Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- Blue Murder - UK_501- From:
- 2.
- Blue Murder - UK_502- From:
- 3.
- Blue Murder - UK_503-Tooth & Claw.avi From:
- 4.
- Blue Murder - UK_504-This_Charming_Man..avi From:
- 5.
- reaend-Blue Murder - UK_504-This_Charming_Man..avi From:
- 6a.
- Re: ISO - classic Pink Panther cartoon and Star wars Clone Wars cart From: Crazyhorse
- 7.
- Blue Murder - UK_505-Private Sins-Part.One.avi From:
- 8a.
- Re: ? For DEXTER Fans From: Crazyhorse
- 9.
- Blue Murder - UK_506-Private Sins-Part.Two.avi( last one I have) From:
- 10a.
- 10b.
- 11.1.
- Re: Help Please From: Crazyhorse
- 11.2.
- Re: Help Please From: Doreen C
- 11.3.
- Re: Help Please From: Crazyhorse
- 11.4.
- Re: Help Please From:
- 11.5.
- Re: Help Please From: michael
- 11.6.
- Re: Help Please From: Crazyhorse
- 11.7.
- Re: Help Please From: Crazyhorse
- 11.8.
- Re: Help Please From: michael
- 11.9.
- Re: Help Please From: gail caminiti
- 11.10.
- Re: Help Please From: gail caminiti
- 11.11.
- Re: Help Please From: Crazyhorse
- 12a.
- Re: my 2 cents--- [now_showing] Help Please From: Crazyhorse
- 13a.
- Re: request for tomorrow night on showtime From: gail caminiti
- 14.
- As requested--- RoxioCreator2010_Pro.rar With friend From: michael
- 1.
Blue Murder - UK_501-
Posted by: "" redantbites
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:15 pm (PDT)
You'll need Pando to open this attachment. _Get Pando free here_
( soapservices/ Link?type= install&id= E72BD715452A9158 02&pa
ckage=2962FB611DEC68119A0D230D614F8 E9D134B8AEC& key=3A0C9ACF67AF 5AB05A011FF66
DD32EEF58A16F26CA1931D53E83F2E69218 355A) .
( pando_package? id=2962FB611DEC6 8119A0D230D614F8 E9D134B8AEC& key=3A0C9ACF67AF 5AB05A011FF66DD3 2EEF58A16F26CA19 31D53E83F2E69218 35
5A) Blue Murder - UK_501-Having It All.avi
From: Thank You
Size: 348MB
Expires: May. 19, 2010 (_?_
( ) ) Series 5soapservices/ Link?type= explainexpire& id=E72BD715452A9 15802
13 :05x01 - Having It All (Sep/07/2009)
After a cheerleading coach is found dead in her garage, Jane and the team
investigate. Richard talks to Tom who is missing his father.
- 2.
Blue Murder - UK_502-
Posted by: "" redantbites
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:17 pm (PDT)
You'll need Pando to open this attachment. _Get Pando free here_
( soapservices/ Link?type= install&id= 3F3E87BA6AD32850 0
2&package=B6AEF328504F95ED76CD4C3C2 853395885141896& key=3F55C7FF32AD C1ED96B8A
2C7092A8992DB4CCDB6D9E9476DD9C8F639 0B4CAE5A) .
( pando_package? id=B6AEF328504F9 5ED76CD4C3C28533 95885141896& key=3F55C7FF32AD C1ED96B8A2C7092A 8992DB4CCDB6D9E9 476DD9C8F6390B4C AE
5A) Blue Murder - UK_502-Inside.avi
From: Thank You
Size: 348MB
Expires: May. 19, 2010 (_?_
( ) )soapservices/ Link?type= explainexpire& id=3F3E87BA6AD32 85002
14 :05x02 - Inside (Sep/14/2009)
Richard is sent undercover to a prison to investigate the murder of a
child-killer and ends up with his own life being endangered. Janine's son
crashes a friend's car and injures the driver of the other car involved.
