Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tip #1 - So how popular is your blog?

Hi eino-

Do know how popular your blog is? No I'm serious.....are people actually reading your blog or are you just writing for nothing (unless you just like to use your blog as a personal journal)?

It's important to know about your blog traffic such as how many visitors come to your blog each day and what your most popular posts are. Besides just boosting your ego knowing that others are actually reading your content, it also provides you with some very important data.

To get all this information is actually quite easy yet a very small percentage actually do this! All you need is Google Analytics which is a free powerful product.

Want to know how to install Google Analytics on your blog? Read our post "How to setup Google Analytics on Blogger" and you'll be up-and-running before you know it!

To Your Blogging Success,

~David Cowgill

Founder, eBlog Templates

Niche Blog Media, 333 Main St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA

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