We've had a productive week here at LiveJournal. We're shoring up the pipeline to brace for upcoming features just around the bend. In the meantime, we'd like to thank all the lucky tigers out there who rumbled a resounding roar for Chinese New Year. Frank had so much fun hearing from you that he's asking everyone born in the month of February to bellow below so he can send you a box of treats!
Stuff you should know
- You may have received old notifications for past payments made to LiveJournal (for vgifts, paid time, gifts for friends, etc.). Please rest assured that no new charges were billed to your account or credit card. We identified and resolved the issue that was causing some of our email servers to send these notifications. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
- On a related note, we realize that there are still sporadic problems with missing/duplicate notifications. We're sorting through the various issues and hope to have it worked out shortly. FYI, you may experience occasional site sluggishness while we get to the bottom of this.
March header design contest
What does March mean to you? While some of us heed the words of Shakespeare and beware the ides of March, others tint our nails, hair, and beer green to cheer on St. Patrick. Still others probe the frosted grass for early buds of spring. Whatever your monthly muse, if you're a crafty type, we invite you to design a March LiveJournal header (900x90 pixels). To enter, simply post your creations to lj_spotlight on or before March 1st. We'll enter a handful of designs into a poll (based on positive user comments), which we'll post in an upcoming newsletter. The winner will bask in eternal moonglow and receive a one-year paid account (which you can keep or give to a friend)! We look forward to seeing your work!
What are you snacking on?
If you're anything like Frank and the team, you're always nibbling on something, whether it's a bag of chips, leftover pizza, or faded dungarees with wires. Since we consider snacking the universal language of love, we wanted to connect users around the world on a subject near and dear to our collective hearts (and bellies). From street food to junk food, gourmet paninis to homemade pasta, Taipei dim sum, New York City bagels, Moscow pirozhki, Parisian pommes frites, or London fish & chips, we entice you to share your love of sweets and savories with the extended LiveJournal family in ljsnackpack. Simply take a photo and write a few words about what you're snacking on today. Remember to keep photos around 400x400 pixels so images don't break on friends pages. Be sure to tag your location, since we want to garnish the globe in yummy treats.
For this week's winning photo and an update on Frank & Meme, we'll catch you under the cut!
Featured photo
Congrats to denis_photo, who won our eleventh
lj_photophile poll. Click here to vote for next week's photo of the week!
Break a hoof!
We've got more high drama with our quarreling darlings, Frank and Meme. Inspired by your advice, Frank decided to goat up, strap a cushion to his keester, and hoof it to the Valentines ice-skating retreat. The lessons went surprisingly well. By the second day out, our lovebirds were loop-de-looping around the rink to The Lion King. After an amorous dinner of pants stroganoff and, perhaps, a touch too much Wild Turkey, the two hightailed it back to a secluded cabin. In a fit of passion, Frank swept up Meme and dove toward what he thought was a faux bear-skin rug. Then, blammo!, he stumbled over a bear paw and caught his hoof in the grizzly's jaw. Frank spent the remainder of the weekend at Goat Hill clinic, watching the winter Olympics and recovering under the tender care of the enchanting Dr. Nan E. Goat (much to Meme's dismay). Frank would like to honor all of those brave adventurers who have similarly suffered a sports-related injury. If you've ever sprained or broken a body part in the pursuit of rugged recreation (this includes experiencing thumb paralysis from DSing too long into the night), please share your woeful tails tales in the comments below and Frank will award you a gold metal of valor.
Thanks, again, for joining us. We'll see you next week.
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