Wednesday, November 25, 2009

[now_showing] Digest Number 2644

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

Re: ISO program and TV show....Kim From: Kim Mullins
Re: ISO program and TV show....Kim From: Wanda
Re: ISO program and TV show From: Candy Kisses
Can someone help...8MM From: Mylittletutu
Re: Can someone help...8MM From: Kathy Jones
Re: Can someone help...8MM From:
Re: Final Destination 4 please in pando,,,ISO From: ~**Dee**~
Re: Final Destination 4 please in pando,,,ISO From:
Movie Request From: Lois
Re: Movie Request From: Candy Kisses
Re: Movie Request From: Lois
Re: Precious DVDSCR From: gail caminiti
Re: Precious DVDSCR From: Candy Kisses
Re: Precious DVDSCR From: ~Angel~
Re: Precious DVDSCR From: Roger Culver
Re: Precious DVDSCR From:
Re: Precious DVDSCR From: Candy Kisses
Re: Precious DVDSCR From:
ISO : Paranormal Activity the 2009 edition From: Heidi
Re: PA MOV: Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV) From:
Re: [Deatles] PA MOV: Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV) From: Christa C
PA RS MOV Precious DVD Screener From: Melyssa
ISO DVD ripper From: Kim Mullins
ISO:  The latest episodes of Sons of Anarchy From: Lauren



Re: ISO program and TV show....Kim

Posted by: "Kim Mullins"   delibrity

Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:10 am (PST)

Yea that is what I meant. Where can I fin magic DVD ripper? Thank you.


-------Original Message-------

From: Wanda
Date: 11/25/2009 8:13:48 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show....Kim

If you mean ripping DVD's you own so you can add them to your computer, I
use Magic DVD ripper. It is easy to use.

-------Original Message-------

From: Candy Kisses
Date: 11/25/2009 1:46:40 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show

What do you mean by put them on your computer?? if you dl them through pando
they will go automatically to your my pando packages folder and then if you
have windows media player or some program like that you can watch them on
your computer. Is this what you mean by putting them on your computer?? I am
uploading supernatural right now also and will upload it soon for you

From: Kim Mullins <>
Sent: Tue, November 24, 2009 10:07:41 PM
Subject: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show

Does anyone have episode 7 of season 5 of Supernatural any any there after?
And I am also looking for a program that will let me add movies to my
I don't request often or talk on here at all, not sure how to share with
pando either, but I need to know how to put movies on my computer first,,lol

Kim (the other Kim)


Re: ISO program and TV show....Kim

Posted by: "Wanda"   wandasueporter

Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:23 am (PST)

You can try here.
Magic DVD ripper incl keygen

-------Original Message-------

From: Kim Mullins
Date: 11/25/2009 10:10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show....Kim

Yea that is what I meant. Where can I fin magic DVD ripper? Thank you.


-------Original Message-------

From: Wanda
Date: 11/25/2009 8:13:48 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show....Kim

If you mean ripping DVD's you own so you can add them to your computer, I
use Magic DVD ripper. It is easy to use.

-------Original Message-------

From: Candy Kisses
Date: 11/25/2009 1:46:40 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show

What do you mean by put them on your computer?? if you dl them through pando
they will go automatically to your my pando packages folder and then if you
have windows media player or some program like that you can watch them on
your computer. Is this what you mean by putting them on your computer?? I am
uploading supernatural right now also and will upload it soon for you

From: Kim Mullins <>
Sent: Tue, November 24, 2009 10:07:41 PM
Subject: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show

Does anyone have episode 7 of season 5 of Supernatural any any there after?
And I am also looking for a program that will let me add movies to my
I don't request often or talk on here at all, not sure how to share with
pando either, but I need to know how to put movies on my computer first,,lol

Kim (the other Kim)


Re: ISO program and TV show

Posted by: "Candy Kisses"   psp_addict4life

Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:16 am (PST)

No problem..i am working on getting episodes 9 & 10 for you

From: Kim Mullins <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 11:08:09 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show

No I mean like a movie from a DVD. I want to copy a DVD to my computer. I hope this explains what I mean, like I said I am new to all of this. And thank you for sharing supernatural with me


-------Original Message----- --

From: Candy Kisses
Date: 11/25/2009 2:46:36 AM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show

What do you mean by put them on your computer?? if you dl them through pando they will go automatically to your my pando packages folder and then if you have windows media player or some program like that you can watch them on your computer. Is this what you mean by putting them on your computer?? I am uploading supernatural right now also and will upload it soon for you

From: Kim Mullins <monkey_km@hotmail. com>
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tue, November 24, 2009 10:07:41 PM
Subject: [now_showing] ISO program and TV show

Does anyone have episode 7 of season 5 of Supernatural any any there after? And I am also looking for a program that will let me add movies to my computer.
I don't request often or talk on here at all, not sure how to share with pando either, but I need to know how to put movies on my computer first,,lol

Kim (the other Kim)


Can someone help...8MM

Posted by: "Mylittletutu"   mylittletutu64

Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:18 am (PST)

I have a box of 8mm movie film than my parents took when us kids was young and they have passed away and I would like to have them put on something that we can shops wants over 3,000.00 to take them off..can anyone give me any cheaper ideas...PLEASE

Re: Can someone help...8MM

Posted by: "Kathy Jones"   klmills128

Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:52 am (PST)

Have you tried Wal-Mart, CVS or Walgreens? I don't know what they charge
but I do know that they do that kind of stuff. Just some suggestions of
places to check out.

