Thursday, May 27, 2010

[now_showing] Digest Number 3988

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

Fw: Re: [now_showing] ME AND SONS BIRTHDAY From: danielle
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro From: danielle
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From:
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From:
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From: ♥Dede ♥
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From: michael
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From: ♥Dede ♥
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From: michael
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From:
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From: Roggue AtNight
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From:
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From: ♥Dede ♥
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From:
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From: donald White
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From: Roggue AtNight
Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL From: michael
Re: Resending to save a life From: Shylet Rose
ISO :  Movies From: Johnny S
ISO  Friends S 2-10 & Quantum Leap All Episodes From: Della
Re: Fw: as requested: Tora Tora Tora part 2 of 2 From: kurganthethird
Re: How To Clean Out The Pando Cache for Vista and Win 7 From: Amy Douglas
Re: How To Clean Out The Pando Cache for Vista and Win 7 From: michael
Re: How To Clean Out The Pando Cache for Vista and Win 7 From: Lynn (in Oz)
iso letters to juliet & furry vengence From: Amy Douglas
Helen of Troy From: tjokie



Fw: Re: [now_showing] ME AND SONS BIRTHDAY

Posted by: "danielle"   danny_guenette

Thu May 27, 2010 10:22 am (PDT)

I couldn't save background

I luvv the birthday faces very realistic

-------Original Message-------

From: Gina
Date: 26/05/2010 4:54:50 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] ME AND SONS BIRTHDAY

Hahahahaha I was thinking the same thing.

-------Original Message-------

Date: 5/25/2010 7:03:42 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] ME AND SONS BIRTHDAY

Not implying anything here...ROFL...but can't ya just picture someone with
their face an inch from the screen blowing like hell thinking..."hey, these
must be trick candles!!"....ROFLMAO

Now make wish blow out allll the 20 candles


Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Posted by: "danielle"   danny_guenette

Thu May 27, 2010 10:23 am (PDT)

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: Jeni Ackley
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <> wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <>
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@" <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <ch5847@gmail. com> wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York,
N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst
theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here: http://www When it opens it will choose the location nearest you. Now
find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the stars and select
it. This will tell you what your speed test is from your server to the Pando
Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for slow speed with Pando
but the one's I have checked and were having slow speeds are the farthest
away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.

-------Original Message----- --

From: michael
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This has
been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger upload
file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25, my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it cost
for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and
you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com> wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub ..

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <l.olmsted1@verizon. net> wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: Dvisdan@AOL. COM
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept
serenity. 528@gmail. com writes:

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?


http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Art © Sherrie Engler
Used with Permission
Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!
Stationery by Wolfwacky™/Heidi
Font: Garton
March 3, 2006

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.



Posted by: ""   lilbabyrdnck

Thu May 27, 2010 10:34 am (PDT)

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: _Jeni Ackley_ (
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail.msm_
( > wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <_mommabearof4@mommabear_ ( >
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@ _aol.com_ ( " <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <_ch5847@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New
York, N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
from their location and the farther away they are from the server the
worst theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here:
_http://www.speedteshttp:/_ ( When it opens it will choose the
location nearest you. Now find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by
highlighing the stars and select it. This will tell you what your speed test is
from your server to the Pando Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the
reason for slow speed with Pando, but the one's I have checked and were
having slow speeds are the farthest away from the New York servers. Mine is

-------Original Message----- --

From: _michael_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This
has been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger
upload file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25,
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
is worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it
cost for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff
and you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <_l.olmsted1@verizon. net_
( > wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Dvisdan@AOL. COM_ (mailto:Dvisdan@AOL.COM)
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
_windswept.serenity. 528@gmail. com_ (

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?



_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

Art © _Sherrie Engler_ (
Used with Permission
_Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!_
Stationery by _Wolfwacky™/Heidi_ (
Font: _Garton_ (
March 3, 2006

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.



Posted by: ""   lilbabyrdnck

Thu May 27, 2010 10:45 am (PDT)

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: _Jeni Ackley_ (
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail.msm_
( > wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <_mommabearof4@mommabear_ ( >
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@ _aol.com_ ( " <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <_ch5847@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New
York, N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
from their location and the farther away they are from the server the
worst theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here:
_http://www.speedteshttp:/_ ( When it opens it will choose the
location nearest you. Now find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by
highlighing the stars and select it. This will tell you what your speed test is
from your server to the Pando Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the
reason for slow speed with Pando, but the one's I have checked and were
having slow speeds are the farthest away from the New York servers. Mine is

-------Original Message----- --

From: _michael_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This
has been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger
upload file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25,
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
is worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it
cost for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff
and you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <_l.olmsted1@verizon. net_
( > wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Dvisdan@AOL. COM_ (mailto:Dvisdan@AOL.COM)
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
_windswept.serenity. 528@gmail. com_ (

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?



_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

Art © _Sherrie Engler_ (
Used with Permission
_Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!_
Stationery by _Wolfwacky™/Heidi_ (
Font: _Garton_ (
March 3, 2006

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.



