Saturday, June 5, 2010

Webinar replay: SEO Expert reveals his website promotion strategies

Hi Eino,

Recently I recorded a live webinar with one of the world's
best search engine optimization experts, Jason Jell.

He showed lots of tips on how to drive relevant traffic to
your website, how to get high search engine rankings, link
building tips and more.

Watch it here:


Inside this video he reveals:

* How Google measures site rankings and why your site
should be structured around your keywords

* Why you should diversify your link portfolios * How to
get your site indexed fast using quick easy links

* Using classifieds not only to get links but to generate

* The importance of submitting to directories particularly
on the local/niche level

* Details on using several linking tools - social
bookmarking sites, online videos, content sharing sites,
blogging, microblogging, photosharing and more

* How you can dominate Digg

* Utilization of social networks for brand and reputation

* Using referral and review networks to build links to
ecommerce sites

* Building authority on Q&A sites to get backlinks and to
drive traffic to your site

* How to increase your online presence, build your brand,
and have multiple Google first page listing by using
content sharing sites

* The importance of having unique content by spinning
articles before submitting to web property sites

* Converting articles to PDF and PPT to submit to
directories for these file types

* Promoting the contents you submitted to increase the
value of your links

* And so much more!

This webinar is filled with so much valuable information,
you should definitely check it out. It'll only be online
for a short time so make sure you don't miss this
recording there is a lot of insider information inside:

Watch it here:




Kind Regards,

Mark Ling

Post: PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

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