dog lover, alexadry.

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
    I was born and raised in New York and then spent a good part of my childhood in Italy. I then got married and came back to the States, lived in Germany a few years due to my husband being relocated with the Ar my and now I am back enjoying peace and quiet in a small rural town in Missouri. My passion obviously are pets. I have worked for an AAHA approved veterinary hospital and since then, I am quite addicted to knowing all about pets and their conditions. I am currently owned by 2 cats and 2 Rottweilers. Dog training is my second passion. I have trained a few dogs and would like to become a certified dog trainer as well. Life is a long learning experience and I want to learn as much as I can!
  2. What brought you to HubPages?
    I guess I was looking for a place to ''vent off''. Sort of a way to spread some knowledge about pets for pet owners in need while at the same time taking the advantage of going into depth on some topics that really engage me.
  3. I can see in your profile that you are really passionate about pets. What other topics do you like Hubbing on?
    I am fascinated by airplanes, and being a fearful flyer myself, I like to share tips on how to overcome such fear. I also am quite addicted to some Facebook games recently, so I have provided some hubs with tips and advice for games such as Farkle, Farmville and Mafia Wars.
  4. What has been your best Hub so far (in your opinion)? Why?
    I guess my hub on how to help dogs with upset tummies has helped a lot of dog owners. Having worked for a vet, often when we were overbooked with appointments, I have helped various worried owners on how to treat at home their dog's tummy aches with various vet approved home remedies. Often such owners cancelled their vet appointments days later because their dog was already doing much better!
  5. Your lifetime ambition is to become a veterinarian. What were the hurdles that stopped you from becoming one up until now? When you will reach your goal?
    Well... how about the money? The costs of becoming a vet can be outreageous! But I am not giving up, as a matter of fact I have my tickets ready to relocate in Europe where vet school is much more affordable. In the meanwhile, I am reading, reading and reading which translates of course into hubbbing, hubbing and more hubbing!
  6. Besides writing hubs, you have done a great job by fostering sick pets. Tell us when you started doing this and what was your experience?
    I started with two very sick kittens back in 2007 and then got addicted. Returning sick kittens to health and getting them adopted a few days later grants satisfaction like no other. I always end up crying when they are returned to the shelter and put up for adoption, but then seeing them going to new caring and loving homes feels really great!
  7. What kind of Hubber do you typically join the Fan Club of?
    Of course pet lovers but also those that write intriguing hubs that allow you to learn something new each time.
  8. What is your advice for people having pets with health issues and behavior issues?
    With health issues, please try your best to have your pet seen as soon as you note something is not right. I do not know how many times in my career working for a veterinary hospital I have seen owners wait for their pets to be seen, losing precious moments. I have seen cats and dogs euthanized for conditions that were quite treatable if only the owner had chosen to have their pet seen right away instead of waiting.
    In regards to behavior issues, please remember that your cat is a cat and your dog is a dog. They have different needs than us humans and they should be respected for that. Dogs need lots of exercise, and I really think a lot of behavioral problems are due to the fact that they do not receive enough. I also highly recommend all prospective dog owners to google the word: ''NILIF''. Dogs need a pack leader in order to be stable, happy and relaxed. And of course, spay and neuter your pets and leave breeding for the pros!
  9. I can see in your profile page that you have written 512 hubs? How did you accomplish that task? Please share your valuable advice for new hubbers who are aiming to write so many hubs like you?
    Well, II have decided recently that no day should go by without writing at least one hub so the number of my hubs have increased dramatically lately. It's all about writing what you are passionate about and being eager to learn something new each day. If you do so, you will notice that you may become quite a proficuos writer!
  10. And last but not least--Who are your favorite hubbers so far and why?
    I like what Whitney05 and Eternal Evolution have been writing to educate people about Pitbulls and trying to lift the old, rancid stereotypes away from this often misunderstood dog breed. Owning Rottweilers which are often stereotyped as well, I can understand the turmoil that breed specific legislation creates towards responsible dog owners . BSL in dogs is the equivalent of racism in humans, something unjust and terribly wrong!
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Shirley Anderson's HubNugget Roundup

The fantastically talented writer, Shirley Anderson, along with ripplemaker, B.T. Evilpants, ProCW and Patty Inglish, MS picked 10 HubNugget Wannabes and posted them over in this Hub so that the HubPages community could vote for their favorite. The top 5 that received the most votes are shown below. Each of these high-quality HubNuggets were written by relatively new Hubbers who have shown that they have what it takes to be an awesome member of our community.

