Saturday, April 17, 2010

[now_showing] Digest Number 3783

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)

Re: Jamie Oliver From: PriestessAmie
Re: LINDA>KJV old & new... mp3s and text zipped From: linda kelly
Re: anyone know of any cheap From:
Re: PA MOV:  A Place called Home_Hmark_2005 From: kurganthethird



Re: Jamie Oliver

Posted by: "PriestessAmie"   priestessamie

Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:00 am (PDT)

SPOILER ALERT: This can be taken as a critique of the Jamie Oliver show that
s been available to download the last few days. It's just my 2cents worth,
I am venting, no one take this personally, okay?
And no, I'm not English or American, I live in Australia so I am largely
Well I sat down this afternoon and watched the first 3 eps of Jamie Oliver's
Food Revolution, the one in America... OMG!! I cannot believe how RUDE and
OBNOXIOUS those lunch "ladies" , I mean "cooks", are! In my opinion they
are neither of those things!
Here you have a world renowned chef giving up a chunk of his and his family
s life, coming right to your very own doorstep to help make things better
and what do they do? I didn't know people could be so rude, and right to
his face too. And that radio guy? What a JERK! I can't believe it
actually looks like the only people in that town with any manners, or know
how to treat someone with a bit of dignity and respect are the teenagers.
Well, American's should be proud of this one! Makes you all look like a
bunch of nasty, mean-spirited troglodytes. And the hoo-hah over the knives.
. " Shock, horror, we don't give our kids a knife and fork to eat with!!!"
no let's just raise our kids to eat out of a trough right next to the pigs!
Hell, they is civilised because they at least eat with their fingers,
Just incredible! I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself!
And don't even get me started on the "potatoes".. If you'd watched it you'd know what I mean.

Re: LINDA>KJV old & new... mp3s and text zipped

Posted by: "linda kelly"

Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:12 am (PDT)

Thank you Leigh. I will enjoy. God Bless.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 2:13 AM, PandoLeigh <> wrote:

> You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here<>.
> <> Entire
> KJV Audio bible - AScourbyAll
> From: PandoLeigh
> Size: 607MB
> Expires: May. 15, 2010 (?<>
> )
> this will open a folder that contains two folders
> one has the mp3s and m3us
> the other the text..
> just came that way
> enjoy~!
> Leigh
> *Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro<>| Follow
> us <> on Twitter*
> ------------------------------
> Pando <> is free software that lets you email large
> files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add
> to your address book so that Pando emails from your
> friends don't land in spam.

Re: anyone know of any cheap

Posted by: ""   lilbabyrdnck

Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:16 am (PDT)

if u have a frys by you there the best i got 12.88 for 100 but i dont have
more to close so when i go gotta take a few people limit one

In a message dated 4/16/2010 10:03:17 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

If you go to _www.newwgg.com_ ( you can usually get
100 pk for $19.99 or less no shipping charges.

-------Original Message-------

From: _imsexyman4ever@imsexym_ (
Date: 3/16/2010 1:21:11 PM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] anyone know of any cheap

here's some -r's also ...

In a message dated 3/16/2010 1:04:57 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
wandapor@gmail.In a messag

Well, the best deal I have gotten is at I paid $27.38 for 100
and that includes shipping.And that is a pretty much constant price for
their brand.

-------Original Message-------

From: _Tammy Berthaut_ (
Date: 3/16/2010 6:26:13 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] anyone know of any cheap

I buy mine on eBay when it's a daily deal, Which it is now! Under $20
shipped for 100

From: _Bluecat713@aol.Blu_ (
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:00 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Subject: Re: [now_showing] anyone know of any cheap


In a message dated 3/16/2010 2:59:08 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
_Nike23chic@aol.Nik_ ( writes:

places were i can get some blank dvds pls and cdrs pls thanks alot


Re: PA MOV:  A Place called Home_Hmark_2005

Posted by: "kurganthethird"   kurganthefirst

Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:49 am (PDT)

Christa, thank you. Joe

----- Original Message -----
From: Mrs Christa C
To: Undisclosed-Recipient: ;
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 9:44 PM
Subject: [now_showing] PA MOV: A Place called Home_Hmark_2005

From: Team Angel Christa

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

A Place called Home_Hmark_2005
From: Team Angel Christa
Size: 832MB, 3 files
Expires: May. 9, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.

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