- 3.
Blue Murder - UK_503-Tooth & Claw.avi
Posted by: "" redantbites
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:20 pm (PDT)
You'll need Pando to open this attachment. _Get Pando free here_
( soapservices/ Link?type= install&id= F8FCD386717561F6 0
2&package=6B71E6A8F43B47DFFB5955E65 BD2BC55B0448B64& key=6B374F1B7D90 D5A9D6CB3
FD4CB8EB0447167C212B317A3088ACC0C42 3215A37E) .
( pando_package? id=6B71E6A8F43B4 7DFFB5955E65BD2B C55B0448B64& key=6B374F1B7D90 D5A9D6CB3FD4CB8E B0447167C212B317 A3088ACC0C423215 A3
7E) Blue Murder - UK_503-Tooth & Claw.avi
From: Thank You
Size: 348MB
Expires: May. 19, 2010 (_?_
( ) )soapservices/ Link?type= explainexpire& id=F8FCD38671756 1F602
15 :05x03 - Tooth & Claw (Sep/21/2009)
When Janine and the team investigate the murder of a country vet they find
that nobody wants to talk to them them. Slowly though they do start to find
out details about the dead women's life.
- 4.
Blue Murder - UK_504-This_Charming_Man..avi
Posted by: "" redantbites
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:23 pm (PDT)
You'll need Pando to open this attachment. _Get Pando free here_
( soapservices/ Link?type= install&id= 6D4F4B2059CDA4CD 0
2&package=8E6BD5F47F98B2EF42F557D10 5B0E2EF65954421& key=78C9F813CD75 A8BDD79A0
437C0CA7635382943606123705351E85B5B 79CC4C77) .
( pando_package? id=8E6BD5F47F98B 2EF42F557D105B0E 2EF65954421& key=78C9F813CD75 A8BDD79A0437C0CA 7635382943606123 705351E85B5B79CC 4C
77) Blue Murder - UK_504-This_Charming_ Man..avi
From: Thank You
Size: 349MB
Expires: May. 19, 2010 (_?_
( ) ) 16 :05x04 - This Charming Mansoapservices/ Link?type= explainexpire& id=6D4F4B2059CDA 4CD02
The team investigate after a singer of a band is found dead his flat. The
investigation finds Janine coming into conflict with her daughter Ellie.
- 5.
reaend-Blue Murder - UK_504-This_Charming_Man..avi
Posted by: "" redantbites
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:25 pm (PDT)
oppos forgot the pando file
You'll need Pando to open this attachment. _Get Pando free here_
( soapservices/ Link?type= install&id= 6D4F4B2059CDA4CD 0
2&package=8E6BD5F47F98B2EF42F557D10 5B0E2EF65954421& key=78C9F813CD75 A8BDD79A0
437C0CA7635382943606123705351E85B5B 79CC4C77) .
( pando_package? id=8E6BD5F47F98B 2EF42F557D105B0E 2EF65954421& key=78C9F813CD75 A8BDD79A0437C0CA 7635382943606123 705351E85B5B79CC 4C
77) Blue Murder - UK_504-This_Charming_ Man..avi
From: Thank You
Size: 349MB
Expires: May. 19, 2010 (_?_
( ) )soapservices/ Link?type= explainexpire& id=6D4F4B2059CDA 4CD02
16 :05x04 - This Charming Man (Sep/28/2009)
The team investigate after a singer of a band is found dead his flat. The
investigation finds Janine coming into conflict with her daughter Ellie.
- 6a.
Re: ISO - classic Pink Panther cartoon and Star wars Clone Wars cart
Posted by: "Crazyhorse" crazyhorse84074
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:25 pm (PDT)
I'm not 4 but I love the classic Pink Panther cartoons as well.. LOL.. so if
anyone does find then I will snag them as well... Crazyhorse.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Ian & Stacie < > wrote:
> hello everyone
> Our 4 year old has fallen in love with the classic Pink Panther cartoon and
> Star wars Clone Wars cartoon series.
