Sunday, April 18, 2010

[now_showing] Digest Number 3788

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Re: Question on Seagate From: Crazyhorse
Re: Question on Seagate From: Carlton



Re: Question on Seagate

Posted by: "Crazyhorse"   crazyhorse84074

Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:33 pm (PDT)

I would think you could just move it over and you will have to play it like
2 movies to see the whole thing or if you want it in 1 part just join it and
your with a program like and your set.. this
by the way is the same program I use to join my video's... hope this helps
ya out... Crazyhorse.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 8:45 PM, skye anderson <> wrote:

> I bought the Seagate Media Theater, but now I have a question. When a
> movie is shared in 2 parts, do I need to do anything special to it before
> putting on the FreeAgent Drive? Will it play both parts automatically or do
> I need to join somehow?
> I'm assuming I also just copy or move the other movies files that are in
> one part and do nothing special to them? Thanks for the help!!

Re: Question on Seagate

Posted by: "Carlton"   cahow2002

Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:54 pm (PDT)

Just put both parts on it. When it finishes the first part it will
automatically go to the second part. If you are using the sync method that's
the best. I put my files in a folder I created for the Media Theater. I then
browsed to select the folder. Then just click sync and it will sync every
file you have in that folder. You then can delete the files that you put in
that folder because they will be on the external for the media player.
From then on it will sync to the folder. If you decide you want to burn a
copy of the movie to DVD then just connect the external back up to your
computer and burn it right from it. I wish I had known about this long ago.
It's the best thing I have bought in awhile.

-------Original Message-------

From: Crazyhorse
Date: 4/18/2010 2:33:58 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Question on Seagate

I would think you could just move it over and you will have to play it like
2 movies to see the whole thing or if you want it in 1 part just join it and
your with a program like and your set.. this
by the way is the same program I use to join my video's... hope this helps
ya out... Crazyhorse.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 8:45 PM, skye anderson <> wrote:

I bought the Seagate Media Theater, but now I have a question. When a movie
is shared in 2 parts, do I need to do anything special to it before putting
on the FreeAgent Drive? Will it play both parts automatically or do I need
to join somehow?

I'm assuming I also just copy or move the other movies files that are in
one part and do nothing special to them? Thanks for the help!!

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