Posted by: "♥Dede ♥"   foxydee777

Thu May 27, 2010 12:34 pm (PDT)

I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23
for the download

-------Original Message-------

Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: Jeni Ackley
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <> wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <>
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@" <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <ch5847@gmail. com> wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York,
N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst
theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here: http://www When it opens it will choose the location nearest you. Now
find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the stars and select
it. This will tell you what your speed test is from your server to the Pando
Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for slow speed with Pando
but the one's I have checked and were having slow speeds are the farthest
away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.

-------Original Message----- --

From: michael
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This has
been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger upload
file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25, my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it cost
for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and
you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com> wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub ..

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <l.olmsted1@verizon. net> wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: Dvisdan@AOL. COM
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept
serenity. 528@gmail. com writes:

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?


http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Art © Sherrie Engler
Used with Permission
Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!
Stationery by Wolfwacky™/Heidi
Font: Garton
March 3, 2006

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.



Posted by: "michael"   msmolt

Thu May 27, 2010 12:40 pm (PDT)

That's above avg. Anything past 10MB your paying big for it

-------Original Message-------

From: ♥Dede ♥
Date: 5/27/2010 12:34:28 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23
for the download

-------Original Message-------

Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: Jeni Ackley
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <> wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <>
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@" <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <ch5847@gmail. com> wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York,
N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst
theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here: http://www When it opens it will choose the location nearest you. Now
find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the stars and select
it. This will tell you what your speed test is from your server to the Pando
Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for slow speed with Pando
but the one's I have checked and were having slow speeds are the farthest
away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.

-------Original Message----- --

From: michael
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This has
been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger upload
file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25, my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it cost
for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and
you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com> wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub ..

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <l.olmsted1@verizon. net> wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: Dvisdan@AOL. COM
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept
serenity. 528@gmail. com writes:

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?


http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Art © Sherrie Engler
Used with Permission
Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!
Stationery by Wolfwacky™/Heidi
Font: Garton
March 3, 2006

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.



Posted by: "♥Dede ♥"   foxydee777

Thu May 27, 2010 12:47 pm (PDT)

Well that is good to know and my bill is 40.00 a month..Thanks Micheal

-------Original Message-------

From: michael
Date: 5/27/2010 3:40:27 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

That's above avg. Anything past 10MB your paying big for it

-------Original Message-------

From: ♥Dede ♥
Date: 5/27/2010 12:34:28 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23
for the download

-------Original Message-------

Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: Jeni Ackley
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <> wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <>
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@" <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <ch5847@gmail. com> wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York,
N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst
theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here: http://www When it opens it will choose the location nearest you. Now
find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the stars and select
it. This will tell you what your speed test is from your server to the Pando
Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for slow speed with Pando
but the one's I have checked and were having slow speeds are the farthest
away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.

-------Original Message----- --

From: michael
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This has
been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger upload
file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25, my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it cost
for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and
you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com> wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub ..

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <l.olmsted1@verizon. net> wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: Dvisdan@AOL. COM
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept
serenity. 528@gmail. com writes:

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?


http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Art © Sherrie Engler
Used with Permission
Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!
Stationery by Wolfwacky™/Heidi
Font: Garton
March 3, 2006

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.



Posted by: "michael"   msmolt

Thu May 27, 2010 12:58 pm (PDT)

Is that fiber optic ?

-------Original Message-------

From: ♥Dede ♥
Date: 5/27/2010 12:47:35 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

Well that is good to know and my bill is 40.00 a month..Thanks Micheal

-------Original Message-------

From: michael
Date: 5/27/2010 3:40:27 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

That's above avg. Anything past 10MB your paying big for it

-------Original Message-------

From: ♥Dede ♥
Date: 5/27/2010 12:34:28 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23
for the download

-------Original Message-------

Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: Jeni Ackley
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <> wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <>
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@" <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <ch5847@gmail. com> wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York,
N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst
theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here: http://www When it opens it will choose the location nearest you. Now
find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the stars and select
it. This will tell you what your speed test is from your server to the Pando
Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for slow speed with Pando
but the one's I have checked and were having slow speeds are the farthest
away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.

-------Original Message----- --

From: michael
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This has
been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger upload
file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25, my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it cost
for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and
you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com> wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub ..

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <l.olmsted1@verizon. net> wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: Dvisdan@AOL. COM
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept
serenity. 528@gmail. com writes:

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?


http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Art © Sherrie Engler
Used with Permission
Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!
Stationery by Wolfwacky™/Heidi
Font: Garton
March 3, 2006

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.



Posted by: ""   immarv

Thu May 27, 2010 1:01 pm (PDT)

Dee ... Hers is FREAKING killer fast. It's 6 times faster than mine and I
bet cheaper too. My dl speed is 3mb/sec and upload is 1mb/sec. If you ask
you ISP what you pay for they'll tell you. Then iunlike using SPEEDTEST, I
use a ul/dl meter to monitor my speed which is lots more accurate than
speedtest. I always know where my bandwith is getting used.

