Saturday, May 15, 2010

[now_showing] Digest Number 3943

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

Re: organizer for dvd discs From: Tammy Dorsey Berthaut
Re: organizer for dvd discs From: Tammy Dorsey Berthaut
Re: organizer for dvd discs From: Tammy Dorsey Berthaut
Re: organizer for dvd discs From:
Re: Still looking for Murder Ordained Please From:
PA TV:  The Bridge 104 The Unguarded Moment From: Mrs Christa C
PA TV:  The Bridge 105 Vexation of Spirit From: Mrs Christa C
PA TV:  The Bridge 103 The Fat Lady Sings the Blues From: Mrs Christa C
ISO: Laugh Your way to a Better Marriage From: Windswept
NextOfKinDVDRipQGC From: QuinGem
RoadHouseDVDRipQGC From: QuinGem
ISO Smallville 9.22 Salvation From: QuinGem
PA TV:  7th Heaven 02x01 Don't Take My Love Away From: Mrs Christa C
PA TV:  7th Heaven 02x02 See You in September From: Mrs Christa C
ISO Diary of a Wimpy Kid From: Silver
ISO Leap year From: ny198248
ISO The Messenger From: ny198248
ISO Edge of Darkness From: ny198248
tudor so2e7 From: tjokie
GAIL / AMY !! tudors so3e1 From: tjokie
tudors so3e2 From: tjokie
Re: tudors so3e2 From: Amy Douglas
ISO-2010 the movie "why did i get married 2"THKS THKS From: Reddog Sjka
ISO-why did i get married too. THKS THKS From: Reddog Sjka
PANDO MOVIE Donnie Darko 2001 HD Director's Cut Eng sub From: Dede



Re: organizer for dvd discs

Posted by: "Tammy Dorsey Berthaut"   tam_siam2004

Sat May 15, 2010 3:38 am (PDT)

I think I am going to do it this way. I have seen the big cases that hold anywhere from 220 to over 500 discs. Two that hold 500 would hold more then I have.
I know listing them will be a summer project!


From: Lynn (in Oz)
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

I went out and bought a few of the metal lockable cases with sleeves in them for my collection. Each one holds 240 disks but you can get bigger ones that hold up to 1000. I went from having 2 large bookcases full of movies in cases to one shelf for all the metal cases.

I made up tables in Word and did them all alphabetically with 2 columns, one for disk number and the other for name. I made up one for each case and printed them out and put them in a plastic pocket book that sits with the cases.

So when we want to watch a movie, we just grab the book, search for the letter it starts with and find the disk number and box number and grab it. Takes me 30 seconds to locate any movie in my collection and I have a large amount of disks (nearly 1000).
Hope this helps,
Lynn (in Oz)

On 15 May 2010 07:39, Tammy Dorsey Berthaut <> wrote:

I am trying to get rid of stuff and the clutter. See I breed Siamese & Bengal kittens and I am sick and tired of picking up things they knock over.
I thought if I got rid of all those cases I could get rid of 4 set of shelves....leaves more room for kitty condos!


From: Snapdragon
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

I have over 1500 and still going. Mine are still in the cases and what I did was buy those little plastic crates, Wal-mart has them and depend on what city and state you live in, you can also find them at some dollar stores. They are between .99 to 1.09 each. I dedicated a wall in the house to this project. The crates that I brought interlock, so you can put the together has wide as you want and has high has you want. If they don't interlock not a problem, make them stay together with bread tie, or garage bag ties, works the same. The cool thing about this is you can buy the creates in a lot of colors, and make neat patterns with them on the wall. Each crate holds around 10-12 dvds depends on the width on the case. This was the only way I could keep up. I had too many dvd's to keep buying towers and then after you get the towers years apart they don't match. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Hope this works for you. Also with this method if you have to move, you don't have to go through the trouble of packing the dvd's, just take them off the wall, still in the crates, and then stack the crates and go. Also once you start to go half way up the wall, you may need to secure the middle row to the wall so that they don't lean forward and fall. Again, this is just how I do it. Oh, and to find a dvd, mine are in alphabetical order. Easy to find, easy to put back.

