Monday, August 31, 2009

Look, premium Blogger templates

Hi eino-
So how is your blog coming along? I hope you didn't have any problems getting Google Analytics and AdSense installed correctly. Those are some great free tools provided by Google which I use on all my sites.

I know you probably just got your new blog template all setup but I wanted to quickly tell you about something else quite cool. If you are serious about becoming a professional blogger or just want to look good, then it's important to have the face of a professional blogger, don't you think?

I've recently spent a lot of time (during my personal vacation time I might add) perfecting a set of new premium Blogger templates that will really take your blog to the next level.
They are probably the best blogger templates you've ever come across (they even include a installation video series) and not too many people know about them.

I invite you to check them out and see all the cool features included. For such a small investment (only $20) you can have one of the coolest and most powerful Blogger templates out there today.

To Your Blogging Success,

~David Cowgill

Founder, eBlog Templates

Niche Blog Media, 333 Main St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA

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