In a message dated 5/27/2010 2:34:31 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23
for the download

-------Original Message-------

From: _Nike23chic@aol.Nik_ (
Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
d2221273@gmail.In a messag

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: _Jeni Ackley_ (
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail.msm_
( > wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <_mommabearof4@mommabear_ ( >
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@ _aol.com_ ( " <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <_ch5847@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New
York, N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed
test's from their location and the farther away they are from the server the
worst theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here:
_http://www.speedteshttp:/_ ( When it opens it will choose
the location nearest you. Now find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by
highlighing the stars and select it. This will tell you what your speed test
is from your server to the Pando Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the
reason for slow speed with Pando, but the one's I have checked and were
having slow speeds are the farthest away from the New York servers. Mine is

-------Original Message----- --

From: _michael_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This
has been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger
upload file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25,
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
is worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it
cost for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff
and you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <_l.olmsted1@verizon. net_
( > wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Dvisdan@AOL. COM_ (mailto:Dvisdan@AOL.COM)
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
_windswept.serenity. 528@gmail. com_ (

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?



_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

Art © _Sherrie Engler_ (
Used with Permission
_Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!_
Stationery by _Wolfwacky™/Heidi_ (
Font: _Garton_ (
March 3, 2006

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.
_ (http://w




Posted by: "Roggue AtNight"   roggue42

Thu May 27, 2010 1:17 pm (PDT)

How do you all take a Screen Shot !?! I am running win-7

Thanks, Roggue

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:33 PM, ♥Dede ♥ <> wrote:

> I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had
> 23 for the download
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:*
> *Date:* 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE
> In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> You have 14 Mb download speed
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:* Jeni Ackley <>
> *Date:* 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro
> Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
> <groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:
> DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
> UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
> PING: 46 ms
> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <> wrote:
> From the Desk of
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:* lincoln83162 <>
> *Date:* 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro
> Lauren,
> You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!
> Kenny
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Lauren <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
> *Subject:* KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro
> I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and
> I have optimum. Who is your provider?
> My speeds were:
> Downloads: 12.31mb/s
> Uploads: 2.01mb/s
> Ping: 13ms
> My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.
> *-------Original Message----- --*
> *From:* lincoln83162 <>
> *Date:* 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
> I am located in NYC.
> I guess I am lucky.
> Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms
> Kenny
> ------------------------------
> *From:* "TagsNTubez@" <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
> *Sent:* Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
> This is mine, I am in Texas
> 2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping
> In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> Roggue42@gmail. com writes:
> *I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I
> would have but*
> *Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.*
> **
> * Roggue*
> On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <ch5847@gmail. com<>
> > wrote:
> My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
> of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York,
> N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
> from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst
> theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here:
> When it opens it will choose the location
> nearest you. Now find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the
> stars and select it. This will tell you what your speed test is from your
> server to the Pando Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for
> slow speed with Pando, but the one's I have checked and were having slow
> speeds are the farthest away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.
> *-------Original Message----- --*
> *From:* michael <>
> *Date:* 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
> Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This has
> been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger upload
> file size
> *-------Original Message----- --*
> *From:* Roggue AtNight <>
> *Date:* 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
> *I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
> the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said *
> **
> * " I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25,
> my *
> *up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
> is **worth the money. "*
> **
> *Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont
> know but what I do know is that 54* € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what
> it cost for a rapidshare account,
> It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
> Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
> hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and
> you Save $47 Hummmm
> Just my thoughts on this is all LOL
> Roggue
> On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com<>
> > wrote:
> No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB
> uploads
> *-------Original Message----- --*
> *From:* Roggue AtNight <>
> *Date:* 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
> Larry,
> It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub
> ..
> I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
> up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
> worth the money.
> Roggue
> On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <l.olmsted1@verizon. net<>
> > wrote:
> PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
> My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
> My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
> ( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
> I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
> 300 kps on downloads .
> Is it my area ?
> At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .
> Larry
> *-------Original Message----- --*
> *From:* Dvisdan@AOL. COM <Dvisdan@AOL.COM>
> *Date:* 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
> i sayhell yes downloads are much fster
> In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept.serenity.
> 528@gmail. com <> writes:
> I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
> Do you think its worth it?
> Tami
> [image:]<>
> --
> http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/<>
> *Windswept*
> *Art © **Sherrie Engler* <>
> *Used with Permission*
> *Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!*<>
> * *
> *Stationery by Wolfwacky™/Heidi <>*
> *Font: Garton <>*
> *March 3, 2006*
> --
> http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/<>
> --
> http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/<>
> Personalized By~Janey~
> 2009
> font Zephyr
> --
> Take care, Jeni
> ********************
> In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
> any copyrighted material in this message
> is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.
> ********************
> [image: FREE Animations for your email - by IncrediMail! Click Here!]<>



Posted by: ""   immarv

Thu May 27, 2010 1:25 pm (PDT)