--- On Mon, 5/10/10, Tammy Dorsey Berthaut <> wrote:

From: Tammy Dorsey Berthaut <>
Subject: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs
Date: Monday, May 10, 2010, 3:02 PM

This is sorta off-topic but I thought maybe someone here would have a great idea.

I have well over 500 DVD's all in the cases taking up LOTS of space. I am looking for a better way to compact them down yet be able to organize them so I can find what I want. I would like to keep the cost to under $200. for this project. Anyone here with tons of discs have any good suggestions?
I figure I can get rid of 2 shelves by doing this giving me a good bit of space back!


I may have an aunt named Dorothy, but my dog isn't called Toto and there's definitely no yellow brick road or Emerald City here!!


Re: organizer for dvd discs

Posted by: "Tammy Dorsey Berthaut"   tam_siam2004

Sat May 15, 2010 3:50 am (PDT)

I bought one of them and it's the best thing since sliced bread!
I even bought my mother one for her birthday a few weeks ago and its so easy even mom can use it. This says a lot since she still calls me to come turn on her DVD player! I got her a blu ray player for Christmas that is wireless but goes online. OMG the woman can barely turn it on! LOL
Thank god she lives next door cause going over and doing it myself is the only way....try talking her through it and she could of watched 2 movies in that time.
(she would kill me if she knew I said this! LOL)


From: Carlton
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

Your right about we each have a system. I bought a Seagate FreeAgent Theater and now all my movies go
on it first. If they are good or excellent movies I will then put them on DVD. If they don't fit that category they
are deleted off the FreeAgent hard drive. It will also use a USB stick or you can even plug in another hard drive to it. I love this thing.

-------Original Message-------

From: Lynn (in Oz)
Date: 5/14/2010 11:49:10 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

I saw the boxes in a catalogue on sale and managed to get them for $15AU each which I thought was a good price. I have one that is set aside specifically for avi disks for when I can't be bothered doing them through convertx. I used to diligently burn every single movie but I have become alot more slacker with that these days, although they are still catalogued and added to the book lol.
I have divx players here too and wouldn't be without them, they are brilliant and I can also plug an external or usb stick into the ones here so that I don't even have to burn to disk only to find that it wasn't worth it lol.
It seems that everyone has a system that works for them in it's own way, just shows how versatile we all are :)

On 15 May 2010 13:27, Carlton <> wrote:

That's what I did. Put mine on a bookcase. At last count I had almost 5000 movies. Most of them are burned as Data, 5 to 6 to a Dvd for use with my Divx players. I have 5 Divx players connected and one is connected to every T.V.. I went a lot cheaper for the cases so unlike your's if there's a fire mine are gone. I put mine in plastic cases that I bought from Walmart. Each case holds about 50 DVD cases. You are a lot more diligent with your's than I am mine. When I first started burning movies I did like everyone does and used Convertxtodvd and I categorized them similar to what you are doing. Once I found out a long time ago how to do them as Data that was it. I do have them listed on my computer in Movie Collector and what case they are in, but I still have to look through the whole case to find them. It's still not a problem because I have saved quite a bit with not having to burn so many DVD's and buy so many DVD cases to put them in. Convertxto DVD really won't burn but two movies and keep good quality. I realize that you can burn more than two using it, but the quality begins to get worse. Besides having to wait 90 to 120 minutes for Convertx to do them compared to waiting 5 to 6 minutes to burn then as Data keeps me from pulling the rest of my hair out. I still occasionally have to use Convertx for movies other than AVI's, but that's not too often.

-------Original Message-------

From: Lynn (in Oz)
Date: 5/14/2010 7:29:56 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

I went out and bought a few of the metal lockable cases with sleeves in them for my collection. Each one holds 240 disks but you can get bigger ones that hold up to 1000. I went from having 2 large bookcases full of movies in cases to one shelf for all the metal cases.

