Saturday, June 5, 2010

[now_showing] Digest Number 4039

Messages In This Digest (18 Messages)



Re: to all the members about BLUE

Posted by: "gail caminiti"   striktmommy

Fri Jun 4, 2010 10:27 pm (PDT)


On your arm! anytime!


Sent: Sat, June 5, 2010 1:16:07 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] to all the members about BLUE

Gail, when everyone was writting in about having your back, I almost wrote in asking if youd just care to hang out on my arm for this. But out of fear of you saying yes, I did,nt. BUT NOW, you want a cabana boy......... .. I dont know what that is,,,,,,,,,, ,, But a cabana boy, Just glad I did,nt ask. Been a hell of a let down........ ..... CABANA BOY......... .......

On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 12:00 AM, gail c <striktmommy@> wrote:

>Hi Everyone,
>I woke up to go to the bathroom and thought I would check the group before going back to bed! ha ha ha ha
>I don't generally get ticked over things that happen in the group that may be off a little or out of line, but I must admit, this did it!
>Every day I have members leave the group for whatever reason. I never know why, they just unsubscribe and it's their right to do so. Also, I have always stated that if you have a problem or something on the group upset you, whatever, email me directly. I think what did it for me was that if Blue wanted to bytch, it could have been done to me directly. If Blue wanted to leave the group, then Blue could have unsubscribed. But in my eyes, Blue was looking to stir the pot......... Blue was either looking to down me, which hey I don't care about that, or Blue was looking for validation from the group, or Blue was just a Drama Queen.
>Well, Blue hadn't unsubscribed from the group when the members where responding to the LEAVING GROUP email.
>Blue is now gone! I have removed Blue from the group and Blue has been banned.
>I thank you for getting my back. I do appreciate it.
>In the years I have had this group, I have allowed chat, etc to go on. We have shared illnesses, prom pictures, births of babies, weddings, support when someone needed a shoulder, etc. Life is too short. See, I am one of those people that believes everyone is a good person. Yeah there are a few rotten ones but for the most part, people WILL help their neighbor. and I do believe we are all the same no matter what color, religion, nationality, political view etc. We have the right to agree and the right to disagree.
>so thank you again everyone.... ........and damn Should have sent this to Blue, just thought of it, didn't Blue just change the subject from movies and tv shows????? hummmmmmmmmmmmmm roflmao, I just thought of that!
>ok kiddies, have a great night!
>and if anyone wants to really suck up to me, I could use someone to clean my apartment, do my laundry, do the grocery shopping, cook, change the litter box, oh and I could use a cabana boy ---I don't have a cabana but hey, suck up!
>hugs all


Re: to all the members about BLUE

Posted by: "gail caminiti"   striktmommy

Fri Jun 4, 2010 10:28 pm (PDT)

oh no I haven't! lol. I have a bedroom wall full of them! tee hee

wink wink nudge nudge!


From: Angel Nahid <>
Sent: Sat, June 5, 2010 1:17:07 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] to all the members about BLUE

 Ummmm Gail ?  ~Blinks~ 
I , ummm "think" that's called a , errrrrrr "slave" ~Blinks Again~
~Whispers~ Hell Woman, You been away from that whip all "too" long ~LoL~ !!
Brightest Blessings !
-------Original Message----- --

From: gail c
Date: 6/5/2010 12:04:46 AM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [now_showing] to all the members about BLUE

Hi Everyone,
I woke up to go to the bathroom and thought I would check the group before going back to bed! ha ha ha ha

I don't generally get ticked over things that happen in the group that may be off a little or out of line, but I must admit, this did it!

Every day I have members leave the group for whatever reason. I never know why, they just unsubscribe and it's their right to do so. Also, I have always stated that if you have a problem or something on the group upset you, whatever, email me directly. I think what did it for me was that if Blue wanted to bytch, it could have been done to me directly. If Blue wanted to leave the group, then Blue could have unsubscribed. But in my eyes, Blue was looking to stir the pot......... Blue was either looking to down me, which hey I don't care about that, or Blue was looking for validation from the group, or Blue was just a Drama Queen.