Start,All Programs,Accessories, Snipping Tool

In a message dated 5/27/2010 3:18:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

How do you all take a Screen Shot !?! I am running win-7

Thanks, Roggue

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:33 PM, ♥Dede ♥ <_deecruzin@gmail.dee_
( > wrote:

I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23
for the download

-------Original Message-------

From: _Nike23chic@aol.Nik_ (
Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
_d2221273@gmail.d22_ ( writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: _Jeni Ackley_ (
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail.msm_
( > wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
To: _now_showing@now_shroups.rou_ (

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <_mommabearof4@mommabear_ ( >

To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@ _aol.com_ ( " <TagsNTubez@aol. com>

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I
would have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <_ch5847@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New
York, N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed
test's from their location and the farther away they are from the server the
worst theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here:
_http://www.speedteshttp:/_ ( When it opens it will choose
the location nearest you. Now find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by
highlighing the stars and select it. This will tell you what your speed test
is from your server to the Pando Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the
reason for slow speed with Pando, but the one's I have checked and were
having slow speeds are the farthest away from the New York servers. Mine is

-------Original Message----- --

From: _michael_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This
has been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger
upload file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25,
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
is worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it
cost for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff
and you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <_l.olmsted1@verizon. net_
( > wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Dvisdan@AOL. COM_ (mailto:Dvisdan@AOL.COM)
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
_windswept.serenity. 528@gmail. com_ (

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?



_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

Art © _Sherrie Engler_ (
Used with Permission
_Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!_
Stationery by _Wolfwacky™/Heidi_ (
Font: _Garton_ (
March 3, 2006

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.





Posted by: "♥Dede ♥"   foxydee777

Thu May 27, 2010 1:31 pm (PDT)

Wow I never knew that, thanks...I always use the print and use my psp for it
..Love learning new things LOL

-------Original Message-------

Date: 5/27/2010 4:25:48 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

Start,All Programs,Accessories, Snipping Tool

In a message dated 5/27/2010 3:18:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

How do you all take a Screen Shot !?! I am running win-7

Thanks, Roggue

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:33 PM, ♥Dede ♥ <> wrote:

I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23
for the download

-------Original Message-------

Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: Jeni Ackley
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <> wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <>


Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@" <TagsNTubez@aol. com>

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <ch5847@gmail. com> wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York,
N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst
theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here: http://www When it opens it will choose the location nearest you. Now
find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the stars and select
it. This will tell you what your speed test is from your server to the Pando
Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for slow speed with Pando
but the one's I have checked and were having slow speeds are the farthest
away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.

-------Original Message----- --

From: michael
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This has
been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger upload
file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25, my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it cost
for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and
you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com> wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub ..

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <l.olmsted1@verizon. net> wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: Dvisdan@AOL. COM
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept
serenity. 528@gmail. com writes:

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?


http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Art © Sherrie Engler
Used with Permission
Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!
Stationery by Wolfwacky™/Heidi
Font: Garton
March 3, 2006

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.




Posted by: ""   immarv

Thu May 27, 2010 1:33 pm (PDT)

well i just know its there .. personally i use printkey 2000 ... ive had
it on every computer i have had for the past 6-8 years now.

In a message dated 5/27/2010 3:31:22 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Wow I never knew that, thanks...I always use the print and use my psp for
it...Love learning new things LOL

-------Original Message-------

From: _imsexyman4ever@imsexym_ (
Date: 5/27/2010 4:25:48 PM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

Start,All Programs,AccessorieStart,All Programs,Accesso

In a message dated 5/27/2010 3:18:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail.In a messag

How do you all take a Screen Shot !?! I am running win-7

Thanks, Roggue

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:33 PM, ♥Dede ♥ <_deecruzin@gmail.dee_
( > wrote:

I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23
for the download

-------Original Message-------

From: _Nike23chic@aol.Nik_ (
Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
_d2221273@gmail.d22_ ( writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: _Jeni Ackley_ (
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail.msm_
( > wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <_mommabearof4@mommabear_ ( >

To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (

Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: _lincoln83162_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@ _aol.com_ ( " <TagsNTubez@aol. com>

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <_ch5847@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New
York, N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed
test's from their location and the farther away they are from the server the
worst theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here:
_http://www.speedteshttp:/_ ( When it opens it will choose
the location nearest you. Now find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by
highlighing the stars and select it. This will tell you what your speed test
is from your server to the Pando Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the
reason for slow speed with Pando, but the one's I have checked and were
having slow speeds are the farthest away from the New York servers. Mine is

-------Original Message----- --

From: _michael_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This
has been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger
upload file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25,
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
is worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it
cost for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff
and you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <_msmolt@gmail. com_
( > wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Roggue AtNight_ (
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <_l.olmsted1@verizon. net_
( > wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: _Dvisdan@AOL. COM_ (mailto:Dvisdan@AOL.COM)
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM

To: _now_showing@ yahoogroups. com_ (

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
_windswept.serenity. 528@gmail. com_ (

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?