I made up tables in Word and did them all alphabetically with 2 columns, one for disk number and the other for name. I made up one for each case and printed them out and put them in a plastic pocket book that sits with the cases.

So when we want to watch a movie, we just grab the book, search for the letter it starts with and find the disk number and box number and grab it. Takes me 30 seconds to locate any movie in my collection and I have a large amount of disks (nearly 1000).
Hope this helps,
Lynn (in Oz)

On 15 May 2010 07:39, Tammy Dorsey Berthaut <> wrote:

I am trying to get rid of stuff and the clutter. See I breed Siamese & Bengal kittens and I am sick and tired of picking up things they knock over.
I thought if I got rid of all those cases I could get rid of 4 set of shelves....leaves more room for kitty condos!


From: Snapdragon
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

I have over 1500 and still going. Mine are still in the cases and what I did was buy those little plastic crates, Wal-mart has them and depend on what city and state you live in, you can also find them at some dollar stores. They are between .99 to 1.09 each. I dedicated a wall in the house to this project. The crates that I brought interlock, so you can put the together has wide as you want and has high has you want. If they don't interlock not a problem, make them stay together with bread tie, or garage bag ties, works the same. The cool thing about this is you can buy the creates in a lot of colors, and make neat patterns with them on the wall. Each crate holds around 10-12 dvds depends on the width on the case. This was the only way I could keep up. I had too many dvd's to keep buying towers and then after you get the towers years apart they don't match. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Hope this works for you. Also with this method if you have to move, you don't have to go through the trouble of packing the dvd's, just take them off the wall, still in the crates, and then stack the crates and go. Also once you start to go half way up the wall, you may need to secure the middle row to the wall so that they don't lean forward and fall. Again, this is just how I do it. Oh, and to find a dvd, mine are in alphabetical order. Easy to find, easy to put back.

--- On Mon, 5/10/10, Tammy Dorsey Berthaut <> wrote:

From: Tammy Dorsey Berthaut <>
Subject: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs
Date: Monday, May 10, 2010, 3:02 PM

This is sorta off-topic but I thought maybe someone here would have a great idea.

I have well over 500 DVD's all in the cases taking up LOTS of space. I am looking for a better way to compact them down yet be able to organize them so I can find what I want. I would like to keep the cost to under $200. for this project. Anyone here with tons of discs have any good suggestions?
I figure I can get rid of 2 shelves by doing this giving me a good bit of space back!


I may have an aunt named Dorothy, but my dog isn't called Toto and there's definitely no yellow brick road or Emerald City here!!

I may have an aunt named Dorothy, but my dog isn't called Toto and there's definitely no yellow brick road or Emerald City here!!


Re: organizer for dvd discs

Posted by: "Tammy Dorsey Berthaut"   tam_siam2004

Sat May 15, 2010 3:52 am (PDT)

All I can say is GET ONE!
It makes loading movies so easy. Just put on the hard drive and watch.
I plan to buy 1 or 2 more for the other tv and the kid. The time I save burning him movies alone is worth the $100.

From: Lynn (in Oz)
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

I'm seriously thinking about getting myself something like that...I have seen people talking about then in the groups and I keep meaning to check them out price wise etc here, but never get around to it. I might just have to make myself do it because I love anything techie and my husband hates it, I'm the remote control queen in this house, my hubby can't even change the channel on the tv LMAO

On 15 May 2010 14:08, Carlton <> wrote:

Your right about we each have a system. I bought a Seagate FreeAgent Theater and now all my movies go
on it first. If they are good or excellent movies I will then put them on DVD. If they don't fit that category they
are deleted off the FreeAgent hard drive. It will also use a USB stick or you can even plug in another hard drive to it. I love this thing.