-------Original Message-------

From: Mylittletutu
Date: 11/25/2009 11:19:29 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Can someone help...8MM

I have a box of 8mm movie film than my parents took when us kids was young and they have passed away and I would like to have them put on something that we can shops wants over 3,000.00 to take them off..can anyone give me any cheaper ideas...PLEASE

Re: Can someone help...8MM

Posted by: ""   redantbites

Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:29 am (PST)

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Frame-By-Frame Transfer
All Film Is Cleaned & Lubricated
Free Color Correction
Edit Your Movies At Home In .avi
_100% Satisfaction Guaranteed_
8mm Film Transfer
You did an outstanding job converting a homemade 8mm film shot in 1942 to
DVD! I was not expecting great quality from a 67-year old film when
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very impressive!

8mm Film to DVD Transfer

Our process is a true frame-by-frame transfer which scans each individual
frame of film one-by-one. That process results in a much better final
product. Some transferring services will project your film onto a screen and
capture the image with a camcorder. As you might expect, those results are
mediocre at best.
DigMyPics 8mm Film Transfer Services Includes All This: Frame By
Frame Film Transfer Free Color Correction All Film is Cleaned and
Lubricated. No Extra Charge Custom Chapter Titles and DVD Menu Included
Formats Available So You Can Edit at Home View and Share your Film Online
Upon Completion All work performed in the USA by Professional
True Frame-By-Frame Transfer

Your film is then captured frame-by-frame as each frame passes through a
projector with an enlarged gate with specialized light source in front of a
half-inch 3CCD camera.
The enlarged gate allows us to capture the entirety of the frame. As each
frame passes through the projection gate, a picture is taken. These
individual frames are put into specialized software that interpolates the frames
into a movie, resulting in a solid, smooth, flicker-free capture. This
produces a higher-quality transfer and you will not loose anything from your
original film.
Your Film is Cleaned and Lubricated

Each reel is individually cleaned and lubricated with Edwal Anti Static
Film Cleaner. The film passes under a microfiber cloth that removes dust and
debris that may have built up over the years. This helps keep the film
hydrated and pliable, as well as filling in small scratches and giving the film
a light protective coating, which gives the capture a "wet gate" like
During this process, we inspect the film, add leader if necessary, and
repair tears or bad splices. Also, at no extra cost we will combine up to 8
small 50ft reels together onto one large 400ft archival reel(s) for more
compact and safe storage. See our _Movie Film Transfer FAQs_
( for more information!

Before & After Digital Transfer Service
Please Note: Not all films will benefit equally from color correction.
Unlike super bright projector bulbs that tend to blow out a picture, our
specialized light source provides a softer and more realistic light. We also
have the ability to control the brightness of each scene during capture of
your film so that your darker scenes are brighter and your brighter scenes
aren't blown out.
The bulb also puts out much less heat than a projector bulb to eliminate
the chance of film burn or hot spots on the movie. See our _Movie Film
Transfer FAQs_ ( for more
Unlike an automated setup, we monitor your film as it is captured to be
sure no dust or hairs get into the transfer. We watch the transfer on an LCD
TV Monitor and keep clean, compressed air ready in case any debris gets
into the film gate. This is a huge advantage over non frame-by-frame methods!

Custom Chapter Titles and DVD Menu

We then take your film into our professional editing consoles and convert
your captured film to play at it's original speed for your modern home
video equipment. We will delete any blank footage and place any chapter titles
that you've stated in your _printable transfer worksheet_
( and add a title menu to your
Once completed, the same files that we send back to you on DVD along with
your original film reels, are uploaded to our secure photo and video
storage service, EXPO, where you can preview and share with family and friends.
You will receive an email letting you know when your film is ready and how
to view it online. Your newly transferred movie DVDs will play on your DVD
player as smooth as they did when you first filmed them to play on your
projector. See our _Movie Film Transfer FAQs_
( for more information!

All 8mm Film Transfer Pricing Includes
Film Cleaning · Color Correction · Digital Film Conversion & Splicing · 1
Although most home movie film is silent, we can transfer sound for an
additional 20¢ per foot. See our _Movie Reel Transfer FAQ_
( for more information.
DigMyPics is the leader in a broad base of personal digital archiving
technologies. No other company offers the breadth of expertise, experience,
offerings and technology to help you preserve your personal archives. We do
all the work from our sole location in _Gilbert, Arizona_
( , so you can feel good about supporting the American
photographers and artists that work at DigMyPics! See our _Movie Reel
Transfer FAQs_ ( for more

Want Edit Your Digital Movies At Home!

Did you know you can also get your movie reels in an editable file format?
We will transfer full quality uncompressed .avi files from your 8mm and
Super8 reels to a 320Gb USB 2.0 External Hard Drive! This hard drive does not
require a "wall plug" to power it up. You only need your computer and the
USB cable that comes with it.
Alternatively, you can use a ripping and converting software such as AVS
Video Converter to convert the playable DVDs we make into editable files.
The resulting files will not look as crisp as the uncompressed .avi files we
provide, and conversion time may be lengthy depending on the speed of your
computer. See our _Movie Film Transfer FAQs_
( for more information!
Please Note: Every 1000 feet of film uses approximately 20Gb of
hard drive space in an uncompressed .avi format at 720x480 resolution.
See how our process works
Still Have Questions?
( for DigMyPics about my photos)

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Phone: 866-364-5952
Email: _sales@digmypics.com_ (

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701 N. Golden Key St.
Gilbert, AZ 85233


Re: Final Destination 4 please in pando,,,ISO

Posted by: "~**Dee**~"   emailjunkie64

Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:23 am (PST)

I don't have a screener but links to a TS that I'm dling now (via hot file) . Would that do?
----- Original Message -----
To: undisclosed-recipients
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:43 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Final Destination 4 please in pando,,,ISO

in search of the new Final Destination 4 in PANDO and a DVDrip or Screener PLEASE,,,thanks so much,,,,,,,steph


Re: Final Destination 4 please in pando,,,ISO

Posted by: ""   stephangel0214

Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:13 am (PST)

thanks anyway,, i have the ts copy,,,thanks again,,,,steph

In a message dated 11/25/2009 11:23:41 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I don't have a screener but links to a TS that I'm dling now (via hot
file) . Would that do?