_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_ (http://lazy-dog-photos.blogspot

Art © _Sherrie Engler_ (
Used with Permission
_Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!_
Stationery by _Wolfwacky™/Heidi_ (
Font: _Garton_ (
March 3, 2006

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

_http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/_

Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.






Posted by: "donald White"   stackadollarz

Thu May 27, 2010 1:36 pm (PDT)

Succes is measured by how
You see yourself
On May 27, 2010 4:19 PM, Roggue AtNight &lt;; wrote:


How do you all take a Screen Shot !?!&nbsp; I am running win-7
&nbsp; Thanks,&nbsp; Roggue

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:33 PM, ♥Dede ♥ &lt;; wrote:


I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23 for the download

-------Original Message-------

Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL


In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You&nbsp; have 14 Mb&nbsp; download speed&nbsp;


-------Original Message-------

From: Jeni Ackley
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro
&nbsp;Interesting to compare all of the different providers.&nbsp; I have Comcast &lt;groan&gt; and I ran the speed test.&nbsp; Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD:&nbsp; 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD:&nbsp; 1.49 mb/s
PING:&nbsp; 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael &lt;; wrote:


From the Desk of



-------Original Message-------

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM

Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro


You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!

From: Lauren &lt;;

Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM

Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro


I just ran the test to compare to your speeds.&nbsp; I am on Long Island and I have optimum.&nbsp; Who is your provider?&nbsp;
My speeds were:
Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads:&nbsp; 2.01mb/s
Ping:&nbsp; 13ms
My download speeds&nbsp;usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.&nbsp;


-------Original Message----- --

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
I am located in NYC.&nbsp;

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s&nbsp;&nbsp; Upload: &nbsp; 0.45Mb/s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ping:&nbsp; 22 ms&nbsp;


From: "TagsNTubez@" &lt;TagsNTubez@aol. com&gt;

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload,&nbsp; 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time, Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would have but

Down load: 13.29 Mb/s&nbsp;and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Roggue

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton &lt;ch5847@gmail. com&gt; wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York, N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here:;When it opens it will choose the location nearest you. Now find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the stars&nbsp;and select it. This will tell you what your speed test is&nbsp;from your server to the Pando Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for slow speed with Pando, but the one's I have checked and were having slow speeds are the farthest away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.



-------Original Message----- --

From: michael
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This has been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger upload file size&nbsp;&nbsp;


-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said&nbsp;
&nbsp;" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25, my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all "&nbsp;I " feel Pando Pro is worth the money.&nbsp;"
Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know&nbsp; but what I do know is that 54&nbsp;€ {Euros} = $72 UAofA&nbsp;Dollars is what it cost for a&nbsp;rapidshare account,

It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account.&nbsp; Now with that great FREE program Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL
&nbsp;&nbsp; Roggue
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael &lt;msmolt@gmail. com&gt; wrote:


No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB uploads

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub ..
I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all "&nbsp;I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money.
&nbsp; Roggue

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry &lt;l.olmsted1@verizon. net&gt; wrote:


PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: Dvisdan@AOL. COM
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept.serenity. 528@gmail. com writes:


I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?



http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/


Art ©&nbsp;Sherrie Engler

Used with Permission
Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!&nbsp;

Stationery by Wolfwacky™/Heidi
Font: Garton
March 3, 2006

http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/


http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/




Personalized By~Janey~
font Zephyr

Take care, Jeni

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
any copyrighted material in this message

is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.







Posted by: "Roggue AtNight"   roggue42

Thu May 27, 2010 2:02 pm (PDT)

COOL !!! Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 2:25 PM, <> wrote:

> *Start,All Programs,Accessories, Snipping Tool*
> In a message dated 5/27/2010 3:18:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> How do you all take a Screen Shot !?! I am running win-7
> Thanks, Roggue
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:33 PM, ♥Dede ♥ <> wrote:
>> I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I
>> had 23 for the download
>> *-------Original Message-------*
>> *From:*
>> *Date:* 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE
>> LOL
>> **
>> In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
>> writes:
>> You have 14 Mb download speed
>> *-------Original Message-------*
>> *From:* Jeni Ackley <>
>> *Date:* 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro
>> Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
>> <groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:
>> DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
>> UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
>> PING: 46 ms
>> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <> wrote:
>> From the Desk of
>> *-------Original Message-------*
>> *From:* lincoln83162 <>
>> *Date:* 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro
>> Lauren,
>> You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!
>> Kenny
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Lauren <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
>> *Subject:* KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro
>> I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island
>> and I have optimum. Who is your provider?
>> My speeds were:
>> Downloads: 12.31mb/s
>> Uploads: 2.01mb/s
>> Ping: 13ms
>> My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.
>> *-------Original Message----- --*
>> *From:* lincoln83162 <>
>> *Date:* 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
>> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
>> I am located in NYC.
>> I guess I am lucky.
>> Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms
>> Kenny
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* "TagsNTubez@" <TagsNTubez@aol. com>
>> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
>> *Sent:* Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
>> This is mine, I am in Texas
>> 2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping
>> In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
>> Roggue42@gmail. com writes:
>> *I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I
>> would have but*
>> *Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.*
>> **
>> * Roggue*
>> On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <ch5847@gmail. com<>
>> > wrote:
>> My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
>> of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York,
>> N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
>> from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst
>> theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here:
>> When it opens it will choose the location
>> nearest you. Now find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the
>> stars and select it. This will tell you what your speed test is from your
>> server to the Pando Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for
>> slow speed with Pando, but the one's I have checked and were having slow
>> speeds are the farthest away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.
>> *-------Original Message----- --*
>> *From:* michael <>
>> *Date:* 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
>> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
>> Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This
>> has been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger
>> upload file size
>> *-------Original Message----- --*
>> *From:* Roggue AtNight <>
>> *Date:* 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
>> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
>> *I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were
>> around the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said *
>> **
>> * " I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25,
>> my *
>> *up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
>> is **worth the money. "*
>> **
>> *Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont
>> know but what I do know is that 54* € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is
>> what it cost for a rapidshare account,
>> It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
>> Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
>> hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and
>> you Save $47 Hummmm
>> Just my thoughts on this is all LOL
>> Roggue
>> On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com<>
>> > wrote:
>> No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB
>> uploads
>> *-------Original Message----- --*
>> *From:* Roggue AtNight <>
>> *Date:* 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
>> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
>> Larry,
>> It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub
>> ..
>> I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
>> up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro
>> is
>> worth the money.
>> Roggue
>> On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <l.olmsted1@verizon. net<>
>> > wrote:
>> PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
>> My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
>> My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
>> ( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
>> I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
>> 300 kps on downloads .
>> Is it my area ?
>> At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .
>> Larry
>> *-------Original Message----- --*
>> *From:* Dvisdan@AOL. COM <Dvisdan@AOL.COM>
>> *Date:* 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
>> *To:* now_showing@ yahoogroups. com <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro
>> i sayhell yes downloads are much fster
>> In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept.serenity.
>> 528@gmail. com <> writes:
>> I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
>> Do you think its worth it?
>> Tami
>> <>
>> --
>> http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/<>
>> *Windswept*
>> *Art © **Sherrie Engler* <>
>> *Used with Permission*
>> *Click here to see why America is collecting a Headed West Original!*<>
>> * *
>> *Stationery by Wolfwacky™/Heidi <>*
>> *Font: Garton <>*
>> *March 3, 2006*
>> --
>> http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/<>
>> --
>> http://lazy- dog-photos. blogspot. com/<>
>> Personalized By~Janey~
>> 2009
>> font Zephyr
>> **
>> --
>> Take care, Jeni
>> ********************
>> In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107,
>> any copyrighted material in this message
>> is distributed under fair use without profit or payment.
>> ********************
>> <>
> --



Posted by: "michael"   msmolt

Thu May 27, 2010 3:05 pm (PDT)

Haha well use your win 7 snipping tool. One of the best things in win 7 lol.
Go to start \all programs \accessories\snipping tool. drag short cut to

-------Original Message-------

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/27/2010 1:18:12 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

How do you all take a Screen Shot !?! I am running win-7

Thanks, Roggue

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:33 PM, ♥Dede ♥ <> wrote:

I'll like to know if that's good or not cause I did the test and I had 23
for the download

-------Original Message-------

Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:14 PM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro HERES MINE AND HAVE NO CLUE LOL

In a message dated 5/27/2010 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You have 14 Mb download speed

-------Original Message-------

From: Jeni Ackley
Date: 26/05/2010 12:25:02 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro

Interesting to compare all of the different providers. I have Comcast
<groan> and I ran the speed test. Following are my results:

DOWNLOAD: 14.06 mb/s
UPLOAD: 1.49 mb/s
PING: 46 ms

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, michael <> wrote:

From the Desk of

-------Original Message-------

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/25/2010 6:40:24 AM
Subject: Re: LAUREN [now_showing] Pando Pro



You seem to have much better upload speed; congrats!


From: Lauren <>


Sent: Tue, May 25, 2010 9:17:59 AM
Subject: KENNY [now_showing] Pando Pro

I just ran the test to compare to your speeds. I am on Long Island and I
have optimum. Who is your provider?
My speeds were:

Downloads: 12.31mb/s
Uploads: 2.01mb/s
Ping: 13ms

My download speeds usually go up to 1300kb/s on pando.

-------Original Message----- --

From: lincoln83162
Date: 5/24/2010 11:43:04 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am located in NYC.

I guess I am lucky.

Download: 11.65 Mb/s Upload: 0.45Mb/s Ping: 22 ms


From: "TagsNTubez@" <TagsNTubez@aol. com>

To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:02:58 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

This is mine, I am in Texas
2.84mgb download,0.31mb/ s upload, 140ms ping

In a message dated 5/24/2010 8:56:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Roggue42@gmail. com writes:

I just took the test and I dont know how to take a screen shot ore I would
have but
Down load: 13.29 Mb/s and Upload: 3.49 Mb/s I'm in the Denver Co area.