-------Original Message-------

From: Lynn (in Oz)
Date: 5/14/2010 11:49:10 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

I saw the boxes in a catalogue on sale and managed to get them for $15AU each which I thought was a good price. I have one that is set aside specifically for avi disks for when I can't be bothered doing them through convertx. I used to diligently burn every single movie but I have become alot more slacker with that these days, although they are still catalogued and added to the book lol.
I have divx players here too and wouldn't be without them, they are brilliant and I can also plug an external or usb stick into the ones here so that I don't even have to burn to disk only to find that it wasn't worth it lol.
It seems that everyone has a system that works for them in it's own way, just shows how versatile we all are :)

On 15 May 2010 13:27, Carlton <> wrote:

That's what I did. Put mine on a bookcase. At last count I had almost 5000 movies. Most of them are burned as Data, 5 to 6 to a Dvd for use with my Divx players. I have 5 Divx players connected and one is connected to every T.V.. I went a lot cheaper for the cases so unlike your's if there's a fire mine are gone. I put mine in plastic cases that I bought from Walmart. Each case holds about 50 DVD cases. You are a lot more diligent with your's than I am mine. When I first started burning movies I did like everyone does and used Convertxtodvd and I categorized them similar to what you are doing. Once I found out a long time ago how to do them as Data that was it. I do have them listed on my computer in Movie Collector and what case they are in, but I still have to look through the whole case to find them. It's still not a problem because I have saved quite a bit with not having to burn so many DVD's and buy so many DVD cases to put them in. Convertxto DVD really won't burn but two movies and keep good quality. I realize that you can burn more than two using it, but the quality begins to get worse. Besides having to wait 90 to 120 minutes for Convertx to do them compared to waiting 5 to 6 minutes to burn then as Data keeps me from pulling the rest of my hair out. I still occasionally have to use Convertx for movies other than AVI's, but that's not too often.

-------Original Message-------

From: Lynn (in Oz)
Date: 5/14/2010 7:29:56 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

I went out and bought a few of the metal lockable cases with sleeves in them for my collection. Each one holds 240 disks but you can get bigger ones that hold up to 1000. I went from having 2 large bookcases full of movies in cases to one shelf for all the metal cases.

I made up tables in Word and did them all alphabetically with 2 columns, one for disk number and the other for name. I made up one for each case and printed them out and put them in a plastic pocket book that sits with the cases.

So when we want to watch a movie, we just grab the book, search for the letter it starts with and find the disk number and box number and grab it. Takes me 30 seconds to locate any movie in my collection and I have a large amount of disks (nearly 1000).
Hope this helps,
Lynn (in Oz)

On 15 May 2010 07:39, Tammy Dorsey Berthaut <> wrote:

I am trying to get rid of stuff and the clutter. See I breed Siamese & Bengal kittens and I am sick and tired of picking up things they knock over.
I thought if I got rid of all those cases I could get rid of 4 set of shelves....leaves more room for kitty condos!


From: Snapdragon
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs

I have over 1500 and still going. Mine are still in the cases and what I did was buy those little plastic crates, Wal-mart has them and depend on what city and state you live in, you can also find them at some dollar stores. They are between .99 to 1.09 each. I dedicated a wall in the house to this project. The crates that I brought interlock, so you can put the together has wide as you want and has high has you want. If they don't interlock not a problem, make them stay together with bread tie, or garage bag ties, works the same. The cool thing about this is you can buy the creates in a lot of colors, and make neat patterns with them on the wall. Each crate holds around 10-12 dvds depends on the width on the case. This was the only way I could keep up. I had too many dvd's to keep buying towers and then after you get the towers years apart they don't match. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Hope this works for you. Also with this method if you have to move, you don't have to go through the trouble of packing the dvd's, just take them off the wall, still in the crates, and then stack the crates and go. Also once you start to go half way up the wall, you may need to secure the middle row to the wall so that they don't lean forward and fall. Again, this is just how I do it. Oh, and to find a dvd, mine are in alphabetical order. Easy to find, easy to put back.

--- On Mon, 5/10/10, Tammy Dorsey Berthaut <> wrote:

From: Tammy Dorsey Berthaut <>
Subject: [now_showing] organizer for dvd discs
Date: Monday, May 10, 2010, 3:02 PM

This is sorta off-topic but I thought maybe someone here would have a great idea.