----- Original Message -----
From: _Stephangel0214@Stephan_ (
To: undisclosed- undisclos
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:43 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Final Destination 4 please in pando,,,ISO

in search of the new Final Destination 4 in PANDO and a DVDrip or
Screener PLEASE,,,thanks so much,,,,,,,steph


Movie Request

Posted by: "Lois"   dansy46

Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:30 am (PST)

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a movie in Pando called Let It Ride with Richard Dreyfuss can anyone help me find it so I can have it, Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving, Hugs Lois

Re: Movie Request

Posted by: "Candy Kisses"   psp_addict4life

Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:00 am (PST)

I'm working on filling some requests for other things that have been asked for, I'm trying to fill everyone's request in order, i will see if i can get this for you when I get the others done =)

From: Lois <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 11:30:12 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Movie Request

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a movie in Pando called Let It Ride with Richard Dreyfuss can anyone help me find it so I can have it, Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving, Hugs Lois


Re: Movie Request

Posted by: "Lois"   dansy46

Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:25 am (PST)

Thanks so much I really appreciate it and your kindness, Hugs

-------Original Message-------

From: Candy Kisses
Date: 11/25/2009 12:00:38 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Movie Request

I'm working on filling some requests for other things that have been asked
for, I'm trying to fill everyone's request in order, i will see if i can get
this for you when I get the others done =)

From: Lois <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 11:30:12 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Movie Request

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a movie in Pando called Let It Ride with
Richard Dreyfuss can anyone help me find it so I can have it, Thanks and
Happy Thanksgiving, Hugs Lois


Re: Precious DVDSCR

Posted by: "gail caminiti"   striktmommy

Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:37 am (PST)

you're a sweetie! thanks

From: Candy Kisses <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 10:29:22 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

not a problem, glad i can help

From: ~Cheryl~ <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 10:24:46 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR


thank you thank you for doing this for the group. Much appreciated
----- Original Message -----
>From: Candy Kisses
>To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
>Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:20 AM
>Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR
>ok thanks! I am dl'ing this now so I can pando for everyone :)
From: L E I G H T O N <ladream35@hotmail. com>
>To: L E I G H T O N <ladream35@hotmail. com>
>Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 9:00:44 AM
>Subject: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

>Leighton Aldridge |LA PRODUCKTIONS|ladream35@hotmail. com |
>Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
>Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
>PPlease consider the environment before printing this e-mail

>Please grab this one fast as they are taking this down faster then we can put it up! And in some cases as fast as we put it up they are right behind removing it.
>Plot (Contains spoilers): Claireece Precious Jones endures unimaginable hardships in her young life. Abused by her mother, raped by her father, she grows up poor, angry, illiterate, fat, unloved and generally unnoticed. So what better way to learn about her than through her own, halting dialect. That is the device deployed in the first novel by poet and singer Sapphire. "Sometimes I wish I was not alive," Precious says. "But I don't know how to die. Ain' no plug to pull out. `N no matter how bad I feel my heart don't stop beating and my eyes open in the morning." An intense story of adversity and the mechanisms to cope with it.Precious is a major motion picture based on the novel Push by Sapphire, starring Gabourey `Gabby' Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, Mariah Carey, and Lenny Kravitz.
>Genre: Drama
>rating: 7.5/10 (2,172 votes)
>Directed by: Lee Daniels
>Starring: Gabourey `Gabby' Sidibe,Mo'Nique, Paula Patton.
>Release Name: Precious DVDSCR XviD-DEViSE
>Size: 1.38 GB
>Video: XviD, 704×384, 1572 kbps
>Audio: AC3, 192 kbps / 2 ch.
>Runtime: 110 mins
>1.      http://hotfile. com/dl/18582837/ 93031dd/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582865/ 810493e/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582699/ 7ac6e8f/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18583146/ 4a57cc8/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968222/ devise-precious- 200.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968283/ devise-precious- 200.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968315/ devise-precious- 200.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968909/ devise-precious- 200.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968927/ devise-precious- 200.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311969031/ devise-precious- 200.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311969419/ devise-precious- 200.part7. rar
>2.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970556/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part1.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970473/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part2.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971339/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part3.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970476/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part4.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970469/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part5.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970445/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part6.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970449/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part7.rar
>4. 447f
>5.      http://hotfile. com/dl/18581273/ 1e0455f/devise- precious.. sample.avi. html
>6.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971800/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971613/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974237/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971749/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974529/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974457/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971891/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970283/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>8.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976583/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part1. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976559/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part2. . rar.html
>http://rapidshare. . com/files/ 311976561/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part3. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976514/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part4. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976660/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part5. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976474/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part6. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976479/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part7. rar.html
>9.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971041/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973635/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971117/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971153/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971430/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971232/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971394/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311969532/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>10.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973619/ devise-precious- 200.part1.. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973605/ devise-precious- 200.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973659/ devise-precious- 200.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973878/ devise-precious- 200.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973750/ devise-precious- 200.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976140/ devise-precious- 200.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973909/ devise-precious- 200.part7. rar
> to/get/IpwaweLQ/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part1. rar
> to/get/MKGp5zIh/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part2. rar
> to/get/e4VWhEzb/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part3. rar
> to/get/PrRB9IBO/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part4. rar
> to/get/KBioMA6o/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part5. rar
> to/get/YPdFGXuv/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part6. rar
> to/get/I0r1vw5X/ P.09.dvdscr. devise..part7. rar
>13.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18582212/ 5d6f0a2/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582321/ f554978/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582414/ 25acdeb/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582463/ 48b971b/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.html
>14.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18582813/ bfa8049/Precious .DVDSCR.part1. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18583004/ f134ee0/Precious .DVDSCR.part2. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582860/ 8796735/Precious .DVDSCR..part3. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582920/ a01e8ac/Precious .DVDSCR.part4. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582939/ 1c69c30/Precious .DVDSCR.part5. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582916/ 4b56332/Precious .DVDSCR.part6. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582974/ 0ad2e30/Precious .DVDSCR.part7. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975125/ Precious. DVDSCR.part1. . rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975254/ Precious. DVDSCR.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975425/ Precious. DVDSCR.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975415/ Precious. DVDSCR.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975113/ Precious. DVDSCR.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975469/ Precious. DVDSCR.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975422/ Precious. DVDSCR.part7. rar