Well, Blue hadn't unsubscribed from the group when the members where responding to the LEAVING GROUP email.

Blue is  now gone! I have removed Blue from the group and Blue has been banned.

I thank you for getting my back. I do appreciate it.

In the years I have had this group, I have allowed chat, etc to go on. We have shared illnesses, prom pictures, births of babies, weddings, support when someone needed a shoulder, etc. Life is too short. See, I am one of those people that believes everyone is a good person. Yeah there are a few rotten ones but for the most part, people WILL help their neighbor. and I do believe we are all the same no matter what color, religion, nationality, political view etc. We have the right to agree and the right to disagree.

so thank you again everyone.... ........and damn Should have sent this to Blue, just thought of it, didn't Blue just change the subject from movies and tv shows????? hummmmmmmmmmmmmm roflmao, I just thought of that!

ok kiddies, have a great night!
and if anyone wants to really suck up to me, I could use someone to clean my apartment, do my laundry, do the grocery shopping, cook, change the litter box, oh and I could use a cabana boy ---I don't have a cabana but hey, suck up!

hugs all



------------ --------- --------- ------

Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: to all the members about BLUE

Posted by: ""   a49r4u_67

Fri Jun 4, 2010 11:28 pm (PDT)

ya ive seen gail go off but never like this and i do have to agree with
you gail and the other members for being so upset about what blue said life
and this group is more then just sending movies its suppose to be a huge ass
family and if someone in the group has a prob its really nice to be able
to have someone who has gone through the samething as you to talk to
sometimes people might not have someone off the net and the only family is on the
net. just wanted to wrap this up by saying that gail is a great person and
no sucking up but gail has always been a very fair person.
Vinny :)

In a message dated 6/4/2010 10:17:45 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Ummmm Gail ? ~Blinks~
I , ummm "think" that's called a , errrrrrr "slave" ~Blinks Again~
~Whispers~ Hell Woman, You been away from that whip all "too" long ~LoL~ !!


Brightest Blessings !

-------Original Message-------

From: _gail c_ (
Date: 6/5/2010 12:04:46 AM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@now_ (
Subject: [now_showing] to all the members about BLUE

Hi Everyone,
I woke up to go to the bathroom and thought I would check the group before
going back to bed! ha ha ha ha

I don't generally get ticked over things that happen in the group that may
be off a little or out of line, but I must admit, this did it!

Every day I have members leave the group for whatever reason. I never know
why, they just unsubscribe and it's their right to do so. Also, I have
always stated that if you have a problem or something on the group upset you,
whatever, email me directly. I think what did it for me was that if Blue
wanted to bytch, it could have been done to me directly. If Blue wanted to
leave the group, then Blue could have unsubscribed. But in my eyes, Blue was
looking to stir the pot.........Every day I have members leave the group
for whatever reason. I never know why, they just unsubscribe and it's their
right to do so. Also, I have always

Well, Blue hadn't unsubscribed from the group when the members where
responding to the LEAVING GROUP email.

Blue is now gone! I have removed Blue from the group and Blue has been

I thank you for getting my back. I do appreciate it.

In the years I have had this group, I have allowed chat, etc to go on. We
have shared illnesses, prom pictures, births of babies, weddings, support
when someone needed a shoulder, etc. Life is too short. See, I am one of
those people that believes everyone is a good person. Yeah there are a few
rotten ones but for the most part, people WILL help their neighbor. and I do
believe we are all the same no matter what color, religion, nationality,
political view etc. We have the right to agree and the right to disagree.

so thank you again thank you again
everyone....<WBR>........and damn Should have sent this to Blue, just thought of it, didn't Blue
just change the subject from movies and tv shows????? hummmmmmmmmmmmmm roflma

ok kiddies, have a great night!
and if anyone wants to really suck up to me, I could use someone to clean
my apartment, do my laundry, do the grocery shopping, cook, change the
litter box, oh and I could use a cabana boy ---I don't have a cabana but hey,
suck up!

hugs all




Yahoo! Groups Links

(Yahoo! ID required)



Re: Leaving Group ......