I have well over 500 DVD's all in the cases taking up LOTS of space. I am looking for a better way to compact them down yet be able to organize them so I can find what I want. I would like to keep the cost to under $200. for this project. Anyone here with tons of discs have any good suggestions?
I figure I can get rid of 2 shelves by doing this giving me a good bit of space back!


I may have an aunt named Dorothy, but my dog isn't called Toto and there's definitely no yellow brick road or Emerald City here!!

I may have an aunt named Dorothy, but my dog isn't called Toto and there's definitely no yellow brick road or Emerald City here!!

I may have an aunt named Dorothy, but my dog isn't called Toto and there's definitely no yellow brick road or Emerald City here!!


Re: organizer for dvd discs

Posted by: ""   sissy_kitten2007

Sat May 15, 2010 6:07 am (PDT)

ok i have been reading all these emails about this product that is supposed
to be wonderful now i must have missed some emails so could someone
enlighten me to what it is and how much and what it is for plz,,also how do u
burn movies to data cause i too am using convert x right now bit i also have a
divx player and burn using ashampoo and burn up to 5-6 movies at one time
on 1 disk,,is that the data way ur talking about? this sounds like
something id like to purchase so anyone plz reply,,ty very much,,,sissy

Re: Still looking for Murder Ordained Please

Posted by: ""   buddysbabeegurl

Sat May 15, 2010 3:41 am (PDT)

OMG! 12 hours, wow! David, I SOOOOO appreciate you trying to get this
for me!! Wish could have gotten it, but it's NOT your fault. Thank you so
much for trying.

In a message dated 5/14/2010 10:40:44 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Mistik, I went back and tried to download this after your last email from
last night. It spent 12 hours and did nothing but just sit their waiting. So
I guess my only link to it is dead. I,m sorry.

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 11:10 AM, <_MistikEcho@aol.Mis_
( > wrote:

This is a true story that happened in Emporia, KS. My husband is from
Emporia and says that his brother and his sister-in-law are in this movie.
Would LOVE to have this if anyone has it. Thanks SOOOO much!!


PA TV:  The Bridge 104 The Unguarded Moment

Posted by: "Mrs Christa C"   eaglewingz2001

Sat May 15, 2010 7:09 am (PDT)

From: Team Angel Christa

Subject: The Bridge 104 The Unguarded Moment

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

The Bridge 104 The Unguarded Moment
From: Team Angel Christa
Size: 350MB, 4 files
Expires: Jul. 13, 2010 (?)

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PA TV:  The Bridge 105 Vexation of Spirit

Posted by: "Mrs Christa C"   eaglewingz2001

Sat May 15, 2010 7:09 am (PDT)

From: Team Angel Christa

Subject: The Bridge 105 Vexation of Spirit

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

The Bridge 105 Vexation of Spirit
From: Team Angel Christa
Size: 350MB, 4 files
Expires: Jul. 13, 2010 (?)

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Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


PA TV:  The Bridge 103 The Fat Lady Sings the Blues

Posted by: "Mrs Christa C"   eaglewingz2001

Sat May 15, 2010 7:09 am (PDT)

From: Team Angel Christa

Subject: The Bridge 103 The Fat Lady Sings the Blues

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

The Bridge 103 The Fat Lady Sings the Blues
From: Team Angel Christa
Size: 350MB, 4 files
Expires: Jul. 13, 2010 (?)

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Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


ISO: Laugh Your way to a Better Marriage

Posted by: "Windswept"

Sat May 15, 2010 7:26 am (PDT)

I'm looking for the DVD set "Laugh Your way to a Better Marriage" by Mark

Does anyone have it?



Posted by: "QuinGem"   quingem

Sat May 15, 2010 7:51 am (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Downloaded by QuinGem. DVDRip. Cover art included.
"A man murdered in cold blood. But they didn't count on his brother's
From: QuinGem
Size: 699MB, 2 files
Expires: Jul. 13, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.



