Our Haiti vgift and our charitable gift drive brought in over $11,000 for UNICEF and CARE! Thank you so much for your generosity. We're proud to announce that we've been working with help_haiti to promote two new charitable vgifts, which they've designed especially for LiveJournal! Priced at $9.99 each, when you give either of the Help_Haiti vgifts (shown below) to a friend, they'll automatically receive two months of paid account time. We'll donate 100 percent of the money we raise to Partners in Health, who are already on the ground providing emergency healthcare. We wish to thank
help_haiti for all of the amazing work they've been doing to heal the suffering in Haiti.
We've got a fair amount of news to share this week. So buckle up, and we'll get rolling.
Stuff you should know:
- For paid users, the tag limit has been increased from 1,200 to 2,000.
- We heard from
gregstoll that there's a new LiveJournal app for Palm WebOS devices that allows you to view and comment on posts, visit friends pages, upload images, and more. You can read details on Palm's app page.
- We've made a series of improvements to notifications, as follows:
- Replies to journal comments and community entries can be delivered to your LiveJournal Inbox, Jabber, and other external messaging services;
- You can choose NOT to have subscriptions delivered to your LiveJournal Inbox (only your personal messages must be delivered to your Inbox);
- Maintainers of paid communities can subscribe to get notifications for all new comments posted in their communities: Be sure to check the subscriptions on your Account Notifications page, since some of the contents may have shifted during our recent upgrade;
- Only those items listed in the Subscription Tracking area of your Accounts/Notifications page are counted towards your subscription quota.
- The maintainer of a non-paid community can upgrade to a paid community by clicking the Account link for the community on the Manage Communities page.
- We fixed an outstanding bug in the Gift Shop, so, after you complete a gift order, your shopping cart will automatically clear so you can place a new order.
- You can delete a comment you made in a community that has since disabled comments on the Manage Comments page (found under the Journal tab in Horizon).
- When you search under schools, other users currently attending the school will display.
- We fixed the issue causing some vertical ads to break horizontal frames.
- A voice post can be transcribed by the original poster no matter how many other users have already transcribed it.
- Embedded YouTube videos that are larger than 320 pixels preview correctly.
For this week's winning photo and more fun with Frank, we'll catch you under the cut!
Featured photo
Congrats to odinsvoid who won our ninth
lj_photophile poll. Click here to vote for next week's photo of the week!
Fun with Frank!
Frank was absolutely delighted with your insightful pointers on how to woo his beloved Meme. He was so impressed, in fact, that he's hoping you'll give him some tips on how to persuade Meme to spend all day Sunday, indoors, watching the Superbowl. Meme is an ardent naturalist and not much of a spectator sports enthusiast, but has been known to partake in a plate of nachos on occasion. Since Frank is all about giving back, he'll send a glass of good cheer to the first 25 muses who inspire him with sage advice on how to entice Meme to stay in.Thanks, again, for joining us. We'll see you next week.
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