Posted by: "Linda McGinnis"   lindacmcginnis

Fri Jun 4, 2010 10:27 pm (PDT)

BRAVO, very well put. I agree totally. I do not usually get in on the chat
but I agree with everyone. I also have Fibro and I read every email. Thanks
Gail for this wonderful group.


On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Angel Nahid <> wrote:

> Gail....
> First I am sorry for jumping in here and adding My two coppers worth as
> they say. However, I must admit, I'm with Leigh on this one, when I read
> it, it got My temper riled.
> Let Me say this, the "majority" of what "does" come through this group "is"
> movies! Beyond such, how boring and distant a group would be with "no"
> interaction outside of shares/sends. This group is so much "more" then a
> simple group of people sharing movies, it is more like a family, a group of
> caring, compassionate, and empathic people.
> We are "more" then a name on a screen, in and through the conversations, we
> all come to know, understand and care for each other. I will certainly say,
> if this group was nothing more then shares being passed through, simply
> cold, distant and almost mechanical, I would not have stayed a part of it.
> We are real people, with real families, real heartache's and real joys. We
> want to share with each other, the pains, triumphs, the joys/happiness and
> the sadness, in doing such, we are not alone. While sure we may have friends
> and family we can talk to, but sometimes it's easier to talk to someone that
> is not face to face, or someone that does not know you "as well", sort of to
> get an outsiders opinion. Sometimes you find out, you not all alone in
> feeling what you do.
> The recent conservation and interactions which I am guessing are what
> started this, "were" started because of a "movie" ! Though I do not wish
> Fibro and/or migraines, or any other health problem on anyone. How nice was
> it to find out and to feel there are those out there, that "do" know exactly
> what you are dealing with and going through, how encompassing the caring and
> compassion feels/felt. How helpful was the information on the drugs being
> used, to better to check them out, do more research, and know the
> consequences of them. More times then not the Dr's will not tell people
> about how bad the side effects can be and are. How compassionate a person is
> that opens their information about the pains they have gone through, so
> another may not have to go through them because of unknown side effects.
> Blue, I don't know you, but I can say this, if you do not suffer with any
> affliction, do not deal with any regular daily pain in your life, if you
> have never felt alone because of pain/illness and feeling no one understood
> what you were going through? Then may you be blessed, and I pray your life
> continues on as such. Everyone is not that lucky. For Me? I am lucky
> enough to not be inflicted so badly I can not get around, many people are,
> the computer, these groups "are" their windows to the World, and every day
> interaction.
> You have every right to leave this group or any other group if you are not
> happy, what you do not have the right to do is judge and accuse others, with
> in justification. No one here is sucking up to anyone. What we all "are"
> doing is being empathic and caring to those we consider friends/family. If
> you see that as wrong or bad? Your welcome to your opinion, after all we all
> have them, they are sort of like "other" anatomical parts. I am sure you
> will find what you seek out there, there are hundreds of groups, in which
> people are but a name on a screen and all they care about is what comes
> through they can snag or share, nothing more.
> As for this one? I would find it sad if Gail ever changed the way She so
> graciously and lovingly runs it.
> @Gail.....Thank You for "all" you do, My Friend, and thank You for simply
> being "YOU!""
> I Wish You Well,
> Angel~
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:* anna hanson <>
> *Date:* 6/4/2010 10:53:05 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Leaving Group ......
> leigh, i feel the same as you do , i am very thankful for all of the
> sends that come thru the group....we've all got your back gail..hugsss and
> again, thanks for all of the work that you do for us.................and
> may god bless you........
> --- On *Fri, 6/4/10, Leigh <>* wrote:
> From: Leigh <>
> Subject: Re: [now_showing] Leaving Group ......
> To:
> Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 8:45 PM
> wow you really just pissed me off...
> BTW I wasn't going to send this through the GROUP
> however
> this is the 1st time that there has ever been a discussion on people's
> medical problems
> and COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING is NOT sucking up to anyone but support
> but Blue may you
> have a nice day and bye bah bah now
> and sorry about that Gail and if I get kicked because of this I understand
> but Blue's response just seemed cold, heartless and completely uncalled for
> Leigh

Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal Season 1- episodes 11-18

Posted by: "DAVID WILLIAMS"   granpapa1955

Fri Jun 4, 2010 10:28 pm (PDT)

Psi Factor: Chronicles of the ParanormalThe series is hosted by Dan
Aykroyd<>who presents dramatic
stories inspired by the
paranormal <> investigations of the
"Office of Scientific Investigation and Research" (O.S.I.R.).

convert x to dvd 4 w keygen

Posted by: "Gail"   striktmommy

Fri Jun 4, 2010 10:42 pm (PDT)

** Get Pando free here: **

remember keygens are viewed as virus with virus scanner

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Re: 134 proggies to offer

Posted by: "john Perritt"   jcoolperritt71644

Fri Jun 4, 2010 10:53 pm (PDT)

I would like avast antivirus pro with the keygen please.  thanks in advance


From: ping <>
Sent: Sun, May 9, 2010 11:37:22 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] 134 proggies to offer

i need a quick books that will work with win 7 thanks in advance.

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 6:42 AM, ~`Jill `~ <a_crazy_ass_ bytch_69@> wrote:

>~`Jill`~i need the code or reg cure please
>--- On Sun, 1/24/10, my3sweetroses@ <my3sweetroses@> wrote:
>>From: my3sweetroses@ <my3sweetroses@>
>>Subject: [now_showing] 134 proggies to offer
>>To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
>>Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 11:55 AM
>>Anyone interested in anything below, email me Im putting on pando now and will send later
>>134 PROGRAMS - 01-17-10
>>Size: 2.9MB, 140 files
>>(App)Movie.Collecto r.Pro.v5. pando
>>2-AcousticaCDMaker. rar.pando
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>>AI_RoboForm. pando
>>Ashampoo_burningstu dio701_sm. exe.pando
>>Atomix.Virtual. DJ.Pro.v6. 0.2-UNION. pando
>>Avast.AntiVirus2009 .Pro.v4.8. Plus_+_Keygen_ pando
>> pando
>>Black_Widow_ Media_Desktop_
>>Blu-Ray_to_DvD_ Pro_v_1.20. pando
>>BS.Icon.Maker. v1.0.0.4. pando
>>CD_DVD_Catalogue. pando
>>Clone_DVD_and_ Clone_DVD_ Mobile.pando
>>ConvertXtoDVD_ Full_w-Manual. pando
>>Corel.PaintShop. Pro.XII.v12. 00.pando
>>CoverXP_Pro. pando
>>CuteFTP_Professiona l_8.3.2.pando
>>Daemon_Tools_ Pro_v4.10. 0218_Advanced_ Version.pando
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>>DVD_Fab_Platinum_ v5.0.9.5_ Beta.pando
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>>QuickBooks Pro 2010.pando
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>>R4DS-English- 1.18.rar. pando
>>Rapid_Share_ Plus_Downloader. pando
>>RapidShare_Plus_ 4.0.rar.pando
>>RealPlayer11GOLD. exe.pando
>>Reaper_Program. pando
>>Reg_Curev1.5. 2.7.FOFF. nd.pando
>>RegDoctor_2. 06.pando
>>Registry_Clean_ Expert_v4. 73_+_Serial_ Setup.pando
>>Registry_Cleaners. pando
>>Registry_Mechanic_ pando
>>Smileycons.6. 0.1.full. rar.pando
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>> pando
>>WinRAR_Crystal. exe.pando
>>Winrar_Crystal. pando
>>WinZip_Pro12_ and_key.pando
>>youtube_downloaders _attn_connie. pando



Re: tour of duty season 1

Posted by: "Dora"   dora.rudin

Fri Jun 4, 2010 10:59 pm (PDT)

Well my husband tells me i get into movies to much some of the stuff in this
series makes you set back and think, theres some funny parts in a couple of
them but if your like me something a soldier dose are has happen will you
will cry, knowing that these guys were so young and a lot of them lost
their lives for our freedom , yes i know the show is actors but hey well i
guess my husband is right i do get into these movies to much, its also like
one movie i watched said when your going to a place take the time to
remember if it werent for our troops past, present and future we would not
be able to do these things , anyways let me get off here , i will start
sending in the rest of the season soon as i can may be a little while
\HUGS And hope you enjoy them as much as i do