>15.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979545/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part1.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979285/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _..part2.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979220/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part3.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979398/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part4.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981485/ Prec..DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _..part5.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981186/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part6.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981139/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part7.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311978464/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part8.rar
>16.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984644/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984714/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984680/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984757/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984522/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part5.. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984686/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984646/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984172/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981931/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981865/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983383/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983223/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983942/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5.. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983894/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984585/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983928/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18583597/ d1c7689/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18583708/ 49937be/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18583882/ 8feea2d/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18583910/ b941621/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18584282/ 60da6b6/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18584308/ 4cea9d3/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18584589/ 1af1561/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18584335/ ba554b2/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar.html
>http://www.megauplo 3LVX5YC9
>http://www.megauplo N65L0CV0
>http://www.megauplo XQ12C306
>http://www.megauplo 21F4VLNL
>http://www.megauplo MM528FML
>http://www.megauplo MT257V2I
>http://www.megauplo TH4WPUBO
>http://www.megauplo 6ECHZB83
>http://netload. in/dateiIGWw2SVi p9/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.htm
>http://netload. in/dateiaVedtnqJ XL/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2.. rar.htm
>http://netload. in/dateil5g3MSWd zG/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part3. rar.htm
>http://netload. in/dateibzKlxvo0 Nu/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.htm
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582212/ 5d6f0a2/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582321/ f554978/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582414/ 25acdeb/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582463/ 48b971b/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.html
>19.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311994580/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311993093/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971339/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part3.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970476/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part4.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991164/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311990989/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991236/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970283/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311994580/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. . com/files/ 311993093/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE..part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974237/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971749/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991164/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5.. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311990989/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991236/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970283/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>22.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991729/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991626/ P.09.dvdscr. devise..part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991725/ P.09.dvdscr. devise..part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991576/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311993363/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311992651/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991667/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part7. rar
>23.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981543/ devise-precious- part1.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981486/ devise-precious- part2.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980307/ devise-precious- part3.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980473/ devise-precious- part4.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980456/ devise-precious- part5.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980325/ devise-precious- part6.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980405/ devise-precious- part7.rar
>24.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18580208/ 1afd7e0/devise- precious. part1.rar. html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18580317/ 4c3d17d/devise- precious. part2.rar. html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18580427/ 220986b/devise- precious. part3.rar. html
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Re: Precious DVDSCR

Posted by: "Candy Kisses"   psp_addict4life

Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:02 am (PST)

I'm trying hard, the links that were sent..I dl'ed all of them and then started extracting them and it said part 1 was broken, so I'm trying to re dl part 1 and see if i can get it to work..that is for the screener one, so if I can't get it to work I will dl the other links and try it that way. Hope it works

From: gail caminiti <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 11:36:13 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

you're a sweetie! thanks

From: Candy Kisses <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 10:29:22 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

not a problem, glad i can help

From: ~Cheryl~ <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 10:24:46 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR


thank you thank you for doing this for the group. Much appreciated
----- Original Message -----
>From: Candy Kisses
>To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
>Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:20 AM
>Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR
>ok thanks! I am dl'ing this now so I can pando for everyone :)
From: L E I G H T O N <ladream35@hotmail. com>
>To: L E I G H T O N <ladream35@hotmail. com>
>Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 9:00:44 AM
>Subject: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

>Leighton Aldridge |LA PRODUCKTIONS|ladream35@hotmail. com |
>Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
>Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
>PPlease consider the environment before printing this e-mail