> If anyone has these he would love you like crazy.
> Thanks
> Ian
> --------------------- ---------
> Make your browsing faster, safer, and easier with the new Internet
> Explorer® 8. Optimized for Yahoo! *Get it Now for Free! *< >ca/internetexplo rer/
- 7.
Blue Murder - UK_505-Private Sins-Part.One.avi
Posted by: "" redantbites
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:27 pm (PDT)
You'll need Pando to open this attachment. _Get Pando free here_
( soapservices/ Link?type= install&id= 1E341C719709275B 0
2&package=C657484C2D1FBF6F746D4940B C9AB6C085DA4481& key=1B423F813D30 7568F997D
6BE69B5B792CA5C28F780347ACEA9C7CEE1 680D967D) .
( pando_package? id=C657484C2D1FB F6F746D4940BC9AB 6C085DA4481& key=1B423F813D30 7568F997D6BE69B5 B792CA5C28F78034 7ACEA9C7CEE1680D 96
7D) Blue Murder - UK_505-Private Sins-Part.One.avi
From: Thank You
Size: 349MB
Expires: May. 20, 2010 (_?_
( ) )soapservices/ Link?type= explainexpire& id=1E341C7197092 75B02
17 :05x05 - Private Sins (1) (Oct/05/2009)
The team attempt to discover the identity of the killer of a private
investigator. Shap takes a very personal interest in the case with upsetting
consequences. Janine is given some news about Tom.
- 8a.
Re: ? For DEXTER Fans
Posted by: "Crazyhorse" crazyhorse84074
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:27 pm (PDT)
if you go to you can find out anything you want to know about any
movie or series that is out.. I hope this helps... Crazyhorse.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Silver < > wrote:
> How many episodes are in season 2????????????
> I had 12 & I am starting on season 3 & it shows that Dexter went to Paris
> after Lila...
> Am I missing something?????????
> ⥠Some people read their Bible in Hebrew, some in Greek; I read mine
> from Mother Earth"
> *'We have walked together in the shadow of a rainbow.'*
- 9.
Blue Murder - UK_506-Private Sins-Part.Two.avi( last one I have)
Posted by: "" redantbites
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:30 pm (PDT)
You'll need Pando to open this attachment. _Get Pando free here_
( soapservices/ Link?type= install&id= 13910EBEF58AB7A9 01
&package=FB64906FFDAA99E3AF9B694375 CD5761B0315F15& key=51CAC845198C 60665650BF
C9CE0031302DDD44C2D3DA22210C48267B0 79111BF) .
( pando_package? id=FB64906FFDAA9 9E3AF9B694375CD5 761B0315F15& key=51CAC845198C 60665650BFC9CE00 31302DDD44C2D3DA 22210C48267B0791 11
BF) Blue Murder - UK_506-Private Sins-Part.Two.avi
From: Thank You
Size: 349MB
Expires: May. 20, 2010 (_?_
( ) )soapservices/ Link?type= explainexpire& id=13910EBEF58AB 7A901
18 :05x06 - Private Sins (2) (Oct/12/2009)
Janine attempts to sort out the problems she is having with her son. The
team attempt to catch the real killer before it is too late.
- 10a.
Posted by: "Bren" ganma2one
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:32 pm (PDT)
Done it ty so much
-------Original Message-------
From: michael
Date: 3/21/2010 11:03:04 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pat--HOW TO CLEAN OUT THE PANDO CACHE FOR VISTA
Ok you have to go to control panel and to folders options. under view you
have to check mark view all hidden files
-------Original Message-------
From: Bren
Date: 3/21/2010 7:52:24 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pat--HOW TO CLEAN OUT THE PANDO CACHE FOR VISTA
-------Original Message-------
From: michael
Date: 3/21/2010 10:44:48 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pat--HOW TO CLEAN OUT THE PANDO CACHE FOR VISTA
What OS are you running?