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Temperance <> wrote:

> *Excellent, thanks loads Dora
> I look forward to episode 21 as i love nothing better than a real good cry
> !
> many thanks hunni xxx Temp
> *
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 21:01, Dora <> wrote:
>> Dear Temperance
>> i for got to name s1 tour of duty 1,2 but yes its there, better grab some
>> tissues especially in the hill episode 21, it will get you crying, its very
>> slowly uploading , i love this show, Sexyman sent the links in a while back
>> it just takes me forever to get downloads etc, and i am on dsl LOL, anyways
>> soon as i get the other seasons i will upload them just give me some time
>> PS my pando is on always unless i have to shut down for a clean up and
>> reboot which dosent take long and i do scann all my downloads
>> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Temperance <> wrote:
>>> *Episode 2 is not listed above, is it attached to part 1 ?
>>> thanks for this, looks like a good series xxxx
>>> *
>>> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 06:30, Dora <> wrote:
>>>> Your very welcome
>>>> LOL my computer is slow also so maybe we will get them uploaded soon
>>>> HUGS Dora
>>>> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 1:07 AM, DAVID WILLIAMS <>wrote:
>>>>> Dora, Thank you for these. I had em on my to do list, but my system is
>>>>> sooooooo slow.
>>>>> Thank You
>>>>> David
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 11:02 PM, Dora <> wrote:
>>>>>> Just a note this is season one as soon as i can get over to pick up
>>>>>> and rip season 2,3,4 from my sister i will upload them also these are
>>>>>> uploading really really slow so give them some time if you have any problems
>>>>>> after hopefully in the morning let me know
>>>>>> HUGS DORA
>>>>>> also i lost the tutorial of how to upload by web so these are
>>>>>> uploading by email so get them as you can cause i think they only last a
>>>>>> week by email hopefully when upload again i will have a tutorial on how to
>>>>>> upload by web sorry for any inconvenience

Re: Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like  to be friends

Posted by: "Nico-Rose"   crazy_bitch420_here

Fri Jun 4, 2010 11:00 pm (PDT)

I added all of you...!/TheOriginalMindSpace


Go directly to:  

--- On Fri, 6/4/10, Kat <> wrote:

From: Kat <>
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like to be friends please add me!
Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 12:43 PM

I added Gail & Crissy too. If anyone else wants to add me my link is :


On 04/06/2010 12:33 PM, Diane wrote:

I did too !! Thanks Diane

From: Amy S <>
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 12:25:32 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like to be friends please add me!


I added both of you.

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:15 AM, gail caminiti <striktmommy@> wrote:


I play mafia wars on fb
http://www.facebook .com/striktmommy .gail

From: "Chrissalicious@" <Chrissalicious@>
To: PandoTheater@ yahoogroups. com; now_showing@ yahoogroups. com; SharesAndSnags@ yahoogroups. com; mypandoshares@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 10:37:55 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like to be friends please add me!

Please remember to trim all replies in consideration of others. Join our free local Knox County singles dating site. http://knoxcountyin singles.webs. com


Re: Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like  to be friends

Posted by: "Barb"   mari1825

Sat Jun 5, 2010 2:09 am (PDT)

I added everybody...thanks heaps!/profile.php?id=100000802129334

-------Original Message-------

From: Nico-Rose
Date: 6/5/2010 6:00:27 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like
to be friends please add me!

I added all of you...


Go directly to:

--- On Fri, 6/4/10, Kat <> wrote:

From: Kat <>
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like
to be friends please add me!
Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 12:43 PM

I added Gail & Crissy too. If anyone else wants to add me my link is :


On 04/06/2010 12:33 PM, Diane wrote:
I did too !! Thanks Diane

From: Amy S <>
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 12:25:32 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like
to be friends please add me!

I added both of you.

