Thursday, June 10, 2010

[now_showing] Digest Number 4067

Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)



Re: Clint Rogers - RE: [now_showing] a lot of different movies

Posted by: "George Christian"   george.christian72

Wed Jun 9, 2010 11:10 pm (PDT)

They are too many to name. You need to download the links and u will see the names. Thanks Clint

From: Artie Rip <>
To: Now Showing <>
Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 2:07:38 AM
Subject: Clint Rogers - RE: [now_showing] a lot of different movies

Hey Clint Rogers;
Please TELL us What these different movies are?


To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
From: clintrogers84@
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 01:37:01 -0400
Subject: [now_showing] a lot of different movies

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

OtherMovies June 6, 2010
From: clint
Size: 18MB, 653 files
Expires: Jun. 13, 2010 (?)
have fun

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Re: Clint Rogers - RE: [now_showing] a lot of different movies

Posted by: "gail caminiti"   striktmommy

Wed Jun 9, 2010 11:27 pm (PDT)

with a send like this, the file actually contains pando links for each movie. If you download this pando file called
 OTHER MOVIES, you will find 653 pando links when you open it after it downloads. Once you download it and open the file, you will see what movies you can download via pando.

owner now showingGail

From: Artie Rip <>
To: Now Showing <>
Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 2:07:38 AM
Subject: Clint Rogers - RE: [now_showing] a lot of different movies

Hey Clint Rogers;
Please TELL us What these different movies are?


To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
From: clintrogers84@
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 01:37:01 -0400
Subject: [now_showing] a lot of different movies

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

OtherMovies June 6, 2010
From: clint
Size: 18MB, 653 files
Expires: Jun. 13, 2010 (?)
have fun

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add delivery@pando. com to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.

Hotmail is redefining busy with tools for the New Busy. Get more from your inbox. See how.


Movie Request: Splice Thankssssssssss

Posted by: ""   dreamweaver0008

Wed Jun 9, 2010 11:38 pm (PDT)

I am not sure this movie is out ,

Splice I want to see it very much please in Pando Form

thankyou all very much
Tammy :)


Posted by: "gail caminiti"   striktmommy

Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:01 am (PDT)

Forwarding from a good friend of mine to the group.
All of his sends are good quality

these are 48 adult content movie pando links contained in this one send. Once you download this, you can open the file andyou will see the titles and pando links for each movie, just click on the pando link you want to download the movie you want

owner now showing

Notice to Pando Recipients

Here are 48 Adult Content movies and videos. Just download this small pando file, and you will see all the pando Icons. Just select which Pando Icon(s) you want and it will start your Pando download(s)

Enjoy !!!

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

48 AC Pando Icons
From: Earle Ousley
Size: 889KB, 48 files
Expires: Jul. 10, 2010 (?)
Feel Free To Share

Notice to Pando Recipients

Here are 48 Adult Content movies and videos. Just download this small pando file, and you will see all the pando Icons. Just select which Pando Icon(s) you want and it will start your Pando download(s)

Enjoy !!!


Feel Free to Share

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


6 Movie Pando Icons

Posted by: "gail caminiti"   striktmommy

Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:03 am (PDT)


Notice to Pando Recipients

Here are 6 movies. Just download this small pando file, and you will see all the pando Icons. Just select which Pando Icon(s) you want and it will start your Pando download(s)

Enjoy !!!

You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

6 Movie Pando Icons
From: Earle Ousley
Size: 89KB, 6 files
Expires: Jul. 10, 2010 (?)
Feel Free To Share

Notice to Pando Recipients

Here are 6 movies. Just download this small pando file, and you will see all the pando Icons. Just select which Pando Icon(s) you want and it will start your Pando download(s)

Enjoy !!!

Want to download faster? Get Pando Pro | Follow us on Twitter
Pando is free software that lets you email large files and folders, up to 1GB, with your existing email address. Add to your address book so that Pando emails from your friends don't land in spam.


pictures of larry the cable guy filming on fremont street while i wa

Posted by: ""   a49r4u_67

Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:55 am (PDT)

he was filming some movie with the girls from roller derby and one of the
girls her father is in the group in the show that i do the lights for

the pic below is the daughter of group member


more pics of larry the cable guy in las vegas

Posted by: ""   a49r4u_67

Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:58 am (PDT)

more pics of larry the cable guy that my wife took

this is my wife with larry the cable guy

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