>Please grab this one fast as they are taking this down faster then we can put it up! And in some cases as fast as we put it up they are right behind removing it.
>Plot (Contains spoilers): Claireece Precious Jones endures unimaginable hardships in her young life. Abused by her mother, raped by her father, she grows up poor, angry, illiterate, fat, unloved and generally unnoticed. So what better way to learn about her than through her own, halting dialect. That is the device deployed in the first novel by poet and singer Sapphire. "Sometimes I wish I was not alive," Precious says. "But I don't know how to die. Ain' no plug to pull out. `N no matter how bad I feel my heart don't stop beating and my eyes open in the morning." An intense story of adversity and the mechanisms to cope with it.Precious is a major motion picture based on the novel Push by Sapphire, starring Gabourey `Gabby' Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, Mariah Carey, and Lenny Kravitz.
>Genre: Drama
>rating: 7.5/10 (2,172 votes)
>Directed by: Lee Daniels
>Starring: Gabourey `Gabby' Sidibe,Mo'Nique, Paula Patton.
>Release Name: Precious DVDSCR XviD-DEViSE
>Size: 1.38 GB
>Video: XviD, 704×384, 1572 kbps
>Audio: AC3, 192 kbps / 2 ch.
>Runtime: 110 mins
>1.      http://hotfile. com/dl/18582837/ 93031dd/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582865/ 810493e/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582699/ 7ac6e8f/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18583146/ 4a57cc8/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968222/ devise-precious- 200.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968283/ devise-precious- 200.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968315/ devise-precious- 200.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968909/ devise-precious- 200.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968927/ devise-precious- 200.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311969031/ devise-precious- 200.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311969419/ devise-precious- 200.part7. rar
>2.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970556/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part1.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970473/ P..DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part2.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971339/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part3.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970476/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part4.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970469/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part5.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970445/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part6.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970449/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part7.rar
>4. 447f
>5.      http://hotfile. com/dl/18581273/ 1e0455f/devise- precious.. sample.avi. html
>6.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971800/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971613/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974237/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971749/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974529/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974457/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971891/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970283/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>8.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976583/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part1. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976559/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part2. . rar.html
>http://rapidshare. . com/files/ 311976561/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part3. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976514/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part4. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976660/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part5. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976474/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part6. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976479/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part7. rar.html
>9.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971041/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973635/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971117/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE..part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971153/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971430/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971232/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971394/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311969532/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>10.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973619/ devise-precious- 200.part1.. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973605/ devise-precious- 200.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973659/ devise-precious- 200.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973878/ devise-precious- 200.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973750/ devise-precious- 200.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976140/ devise-precious- 200.part6.. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973909/ devise-precious- 200.part7. rar
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> to/get/YPdFGXuv/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part6. rar
> to/get/I0r1vw5X/ P.09.dvdscr. devise..part7. rar
>13.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18582212/ 5d6f0a2/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582321/ f554978/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
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>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582463/ 48b971b/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.html
>14.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18582813/ bfa8049/Precious .DVDSCR.part1. rar.html
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>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582860/ 8796735/Precious .DVDSCR..part3. rar.html
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>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582939/ 1c69c30/Precious .DVDSCR.part5. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582916/ 4b56332/Precious .DVDSCR.part6. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582974/ 0ad2e30/Precious .DVDSCR.part7. rar.html
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975125/ Precious. DVDSCR.part1. . rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975254/ Precious. DVDSCR.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975425/ Precious. DVDSCR.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975415/ Precious. DVDSCR.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975113/ Precious. DVDSCR.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975469/ Precious. DVDSCR.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975422/ Precious. DVDSCR.part7. rar

>15.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979545/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part1.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979285/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _..part2.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979220/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part3.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979398/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part4.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981485/ Prec..DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _..part5.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981186/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part6.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981139/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part7.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311978464/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part8.rar
>16.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984644/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984714/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984680/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984757/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984522/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part5.. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984686/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984646/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984172/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981931/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981865/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983383/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983223/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983942/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5.. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983894/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984585/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983928/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
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>http://www.megauplo 3LVX5YC9
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>http://www.megauplo XQ12C306
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>http://www.megauplo MM528FML
>http://www.megauplo MT257V2I
>http://www.megauplo TH4WPUBO
>http://www.megauplo 6ECHZB83
>http://netload. in/dateiIGWw2SVi p9/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.htm
>http://netload. in/dateiaVedtnqJ XL/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2.. rar.htm
>http://netload. in/dateil5g3MSWd zG/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part3. rar.htm
>http://netload. in/dateibzKlxvo0 Nu/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.htm
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582212/ 5d6f0a2/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1.. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582321/ f554978/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582414/ 25acdeb/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18582463/ 48b971b/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.html
>19.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311994580/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311993093/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971339/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part3.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970476/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE.. part4.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991164/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311990989/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991236/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970283/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311994580/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. . com/files/ 311993093/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE..part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974237/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971749/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991164/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5.. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311990989/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare.. com/files/ 311991236/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970283/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
>22.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991729/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part1. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991626/ P.09.dvdscr. devise...part2. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991725/ P.09.dvdscr. devise...part3. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991576/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part4. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311993363/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part5. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311992651/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part6. rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991667/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part7. rar
>23.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981543/ devise-precious- part1.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981486/ devise-precious- part2.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980307/ devise-precious- part3.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980473/ devise-precious- part4.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980456/ devise-precious- part5.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980325/ devise-precious- part6.rar
>http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980405/ devise-precious- part7.rar
>24.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18580208/ 1afd7e0/devise- precious. part1.rar. html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18580317/ 4c3d17d/devise- precious. part2.rar. html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18580427/ 220986b/devise- precious. part3.rar. html
>http://hotfile. com/dl/18580451/ 00fbb09/devise- precious. part4.rar. html--
>You have to unsubscribe yourself from the group. Nobody added you…..and nobody can unsubscribe you.

