Holiday debuggery
We know there were a few kinks with the holiday promotion. We've been working very hard to get them ironed out. If you have a paid/permanent account, keep on sending those coupons. Here's an update:
- If you were unable to send out multiple coupons at a time, please perform a hard refresh, and you should be good to go.
- If you redeemed a coupon to upgrade your account and the balance at checkout was $0 instead of $9.95 or $15, this means your upgrade did not go through (nor were you charged). We've straightened this out, so you can now apply your holiday coupon toward the purchase of an annual paid account.
- If you tried to redeem a holiday coupon and had trouble using a gift certificate to cover the balance of an annual paid account, we identified the root problem. If this happened to you, you can now use your holiday coupon together with your gift certificate.
- If the number of holiday coupons you have available suddenly goes up (instead of down), this might be due to recipients declining the coupons, at which point your pool of available coupons will be replenished and, therefore, increase.
- If you need assistance with holiday coupons or pretty much anything else (well, LiveJournal related), please open a support request and we'll be more than happy to help!
- There were some initial glitches displaying results on My Guests, but we've worked them out. We hope you'll check out who's been checking you out!
- Some of you reported formatting issues using the Rich Text Editor (i.e., line breaks were being removed incorrectly). We've implemented a fix! Thanks so much for your patience.
Give a little extra!
We're pleased to report that we've already sold over 100 virtual red ribbons in honor of National AIDS Awareness month. Remember, for each charitable vgift you purchase for $2.99, we'll donate 100 percent of gross proceeds to (the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative) to fund the development of an HIV vaccine. Once again, we thank you for your generosity.
Celebrate with holiday vGifts!
Stop by the Virtual Gift Shop and share some holiday magic with your LiveJournal friends.
Photos of the week
We're back with more dazzling pictures from around the world. Congrats to marlenemcc, who has been awarded a virtual blue ribbon as the winner of our fourth photo contest. We hope you'll click over to LJ_Photophile poll and tell us your picks in pics!
For more fantastic user content, we'll meet you under the cut.
ljlimericks celebrates its first winner!
Equinoxes Autumnal to Vernal
Mark a phase where I'm waxing nocturnal
What's a fellow to make
Of these nights wide awake?
Well, I s'pose I could post on my journal...
We'll continue our call for limericks on our current prompt: rain and goat. We'll be posting another poll next week and ask our first winner,
Spotlight community of the week
If you've got a kitchen full of leftovers and you're looking for culinary inspiration, scramble over to cooking_club, where a hearty appetite is always in great taste.
Conquer Writer's Block
Here are excerpts from this week's most popular question of the day:
It's often said that the simple things in life are the most precious. What small pleasures make you the happiest?
- Holding hands. Basking in sunlight. Clear blue autumn days with just a hint of chill lurking at the back of the wind. Watching kittens play. Hot chocolate on a cold day. Fresh-baked bread still warm from the oven, with real butter melting in. Just being there with someone I love.
- Snow. Snow. Snow. Snow. Can you tell snow is on my brain? Though I don't know if you can call snow a simple pleasure. It makes me happy but it makes others angry. I'm such a meanie ;) Besides the fluffy white stuff, I like a nice piece of Turin chocolate. Yum. Or better yet Turin hot cocoa. I think I might have chocolate on my brain as well...
- Laying in the grass on a warm summer day and feeling a cool breeze float by--it really smooths out the rough spots in me. Seeing my daffodils blooming bravely in spring. Making things--I'm a fairly crafty sort of person. I enjoy reading quietly by myself. Spending time with my LJ buddies. I firmly believe you have to make up your mind to BE HAPPY. Money may not make you happy but it can darn well rent it for a while.
- ... The back of my husband's head. He has the most beautiful dark brown hair. Big loose curls, lots of them. He sits in front of me when we watch TV and I put my hands in it. It's a cross between a scalp massage and pulling his hair. I love it, he loves it. I know. We're weird. Everything about my daughter. She still talks to me. She still trusts me. She is beautiful and funny and helpful and just needy enough to fulfill my ache to be someone's mommy...
- My wife's smile. The smell of Jasmine Tea. Laughter. The sound of snowfall at night. Motorcycle engines. Mike Shannon saying, "C'mon, Get Up, Baby, Get up, Get Up, Get Up....Oh Yeah....Home Run...." A cat purring. Daffodils blooming. Finding money in the couch
- You guys................. With your emails, love, cards, gifts, wishes, being here for me and for my parents, being happy with me when I get good results from the doctors, being happy when I'm with Sarah, listening to me when I cry and complain, sending good wishes to my parents, taking care of me when I'm down, cheering at me when I feel like crap, liking my mail and comments…….BASICALLY LOVING ME AS I LOVE YOU
- My penis. (You did say "small" pleasures.) ;p
- Listening to my sons giggle. Cloudless, starry skies. Caramel frappuccinos. Christmas lights. Weather cool enough to need a light jacket. Freshly laundered sheets. The smell of my sons when they first wake
- Socks. Not just your typical white sport socks that you might wear every day, either. I love quirky socks with odd designs, bright colors, and even TOES! I could be having the worse day possible, but if you present me with some fun socks, it'll make it all better. Unless my worst day possible involved having my feet cut off, of course.
- eating in my bed...) nobody can deprive me this)
Thanks, again, for reading. Here's wishing you the very merriest of holidays. We'll see you next year!
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