Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Love is in the Share

Vox Talks: February 2010

Share the Love

Last week, we asked how you were going to celebrate Valentine’s Day and how and to whom you planned on saying, “I love you.” Your answers were so great, we wanted to share a few here:

“I simply open my mouth and tell them. Everyday. I show it, too, with little things like hugs and laughter and occasionally doing the dishes.” – MoonCat

“A short and simple answer: my big brother. Even when I don't feel deserving, he always thinks the best of me and my abilities. And if he doesn't think the world of me, he sure makes me feel like he does.” – GainCA

“[Valentine’s Day] is a wonderful holiday in spirit, but really we should be loving each other like that every day, not just one time a year.” – BULLETPROOFsoul

“I hope everyone out there in VoxLand is enjoying a little extra love today.” – DoctorD v3.1

“At our house, Valentine's Day is every day...”
- M&D Reinhart

Post the Love

“Say it, shout it, sing it, play it, paint it, make it, write it and post it.” That’s Channing Tatum’s challenge to you.

Visit Post the Love and take his challenge to show someone you love them, scream it to the masses, and pass it on.

Thanks for reading and thanks for sharing,

daisy, Team Vox

Photo credit: / CC BY 2.0

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