>You can leave like you came….ON YOUR OWN!!!!!!!!!


>You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "thuck chic" group.
>To post to this group, send email to thuck-chic@googlegr
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>For more options, visit this group at http://groups. group/thuck- chic?hl=en


Re: Precious DVDSCR

Posted by: "~Angel~"   angel_eyez290

Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:04 am (PST)



--- On Wed, 11/25/09, Candy Kisses <> wrote:

From: Candy Kisses <>
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 11:00 AM

I'm trying hard, the links that were sent..I dl'ed all of them and then started extracting them and it said part 1 was broken, so I'm trying to re dl part 1 and see if i can get it to work..that is for the screener one, so if I can't get it to work I will dl the other links and try it that way. Hope it works

From: gail caminiti <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 11:36:13 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

you're a sweetie! thanks

From: Candy Kisses <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 10:29:22 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

not a problem, glad i can help

From: ~Cheryl~ <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 10:24:46 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR


thank you thank you for doing this for the group. Much appreciated

----- Original Message -----
From: Candy Kisses
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups.. com
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

ok thanks! I am dl'ing this now so I can pando for everyone :)

From: L E I G H T O N <ladream35@hotmail. com>
To: L E I G H T O N <ladream35@hotmail. com>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 9:00:44 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR


Leighton Aldridge |LA PRODUCKTIONS|ladream35@hotmail.
com |
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Please grab this one fast as they are taking this down faster then we can put it up! And in some cases as fast as we put it up they are right behind removing it.

Plot (Contains spoilers): Claireece Precious Jones endures unimaginable hardships in her young life. Abused by her mother, raped by her father, she grows up poor, angry, illiterate, fat, unloved and generally unnoticed. So what better way to learn about her than through her own, halting dialect. That is the device deployed in the first novel by poet and singer Sapphire. "Sometimes I wish I was not alive," Precious says. "But I don't know how to die. Ain' no plug to pull out. `N no matter how bad I feel my heart don't stop beating and my eyes open in the morning." An intense story of adversity and the mechanisms to cope with it.Precious is a major motion picture based on the novel Push by Sapphire, starring Gabourey `Gabby' Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, Mariah Carey, and Lenny

Genre: Drama
rating: 7.5/10 (2,172 votes)
Directed by: Lee Daniels
Starring: Gabourey `Gabby' Sidibe,Mo'Nique, Paula Patton.
Release Name: Precious DVDSCR XviD-DEViSE
Size: 1.38 GB
Video: XviD, 704×384, 1572 kbps
Audio: AC3, 192 kbps / 2 ch.
Runtime: 110 mins

1.      http://hotfile. com/dl/18582837/ 93031dd/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582865/ 810493e/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582699/ 7ac6e8f/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18583146/ 4a57cc8/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar.html
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968222/ devise-precious- 200.part1. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968283/ devise-precious- 200.part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968315/ devise-precious- 200.part3. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968909/ devise-precious- 200.part4. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311968927/
devise-precious- 200.part5. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311969031/ devise-precious- 200.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311969419/ devise-precious- 200.part7. rar

2.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970556/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part1.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970473/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part2.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971339/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part3.rar
com/files/ 311970476/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part4.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970469/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part5.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970445/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part6.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970449/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part7.rar

4. 447f

5.      http://hotfile. com/dl/18581273/ 1e0455f/devise- precious.. sample.avi. html

6.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971800/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971613/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974237/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971749/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974529/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974457/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971891/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970283/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar

8.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976583/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part1. rar.html
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976559/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part2. . rar.html
http://rapidshare. . com/files/ 311976561/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part3. rar.html
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976514/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part4. rar.html
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976660/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part5. rar.html
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976474/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part6. rar.html
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976479/ P.09.dvdscr. devise..part7. rar.html

9.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971041/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973635/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971117/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971153/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971430/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971232/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971394/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311969532/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar

10.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973619/ devise-precious- 200.part1.. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973605/ devise-precious- 200.part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973659/ devise-precious- 200.part3. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973878/ devise-precious-
200.part4. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973750/ devise-precious- 200.part5. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311976140/ devise-precious- 200.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311973909/ devise-precious- 200.part7. rar

11. to/get/IpwaweLQ/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part1. rar to/get/MKGp5zIh/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part2. rar to/get/e4VWhEzb/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part3. rar to/get/PrRB9IBO/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part4. rar to/get/KBioMA6o/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part5. rar to/get/YPdFGXuv/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part6. rar to/get/I0r1vw5X/ P.09.dvdscr. devise...part7. rar

13.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18582212/ 5d6f0a2/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582321/ f554978/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582414/ 25acdeb/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582463/ 48b971b/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.html

14.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18582813/ bfa8049/Precious .DVDSCR.part1. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18583004/ f134ee0/Precious .DVDSCR.part2. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582860/ 8796735/Precious .DVDSCR...part3. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582920/
a01e8ac/Precious .DVDSCR.part4. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582939/ 1c69c30/Precious .DVDSCR.part5.. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582916/ 4b56332/Precious .DVDSCR.part6. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582974/ 0ad2e30/Precious ..DVDSCR.part7. rar.html
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975125/ Precious. DVDSCR.part1. . rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975254/ Precious.. DVDSCR.part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975425/ Precious. DVDSCR.part3. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975415/ Precious. DVDSCR.part4. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975113/ Precious. DVDSCR.part5. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975469/ Precious. DVDSCR.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311975422/ Precious. DVDSCR.part7. rar