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:15 AM, gail caminiti <striktmommy@>

I play mafia wars on fb
http://www.facebook .com/striktmommy .gail


From: "Chrissalicious@" <Chrissalicious@>
To: PandoTheater@ yahoogroups. com; now_showing@ yahoogroups. com;
SharesAndSnags@ yahoogroups. com; mypandoshares@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 10:37:55 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like to
be friends please add me!

Please remember to trim all replies in consideration of others. Join our
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Re: Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like  to be friends

Posted by: "Angel Nahid"   iceprncs_1

Sat Jun 5, 2010 2:55 am (PDT)

O'kay peeps......

I admit it, I am a FB junkie as well ~LoL~!/profile.php?id=1533630690

My main games are MW, VW, FV, Viking Clan..Sometimes Caste Age, and when I
have the time Yoville.

Brightest Blessings !

-------Original Message-------

From: Barb
Date: 6/5/2010 4:09:43 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like
to be friends please add me!

I added everybody...thanks heaps!/profile.php?id=100000802129334

-------Original Message-------

From: Nico-Rose
Date: 6/5/2010 6:00:27 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like
to be friends please add me!

I added all of you...


Go directly to:

--- On Fri, 6/4/10, Kat <> wrote:

From: Kat <>
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like
to be friends please add me!
Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 12:43 PM

I added Gail & Crissy too. If anyone else wants to add me my link is :


On 04/06/2010 12:33 PM, Diane wrote:
I did too !! Thanks Diane

From: Amy S <>
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 12:25:32 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like
to be friends please add me!

I added both of you.

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:15 AM, gail caminiti <striktmommy@>

I play mafia wars on fb
http://www.facebook .com/striktmommy .gail


From: "Chrissalicious@" <Chrissalicious@>
To: PandoTheater@ yahoogroups. com; now_showing@ yahoogroups. com;
SharesAndSnags@ yahoogroups. com; mypandoshares@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 10:37:55 AM
Subject: [now_showing] Anyone on Facebook that plays games or would like to
be friends please add me!

Please remember to trim all replies in consideration of others. Join our
free local Knox County singles dating site. http://knoxcountyin singles.webs


Re: Leaving  Group ......

Posted by: ""   zazapper

Fri Jun 4, 2010 11:17 pm (PDT)

Before I read any further mail, or any responses...let me just say...
Thank you! You are very obviously doing everyone a favor.
Enjoy your new group.

Oh...and Gail...These are for you...(kissing up...XXXOOOXXX)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jun 4, 2010 11:15 pm
Subject: [now_showing] Leaving Group ......

This used to be a movie group...
now it seems like a
"off topic"
"suck up to Gail "
group that sends basically nothing.
I appreciate all that have sent movies in the past.
I am moving on to groups that send movies, not talk about medical issues.


This used to be a movie group...
now it seems like a
"off topic"
"suck up to Gail "
group that sends basically nothing.
I appreciate all that have sent movies in the past.
I am moving on to groups that send movies, not talk about medical issues.



Re: Leaving  Group ......

Posted by: "Justin Fog"   harryrule66

Sat Jun 5, 2010 1:48 am (PDT)

And I agree with you, Leigh!

Blue's complaint was uncalled for.

This is a great group - and there's a little off topic in every group... no
problem with that.

Some people seem to be just looking for issues that they can get riled up
uover... Life's far too precious for something like that.

I enjoy it here and thanks, Gail, for running this show the way you do

Have a great weekend, everyone, and enjoy life!


PS - Thanks to all of you folks ho send your marvellous shares for making
life a lot nicer and easier and pleasant.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Leigh
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2010 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Leaving Group ......

wow you really just pissed me off...
BTW I wasn't going to send this through the GROUP


this is the 1st time that there has ever been a discussion on people's
medical problems
and COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING is NOT sucking up to anyone but support

but Blue may you

have a nice day and bye bah bah now

and sorry about that Gail and if I get kicked because of this I understand
but Blue's response just seemed cold, heartless and completely uncalled



this is an easy dvd copy prog inside

Posted by: "Vinny The Man"   a49r4u_67

Fri Jun 4, 2010 11:29 pm (PDT)

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Re: this is an easy dvd copy prog inside

Posted by: "gail caminiti"   striktmommy

Fri Jun 4, 2010 11:41 pm (PDT)

lol I just sent it too! easiest I've used and fastest!
I generally get 2 movies and a cartoon between movies on 1 disc


From: Vinny The Man <>
Sent: Sat, June 5, 2010 2:29:34 AM
Subject: [now_showing] this is an easy dvd copy prog inside

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

VSO.Software. ConvertXtoDVD. 4.v4.0.10. 324-TE.rar
From: Vinny The Man
Size: 29MB
Expires: Jul. 25, 2010 (?)