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Carlton <ch5847@gmail. com> wrote:

My speeds got better with Pando Pro also. I have always believed that part
of the problem is where you are located. The Pando offices are in New York,
N.Y. and that's where their server is. I have had people do speed test's
from their location and the farther away they are from the server the worst
theirs speeds are. A good way to check this is to go here: http://www When it opens it will choose the location nearest you. Now
find New York, N.Y. on the upper right by highlighing the stars and select
it. This will tell you what your speed test is from your server to the Pando
Servers. Now I'm not saying this is all the reason for slow speed with Pando
but the one's I have checked and were having slow speeds are the farthest
away from the New York servers. Mine is attached.

-------Original Message----- --

From: michael
Date: 5/24/2010 7:09:00 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

Probably because when you went pro you also upgraded the software. This has
been challenged over and over. The only bennies you receive is bigger upload
file size

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/24/2010 12:23:23 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

I am Sorry I beg to differ ... before I had pando pro my DL's were around
the 130's 140's and with Pro like I said

" I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yes some at 8 or 25, my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money. "

Maybe I am really close to the cable hub maybe it's just Luck I dont know
but what I do know is that 54 € {Euros} = $72 UAofA Dollars is what it cost
for a rapidshare account,
It cost $25.00 for a Pando Pro account. Now with that great FREE program
Viti's FreeRapid DownLoader you copy and paste the rapid links into it and
hit Start and let it run in the back round to DL your rapid files/stuff and
you Save $47 Hummmm

Just my thoughts on this is all LOL

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com> wrote:

No it is not any faster at all only thing you get with the pro is 3GB

-------Original Message----- --

From: Roggue AtNight
Date: 5/23/2010 5:05:47 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro


It must be your location if your on DSL or Cable if your far from the hub ..

I have DL speeds that have been as hi as 495 and yse some at 8 or 25 my
up speeds are around 125 some times 75 but over all " I " feel Pando Pro is
worth the money.


On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Larry <l.olmsted1@verizon. net> wrote:

PandoPro I have had for over two years it is not faster .
My normal upload speed is 7 to 9k.
My download speed max is always maybe 38 to 44k.
( once it was actually 125 kps lol )
I just talked to my son using free version he said his is usually
300 kps on downloads .
Is it my area ?
At the price I suppose I will renew it when it is due .

-------Original Message----- --

From: Dvisdan@AOL. COM
Date: 5/23/2010 6:19:30 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pando Pro

i sayhell yes downloads are much fster

In a message dated 5/23/2010 2:33:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, windswept
serenity. 528@gmail. com writes:

I'm thinking about going with Pando Pro.
Do you think its worth it?


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Re: Resending to save a life

Posted by: "Shylet Rose"   elecjam

Thu May 27, 2010 11:01 am (PDT)

mine has been stuck on 98% forever saying waiting for sender :(

Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 08:24:24 +0900
Subject: RE: [now_showing] Resending to save a life

I had no trouble downloading it at all

From: [] On Behalf Of Reggie T
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 2:26 AM
Subject: RE: [now_showing] Resending to save a life

I have been trying for MONTHS to download this video. Either its never completed the download, or as in this case I get a message: 'To save a life 2010 DVDRip.QqTT.RGdd.avi. is ignored. There is no decodable video stream.' Is anyone else having this same problem?

"Watch your thoughts, for they become your words, choose your words, for they become your actions, Understand your actions, for they become your habits Study your habits, for they become your character, Develop your character for it becomes your destiny"

Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 08:09:51 -0400
Subject: [now_showing] Resending to save a life

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: MEL
Size: 511MB
Expires: Jun. 1, 2010 (?)

to save a life.......... resending

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter

Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


*request my tags*
*read my story*

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.


ISO :  Movies

Posted by: "Johnny S"   jstilwell66

Thu May 27, 2010 11:24 am (PDT)

I'm looking for The Love Comes Softly Series(in pando form) that was on Hallmark channel..If anyone has them and can share I would greatly appreciate it..Thank You..


ISO  Friends S 2-10 & Quantum Leap All Episodes

Posted by: "Della"   boos_poohbear2000

Thu May 27, 2010 11:26 am (PDT)

Thanks in advance!!!