15.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979545/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part1.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979285/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _..part2.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979220/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part3.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311979398/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part4.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981485/ Prec..DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _...part5.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981186/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part6.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981139/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part7.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311978464/ Prec.DVDscreener -DEVISE_New_ _.part8.rar

16.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984644/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
http://rapidshare.. com/files/ 311984714/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984680/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984757/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984522/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part5... rar
http://rapidshare.. com/files/ 311984686/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984646/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984172/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar

http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981931/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981865/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983383/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983223/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983942/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5... rar
http://rapidshare.. com/files/ 311983894/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984585/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311983928/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar
http://hotfile. com/dl/18583597/ d1c7689/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18583708/ 49937be/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18583882/ 8feea2d/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18583910/ b941621/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18584282/ 60da6b6/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18584308/ 4cea9d3/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18584589/ 1af1561/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18584335/ ba554b2/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar.html
http://www.megauplo 3LVX5YC9
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http://www.megauplo 6ECHZB83

http://netload. in/dateiIGWw2SVi p9/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.htm
http://netload. in/dateiaVedtnqJ XL/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2... rar.htm
http://netload.. in/dateil5g3MSWd zG/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part3. rar.htm
http://netload. in/dateibzKlxvo0 Nu/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.htm
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582212/ 5d6f0a2/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582321/ f554978/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582414/ 25acdeb/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part3. rar.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18582463/ 48b971b/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.html

19.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311994580/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311993093/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971339/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part3.rar
com/files/ 311970476/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part4.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991164/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311990989/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991236/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970283/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar

http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311994580/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar
http://rapidshare. . com/files/ 311993093/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE...part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311974237/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971749/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991164/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5... rar
http://rapidshare.. com/files/ 311990989/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991236/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part7. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970283/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part8. rar

22.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991729/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part1. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991626/ P.09.dvdscr. devise...part2. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991725/ P.09.dvdscr. devise..part3. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991576/ P.09.dvdscr.
devise.part4. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311993363/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part5. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311992651/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part6. rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991667/ P.09.dvdscr. devise.part7. rar

23.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981543/ devise-precious- part1.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311981486/ devise-precious- part2.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980307/ devise-precious- part3.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980473/ devise-precious- part4.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980456/ devise-precious- part5.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980325/ devise-precious- part6.rar
http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311980405/ devise-precious- part7.rar

24.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18580208/ 1afd7e0/devise- precious. part1.rar. html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18580317/ 4c3d17d/devise- precious. part2.rar. html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18580427/ 220986b/devise- precious. part3.rar. html
http://hotfile. com/dl/18580451/
00fbb09/devise- precious. part4.rar. html
You have to unsubscribe yourself from the group. Nobody added you…..and nobody can unsubscribe you.
You can leave like you came….ON YOUR OWN!!!!!!!!!

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "thuck chic" group.
To post to this group, send email to thuck-chic@googlegr
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Re: Precious DVDSCR

Posted by: "Roger Culver"   taximan862000

Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:40 am (PST)

i sure would like to see this one in pando

--- On Wed, 11/25/09, L E I G H T O N <> wrote:

From: L E I G H T O N <>
Subject: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR
To: "L E I G H T O N" <>
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 8:00 AM



Aldridge |LA PRODUCKTIONS|ladream35@hotmail. com |

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.

Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

P Please consider the
environment before printing this e-mail



Please grab this one fast as they are taking this down faster then we
can put it up! And in some cases as fast as we put it up they are right behind
removing it.

Plot (Contains
Claireece Precious Jones endures unimaginable hardships in her young life.
Abused by her mother, raped by her father, she grows up poor, angry,
illiterate, fat, unloved and generally unnoticed. So what better way to learn
about her than through her own, halting dialect. That is the device deployed in
the first novel by poet and singer Sapphire. "Sometimes I wish I was not
alive," Precious says. "But I don't know how to die. Ain' no plug to
pull out. `N no matter how bad I feel my heart don't stop beating and my eyes
open in the morning." An intense story of adversity and the mechanisms to
cope with it.Precious is a major motion picture based on the novel Push by Sapphire,
starring Gabourey `Gabby' Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, Mariah Carey, and
Lenny Kravitz.


rating: 7.5/10
(2,172 votes)

Directed by: Lee

Starring: Gabourey
`Gabby' Sidibe,Mo'Nique, Paula Patton.

Name: Precious DVDSCR XviD-DEViSE

Size: 1.38 GB

Video: XviD, 704×384,
1572 kbps

Audio: AC3, 192
kbps / 2 ch.

Runtime: 110 mins

1.      http://hotfile. com/dl/18582837/ 93031dd/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar.html

http://hotfile. com/dl/18582865/ 810493e/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar.html

http://hotfile. com/dl/18582699/ 7ac6e8f/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part3. rar.html

http://hotfile. com/dl/18583146/ 4a57cc8/Precious .DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part4. rar.html

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2.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970556/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part1.rar

http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970473/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part2.rar

http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971339/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part3.rar

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4. 447f

5.      http://hotfile. com/dl/18581273/ 1e0455f/devise- precious. sample.avi. html

6.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971800/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar

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9.      http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971041/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar

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13.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18582212/ 5d6f0a2/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.html

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14.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18582813/ bfa8049/Precious .DVDSCR.part1. rar.html

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16.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311984644/ Precious_ DVDSCR_XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar

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http://netload. in/dateibzKlxvo0 Nu/Precious. DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.htm


http://hotfile. com/dl/18582212/ 5d6f0a2/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part1. rar.html

http://hotfile. com/dl/18582321/ f554978/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part2. rar.html

http://hotfile. com/dl/18582414/ 25acdeb/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part3. rar.html

http://hotfile. com/dl/18582463/ 48b971b/Precious .DotNXT.scr- DEViSE.part4. rar.html

19.  http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311994580/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part1. rar

http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311993093/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part2. rar

http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311971339/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part3.rar

http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311970476/ P.DVDscr. XviD-DEViSE. part4.rar

http://rapidshare. com/files/ 311991164/ Precious. DVDSCR.XviD- DEViSE.part5. rar

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24.  http://hotfile. com/dl/18580208/ 1afd7e0/devise- precious. part1.rar. html

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Re: Precious DVDSCR

Posted by: ""   barryqld

Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:45 am (PST)

Has this DVDSCR been pandoed yet?

If so, I cannot find it. Thanks.


Re: Precious DVDSCR

Posted by: "Candy Kisses"   psp_addict4life

Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:52 am (PST)

No not yet, I'm working on it but the first and second parts of the zip was broken for the screener one and i have to leave soon so when I get home i am going to try dl'ing the other rs links to get it and will pando it as soon as i get it done =)

From: "" <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 12:44:23 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

Has this DVDSCR been pandoed yet?
If so, I cannot find it.  Thanks.


Re: Precious DVDSCR

Posted by: ""   barryqld

Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:23 am (PST)

Thank you very much....

In a message dated 11/25/2009 11:52:46 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

No not yet, I'm working on it but the first and second parts of the zip
was broken for the screener one and i have to leave soon so when I get home i
am going to try dl'ing the other rs links to get it and will pando it as
soon as i get it done =)

From: "BarryQLD@aol. "BarryQL<BarryQLD@aol.Bar>
To: now_showing@ now_sho
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 12:44:23 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Precious DVDSCR

Has this DVDSCR been pandoed yet?

If so, I cannot find it. Thanks.


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ISO : Paranormal Activity the 2009 edition

Posted by: "Heidi"   heidilangdon

Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:04 am (PST)

If anyone has this in Pando form I would so appreciate it! TIA!

Love and Hugs,

Happily Married to Mark since 9/20/03
Mom to Daniel (10), Lexi (7), and Jeremy (forever 8 weeks)
Love: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage.


Posted by: "WD"   witchdreary

Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:18 am (PST)

This is not the whole movie...thanks for trying though.


-------Original Message-------

Date: 11/25/2009 7:33:15 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] THE BLIND SIDE....

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: mark
Size: 700MB
Expires: Dec. 1, 2009 (?)

pt aint the best in the world be heres blindside no porn lolololololol i

In a message dated 11/25/2009 4:04:31 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Yes please send it

-------Original Message-------

From: Valarie
Date: 11/24/2009 10:35:31 PM
To: now_showing
Subject: [now_showing] THE BLIND SIDE....

Found this in another group I am in but it's in rapid share. If someone
wants to pando it I will send and share.



Re: PA MOV: Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV)

Posted by: ""   deeslilcorner

Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:09 am (PST)

I haven't seen this one, Christa... Looks fun - Thank you!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Christa C
To: 9#NowShowing
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 8:19 AM
Subject: [now_showing] PA MOV: Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV)

Subject: Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV)
From: TeamAngelChrista
Size: 904MB, 2 files
Expires: Jan. 22, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


Re: [Deatles] PA MOV: Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV)

Posted by: "Christa C"   eaglewingz2001

Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:44 am (PST)

You're very welcome.....I love my Christmas movies:-)))
Hugs and blessings Christa

"True patience is accepting a difficult situation
without giving God a deadline to remove it!"

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] PA MOV: Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV)

I haven't seen this one, Christa... Looks fun - Thank you!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Christa C
To: 9#NowShowing
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 8:19 AM
Subject: [now_showing] PA MOV: Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV)

Subject: Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Eve's Christmas (2004) (TV)
From: TeamAngelChrista
Size: 904MB, 2 files
Expires: Jan. 22, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


PA RS MOV Precious DVD Screener

Posted by: "Melyssa"   craziestoutoforder

Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:54 am (PST)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Precious DVD Screener
Size: 1.3GB, 2 files
Expires: Dec. 9, 2009 (?)

Claireece Precious Jones endures unimaginable hardships in her young life.
Abused by her mother, raped by her father, she grows up poor, angry,
illiterate, fat, unloved and generally unnoticed. So what better way to
learn about her than through her own, halting dialect. That is the device
deployed in the first novel by poet and singer Sapphire. "Sometimes I wish I
was not alive," Precious says. "But I don't know how to die. Ain' no plug to
pull out. 'N no matter how bad I feel my heart don't stop beating and my
eyes open in the morning." An intense story of adversity and the mechanisms
to cope with it.

Precious is a major motion picture based on the novel Push by Sapphire,
starring Gabourey 'Gabby' Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, Mariah Carey, and
Lenny Kravitz.

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


Tribute 2 Mom
Melyssa's Designs

ISO DVD ripper

Posted by: "Kim Mullins"   delibrity

Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:03 am (PST)

I am looking for magic DVD ripper. If anyone has it I would greatly
appreciate it.


ISO:  The latest episodes of Sons of Anarchy

Posted by: "Lauren"   lexnick2003

Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:10 am (PST)

I think they're like episodes 11 and 12 or something like that but I'm not
sure. My husband has missed the last couple of them.
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