-------Original Message-------
From: Bren
Date: 3/21/2010 7:28:36 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pat--HOW TO CLEAN OUT THE PANDO CACHE FOR VISTA
It does not show app data on my computer what now?
-------Original Message-------
From: michael
Date: 3/17/2010 1:01:12 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Pat just because you run an uninstaller to remove pando don't mean you
uninstalled it ok. Uninstalles just make it look like its uninstalled but
leave the files there. If you don't manually go in and delete the pando
files your going to have problems with the new install. Once you get
everything deleted then run your Registry cleaner but not just once you need
to run it a couple times as when it fixes some problems it creates others.
Here a vista way but XP is almost the same way. I hope this helps you all
with pando problems
i collected this and save it to my hard drive a while back.. in case i ever
need it..i use winxp pro but my hubby has vista.
These Directions , ONLY for Vista
Make sure your Pando is completely shut down and not running!!!!
Step 1
Right Click on the Windows Bubble (Start), Then Left Click on Exploreâ¦
Step 2
From Folder Tree on LEFT SIDEâ¦Click on Computer ï Local Disk
(C:)ï Usersï (whatever your user name isâ¦(i.e.: here its Wendy&James)ï App
Dataï Localâ¦.
Step 3
Under the LOCAL Folder Look for the Pando Folder, Click and then Click on
Pando Files. This should open the Pando Files Folder on the RIGHT HAND SIDE
of the pane window.
Step 4
Delete all Folders and Files EXCEPT FOR CERT, Pando (text Document), Pando
prev, and Pando (Save File)
Shown below:
Step 5
When all you have left in your Pando Files Folder are these 4 files, Empty
your recycle bin, restart your computer and your Pando Cache should be all
nice and clean and ready for more downloads and uploads.
- 10b.
Posted by: "michael" msmolt
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:44 pm (PDT)
-------Original Message-------
From: Bren
Date: 3/21/2010 8:32:18 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pat--HOW TO CLEAN OUT THE PANDO CACHE FOR VISTA
Done it ty so much
-------Original Message-------
From: michael
Date: 3/21/2010 11:03:04 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pat--HOW TO CLEAN OUT THE PANDO CACHE FOR VISTA
Ok you have to go to control panel and to folders options. under view you
have to check mark view all hidden files
-------Original Message-------
From: Bren
Date: 3/21/2010 7:52:24 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pat--HOW TO CLEAN OUT THE PANDO CACHE FOR VISTA
-------Original Message-------
From: michael
Date: 3/21/2010 10:44:48 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pat--HOW TO CLEAN OUT THE PANDO CACHE FOR VISTA
What OS are you running?
-------Original Message-------
From: Bren
Date: 3/21/2010 7:28:36 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Pat--HOW TO CLEAN OUT THE PANDO CACHE FOR VISTA
It does not show app data on my computer what now?
-------Original Message-------
From: michael
Date: 3/17/2010 1:01:12 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Pat just because you run an uninstaller to remove pando don't mean you
uninstalled it ok. Uninstalles just make it look like its uninstalled but
leave the files there. If you don't manually go in and delete the pando
files your going to have problems with the new install. Once you get
everything deleted then run your Registry cleaner but not just once you need
to run it a couple times as when it fixes some problems it creates others.
Here a vista way but XP is almost the same way. I hope this helps you all
with pando problems
i collected this and save it to my hard drive a while back.. in case i ever
need it..i use winxp pro but my hubby has vista.
These Directions , ONLY for Vista
Make sure your Pando is completely shut down and not running!!!!
Step 1
Right Click on the Windows Bubble (Start), Then Left Click on Exploreâ¦
Step 2
From Folder Tree on LEFT SIDEâ¦Click on Computer ï Local Disk
(C:)ï Usersï (whatever your user name isâ¦(i.e.: here its Wendy&James)ï App
Dataï Localâ¦.