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando. com to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


Re: this is an easy dvd copy prog inside

Posted by: ""   a49r4u_67

Fri Jun 4, 2010 11:44 pm (PDT)

oh of cource i use the same one as well crazyhorse got me using the prog a
while back and now im hooked and normally that's the only prog i use now
woo woo but sometimes people dont want the easiest prog out there and yea
that's the one alright

In a message dated 6/4/2010 11:41:49 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

lol I just sent it too! easiest I've used and fastest!
I generally get 2 movies and a cartoon between movies on 1 disc


From: Vinny The Man <v49r2267@aol.v49>
To: now_showing@ now_sho
Sent: Sat, June 5, 2010 2:29:34 AM
Subject: [now_showing] this is an easy dvd copy prog inside

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. _Get Pando free here_
67D0782191CF4B009E76BD12305F48D121A101) .

01) VSO.Software. ConvertXtoDVD. 4.v4.0.10. 324-TE.rar
From: Vinny The Man
Size: 29MB
Expires: Jul. 25, 2010 (_?_
( A25801) )

Want to download faster? _Get Pando Pro_
( | _Follow us_ ( on Twitter
_Pando_ ( is free software that lets you email
large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add
delivery@pando. com to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends
don't land in spam.



Posted by: "michael"   msmolt

Sat Jun 5, 2010 12:21 am (PDT)

-------Original Message-------

From: gypsybell
Date: 6/4/2010 6:31:04 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] FIBROMYALGIA.avi~PA

Sometimes getting in the Dr's face is needed, I had to and she sent me to
pain managedment where I had a Great Nurse Practioner running it, I talked
to her about how my Dr treated me, nothing was helping. I had looked up some
information and told her about it and she knew what I was talking about. It
was because of her I got my VA Pension, and I was able to stop working, I'm
an LPN with 28 yrs of experience. And I just couldn't keep up with the
younger nurses, they could move quicker than I and they weren't in constant
pain. And basically I had just been fired because I wasn't as fast, I wouldn
t work more than 8 hr shifts.
Screw if you get addicted, shit you have to be on chronic pain, operative
word CHRONIC! What is it with these Drs. You find a way where I don't have
pain Then I'll quit the meds! ! ! ! ! Ok now feeling better time for another
pill and two extra motrins, I had to have two teeth pulled.

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Re: EVERYONE!!!!!!!! [now_showing] FIBROMYALGIA.avi~PA

Posted by: "michael"   msmolt

Sat Jun 5, 2010 12:33 am (PDT)

NO why would they cause you to do something you should be doing anyway's

-------Original Message-------

From: Goin2oz
Date: 6/4/2010 9:23:51 PM
Subject: Re: EVERYONE!!!!!!!! [now_showing] FIBROMYALGIA.avi~PA

OMG LMAO! Could you imagine the wax job you'd have to get to wear this?

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Leigh <> wrote:

this was too funny...
and yea clean socks work in a pinch...


----- Original Message -----
From: ?SusieQ?
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 04:20 PM
Subject: Fw: Re: Re: EVERYONE!!!!!!!! [now_showing] FIBROMYALGIA.avi~PA

I watched my Mom, over the years, have her bladder lifted 3 times, 2x with
her own muscles and 1x with man-made materials and all 3 drooped after
awhile. I decided not to try it and took meds but like you, I have to use
back up except they won't pay for Depends anymore, Medicaid only covers an
off brand called SureCare but for no copay, who am I to complain and like
you, no thong here either lmaooo


-------Original Message-------

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