Re: Fw: as requested: Tora Tora Tora part 2 of 2

Posted by: "kurganthethird"   kurganthefirst

Thu May 27, 2010 12:32 pm (PDT)

Thank you. Joe

----- Original Message -----
From: Dreamhrt33
To: undisclosed recipients:
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 12:05 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Fw: as requested: Tora Tora Tora part 2 of 2

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: dreamhrt <>
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 11:03:00 PM
Subject: as requested: Tora Tora Tora part 2 of 2

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Tora! Tora! Tora! d2.avi
From: dreamhrt
Size: 699MB
Expires: Jun. 24, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


Re: How To Clean Out The Pando Cache for Vista and Win 7

Posted by: "Amy Douglas"   amyandmike69

Thu May 27, 2010 12:42 pm (PDT)

when you say shut down do you meen of line or sign out or what up until 2 months ago i thought the computer was the thing you to play solotair LOL
i am learning alot here thanks

From: Lynn (in Oz) <>
Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 4:01:13 AM
Subject: [now_showing] How To Clean Out The Pando Cache for Vista and Win 7

Here's the instructions to clean the pando cache, forwarding back through from someone else.
Lynn (in Oz)

These Directions , ONLY for Vista
Make sure your Pando is completely shut down and not running!!!!
Step 1
Right Click on the Windows Bubble (Start), Then Left Click on Explore…
Step 2
From Folder Tree on LEFT SIDE…Click on Computer  Local Disk (C:)Users(whatever your user name is…(I.e.: here its Wendy&James)App DataLocal….
Step 3
Under the LOCAL Folder Look for the Pando Folder, Click and then Click on Pando Files. This should open the Pando Files Folder on the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the pane window.
Step 4
Delete all Folders and Files EXCEPT FOR CERT, Pando (text Document), Pando.prev, and Pando (Save File)
Shown below:
Step 5
When all you have left in your Pando Files Folder are these 4 files, Empty your recycle bin, restart your computer and your Pando Cache should be all nice and clean and ready for more downloads and uploads.


Re: How To Clean Out The Pando Cache for Vista and Win 7

Posted by: "michael"   msmolt

Thu May 27, 2010 12:57 pm (PDT)

Make sure pando is not runing

-------Original Message-------

From: Amy Douglas
Date: 05/27/10 12:42:39
Subject: Re: [now_showing] How To Clean Out The Pando Cache for Vista and
Win 7

when you say shut down do you meen of line or sign out or what up until 2
months ago i thought the computer was the thing you to play solotair LOL
i am learning alot here thanks

From: Lynn (in Oz) <>
Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 4:01:13 AM
Subject: [now_showing] How To Clean Out The Pando Cache for Vista and Win 7

Here's the instructions to clean the pando cache, forwarding back through
from someone else.
Lynn (in Oz)


These Directions , ONLY for Vista
Make sure your Pando is completely shut down and not running!!!!
Step 1
Right Click on the Windows Bubble (Start), Then Left Click on Explore…
Step 2
From Folder Tree on LEFT SIDE…Click on Computer  Local Disk
(C:)Users(whatever your user name is…(I.e.: here its Wendy&James)App
Step 3
Under the LOCAL Folder Look for the Pando Folder, Click and then Click on
Pando Files. This should open the Pando Files Folder on the RIGHT HAND SIDE
of the pane window.
Step 4
Delete all Folders and Files EXCEPT FOR CERT, Pando (text Document), Pando
prev, and Pando (Save File)
Shown below:
Step 5
When all you have left in your Pando Files Folder are these 4 files, Empty
your recycle bin, restart your computer and your Pando Cache should be all
nice and clean and ready for more downloads and uploads.


Re: How To Clean Out The Pando Cache for Vista and Win 7

Posted by: "Lynn (in Oz)"   lynnimoon

Thu May 27, 2010 2:48 pm (PDT)

You're welcome. glad to be of help :)

On 27 May 2010 22:26, <> wrote:

> *Thank you for the help.*
> In a message dated 5/27/2010 3:01:43 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Here's the instructions to clean the pando cache, forwarding back
> through from someone else.
> Lynn (in Oz)
> These Directions , ONLY for Vista
> Make sure your Pando is completely shut down and not running!!!!
> Step 1
> Right Click on the Windows Bubble (Start), Then Left Click on Explore…
> Step 2
> From Folder Tree on LEFT SIDE…Click on Computer  Local Disk (C:)Users(whatever
> your user name is…(I.e.: here its Wendy&James)App DataLocal….
> Step 3
> Under the LOCAL Folder Look for the Pando Folder, Click and then Click on
> Pando Files. This should open the Pando Files Folder on the RIGHT HAND SIDE
> of the pane window.
> Step 4
> Delete all Folders and Files EXCEPT FOR CERT, Pando (text Document),
> Pando.prev, and Pando (Save File)
> Shown below:
> Step 5
> When all you have left in your Pando Files Folder are these 4 files, Empty
> your recycle bin, restart your computer and your Pando Cache should be all
> nice and clean and ready for more downloads and uploads.

I may have an aunt named Dorothy, but my dog isn't called Toto and there's
definitely no yellow brick road or Emerald City here!!

iso letters to juliet & furry vengence

Posted by: "Amy Douglas"   amyandmike69

Thu May 27, 2010 2:06 pm (PDT)

thank you


Helen of Troy

Posted by: "tjokie"   tjokie36

Thu May 27, 2010 3:05 pm (PDT)

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

Helen of Troy-cd1.avi
From: grey
Size: 350MB
Expires: Jun. 3, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.

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