Wednesday, December 23, 2009



I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday whatever your belief is! Where ever you are in the world, my your New Year bring you hope, dreams and happiness.

Well, we are, as of right now, 1700 members! Never did I think this little group I started a few years ago would even get 50 members lol.
It is all because of YOU that this group works. Yes, once in a blue moon there is a bump in the road and a little dispute here and there, but not that often. I thank all of you for working to keep it fun !

Also, as you know, I have allowed all kinds of sends for the holiday season, music, programs, audio and e books, etc. I am going to allow it until the middle of January and then we go back to movies and tv shows only. I decided that every once in a while I will let other items go thru and I will let you know when.

Thank you again, everyone!

Hugs to all!

Owner now showing



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