HubNugget 1: I left my Heart in San Francisco (24%)

" Photo By Sharing Insight City by the bay...across the Golden Bridge San Francisco, California-by far one of my favorite cities to have had the pleasure to visit during summer vacation. Here is what my..." Read more »

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HubNugget 2: Top 5 Reasons to Enjoy a Long Drive to Work (24%)

" The drive to and from my present job is a one and a half hour round trip. When I first took the assignment, I thought, "Oh crap, that's a lot of driving to do every day. That's really going to..." Read more »

More elisabethkcmo . Join elisabethkcmo's Fan Club

HubNugget 3: Put up or shut up, Making Life Happen (12%)

" So I'm going to go big, reach for the moon, and believe. I'm Going to get a date with a celebrity....." Read more »

More Scott.Life . Join Scott.Life's Fan Club

HubNugget 4: Recipes A to Z....."H" is for Hors d'oeuvres (9%)

" Hors d'oeuvre is a French term for small, hot or cold portions of savory food served as an appetizer.....BH and G New Cook Book I have served many appetizers in the past. For my most recent parties, I have..." Read more »

More judydianne . Join judydianne's Fan Club

HubNugget 5: Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Panda Punctuation Book (8%)

" When I started reading Lynne Truss's book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves," I was excited about the information she promised to deliver. Finally, I would understand the use of the comma, my punctuation..." Read more »

More Jan Stockdale . Join Jan Stockdale's Fan Club

Have an idea for a HubNugget-worthy Hub? Show us what you got:

Jimmy's Big Idea: Unanswered Idea Bank Requests

jimmythejock has found some unanswered Idea Bank Requests that should really deserve more attention than they've received. You see, the HubPages team has found a way to come up with topics that have a very high potential for attracting traffic and they're stashing each of the best ones that they find over in the super-awesome Idea Bank. If you'd like a brilliant topic to Hub on, click one of the links below and get to writing:

  1. How to change a headlight >> click to answer now! <<
  2. How to apply concealer >> click to answer now! <<
  3. How to dress like a nerd >> click to answer now! <<
  4. How to get credit >> click to answer now! <<
  5. Country Dress >> click to answer now! <<

Top 5 Requesters

  1. Ryan Hupfer's requests have elicited 1027 answers
    Join Ryan Hupfer's Fan ClubRequest a Hub from Ryan Hupfer
  2. princessa's requests have elicited 1017 answers
    Join Princessa's Fan Club Request a Hub from princessa
  3. Whitney05's requests have elicited 308 answers
    Join Whitney05's Fan Club Request a Hub from Whitney05
  4. shailini's requests have elicited 278 answers
    Join shailini's Fan Club Request a Hub from shailini
  5. ProCW's requests have elicited 274 answers
    Join ProCW's Fan Club Request a Hub from ProCW

Top 5 Request Answerers

  1. Patty Inglish, MS with 335 answers
    Join Patty's Fan ClubRequest a Hub from Patty
  2. Kathryn Vercillo with 195 answers
    Join Kathryn's Fan Club Request a Hub from Kathryn
  3. soni2006 with 184 answers
    Join soni2006's Fan Club Request a Hub from soni2006
  4. Trsmd with 178 answers
    Join Trsmd's Fan Club Request a Hub from Trsmd
  5. lindagoffigan with 152 answers
    Join lindagoffigan's Fan Club Request a Hub from lindagoffigan

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