Posted by: "QuinGem"   quingem

Sat May 15, 2010 7:56 am (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Downloaded by QuinGem. DVDRip. Cover art included.
"A tough bouncer is hired to tame a dirty bar."
From: QuinGem
Size: 699MB, 2 files
Expires: Jul. 14, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to
1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your
address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


ISO Smallville 9.22 Salvation

Posted by: "QuinGem"   quingem

Sat May 15, 2010 8:01 am (PDT)

Does anyone have last night's episode in Pando?

PA TV:  7th Heaven 02x01 Don't Take My Love Away

Posted by: "Mrs Christa C"   eaglewingz2001

Sat May 15, 2010 8:01 am (PDT)

From: Team Angel Christa

Subject: 7th Heaven 02x01 Don't Take My Love Away

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

7th Heaven 02x01 Don't Take My Love Away
From: Team Angel Christa
Size: 327MB, 4 files
Expires: Jul. 13, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


PA TV:  7th Heaven 02x02 See You in September

Posted by: "Mrs Christa C"   eaglewingz2001

Sat May 15, 2010 8:02 am (PDT)

From: Team Angel Christa

Subject: 7th Heaven 02x02 See You in September

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

7th Heaven 02x02 See You in September
From: Team Angel Christa
Size: 330MB, 4 files
Expires: Jul. 13, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


ISO Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Posted by: "Silver"   silver_unicorn_13171

Sat May 15, 2010 9:09 am (PDT)

My son just said he wanted to see this one.
Could someone please share in pando.
Thanks in advance!

ISO Leap year

Posted by: "ny198248"   ny198248

Sat May 15, 2010 9:31 am (PDT)

No cams if possible...thanks


ISO The Messenger

Posted by: "ny198248"   ny198248

Sat May 15, 2010 9:33 am (PDT)



ISO Edge of Darkness

Posted by: "ny198248"   ny198248

Sat May 15, 2010 9:34 am (PDT)

Not a cam if you have it..thanks


tudor so2e7

Posted by: "tjokie"   tjokie36

Sat May 15, 2010 10:05 am (PDT)

now you have to wait!!!
i think that i mis 8,9,10
i have found it so i upload this when ready


You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: grey
Size: 549MB
Expires: May. 22, 2010 (?)

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Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


GAIL / AMY !! tudors so3e1

Posted by: "tjokie"   tjokie36

Sat May 15, 2010 10:08 am (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: grey
Size: 550MB
Expires: May. 22, 2010 (?)

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Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


tudors so3e2

Posted by: "tjokie"   tjokie36

Sat May 15, 2010 10:10 am (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: grey
Size: 450MB
Expires: May. 22, 2010 (?)

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Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


Re: tudors so3e2

Posted by: "Amy Douglas"   amyandmike69

Sat May 15, 2010 10:23 am (PDT)

your are the best

From: tjokie <>
To: now-showing <>
Sent: Sat, May 15, 2010 1:09:30 PM
Subject: [now_showing] tudors so3e2



You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: grey
Size: 450MB
Expires: May. 22, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando. com to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


ISO-2010 the movie "why did i get married 2"THKS THKS

Posted by: "Reddog Sjka"   irefuze2loose

Sat May 15, 2010 10:32 am (PDT)


ISO-why did i get married too. THKS THKS

Posted by: "Reddog Sjka"   irefuze2loose

Sat May 15, 2010 10:44 am (PDT)


PANDO MOVIE Donnie Darko 2001 HD Director's Cut Eng sub

Posted by: "Dede"   foxydee777

Sat May 15, 2010 10:50 am (PDT)



Videoer til donnie darko trailer hd

Release Date:
7 June 2002 (Denmark) See more »
Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller See more »
Life is one long insane trip. Some people just have better directions. See
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A troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a large bunny rabbit that
manipulates him to commit a series of crimes, after narrowly escaping a
bizarre accident. Full summary » | Full synopsis »
Plot Keywords:
Rabbit | Vision | Teacher | Self Help Guru | Death See more »
11 wins & 10 nominations See more »
(631 articles)

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Donnie Darko 2001 HD Director's Cut Eng sub
From: Randi Andreasen
Size: 599MB, 3 files
Expires: Jun. 13, 2010 (?)

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