Step 3
Under the LOCAL Folder Look for the Pando Folder, Click and then Click on
Pando Files. This should open the Pando Files Folder on the RIGHT HAND SIDE
of the pane window.
Step 4
Delete all Folders and Files EXCEPT FOR CERT, Pando (text Document), Pando
prev, and Pando (Save File)
Shown below:
Step 5
When all you have left in your Pando Files Folder are these 4 files, Empty
your recycle bin, restart your computer and your Pando Cache should be all
nice and clean and ready for more downloads and uploads.
- 11.1.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "Crazyhorse" crazyhorse84074
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:33 pm (PDT)
I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r dvd-r
and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues but I
can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, < > wrote:
> *untrue!!!*
> In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R will
> also give problems.
> The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:* Neale Kelly < >
> *Date:* 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Help Please
> I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
> --------------------- ---------
> *From:* Jodi Edwards < >
> *To:* Now Showing <now_showing@yahoogroups. >com
> *Sent:* Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
> *Subject:* [now_showing] Help Please
> Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything else
> to use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it is
> burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad disk,
> on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've used in
> the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm doing
> differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
> Thanks for any help!!
> Jodi
> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
> database 4961 (20100320) __________
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> [image: ]<http://www.incredimid=606430& rui=124473007 >id=606430& rui=124473007
- 11.2.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "Doreen C" eqquida
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:38 pm (PDT)
ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your
burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have had
Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get
transferred to the next puter likely.
just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an
error since.
Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
good luck.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. >wrote:com
> I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r
> dvd-r and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues
> but I can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, < > wrote:
>> *untrue!!!*
>> In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
>> writes:
>> RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R will
>> also give problems.
>> The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
>> *-------Original Message-------*
>> *From:* Neale Kelly < >
>> *Date:* 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
>> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
>> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Help Please
>> I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
>> --------------------- ---------
>> *From:* Jodi Edwards < >
>> *To:* Now Showing <now_showing@yahoogroups. >com
>> *Sent:* Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
>> *Subject:* [now_showing] Help Please
>> Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything else
>> to use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it is
>> burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad disk,
>> on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've used in
>> the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm doing
>> differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
>> Thanks for any help!!
>> Jodi
>> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus
>> signature database 4961 (20100320) __________
>> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
>> [image: ]<http://www.incredimid=606430& rui=124473007 >id=606430& rui=124473007
- 11.3.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "Crazyhorse" crazyhorse84074
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:49 pm (PDT)
yes they do wear out.. I have gone through I think 6 of them in my computer
but then again I burn a lot of disc... right now I am in need or 8 more
burners to replace all the bad ones in my computers.. they still work they
just don't open right anymore.. have to use a paper clip to open them thank god these ones all have the little hole that this trick
works on or I would be hating
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Doreen C < > wrote:
> ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your
> burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
> They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have had
> Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
> I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get
> transferred to the next puter likely.
> just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
> I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an
> error since.
> Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
> good luck.
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. >wrote:com
>> I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r
>> dvd-r and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues
>> but I can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
>> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, < > wrote:
>>> *untrue!!!*
>>> In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
>>> writes:
>>> RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R
>>> will also give problems.
>>> The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
>>> *-------Original Message-------*
>>> *From:* Neale Kelly < >
>>> *Date:* 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
>>> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
>>> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Help Please
>>> I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
>>> --------------------- ---------
>>> *From:* Jodi Edwards < >
>>> *To:* Now Showing <now_showing@yahoogroups. >com
>>> *Sent:* Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
>>> *Subject:* [now_showing] Help Please
>>> Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything
>>> else to use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it
>>> is burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad
>>> disk, on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've
>>> used in the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm
>>> doing differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
>>> Thanks for any help!!
>>> Jodi
>>> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus
>>> signature database 4961 (20100320) __________
>>> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
>>> [image: ]<http://www.incredimid=606430& rui=124473007 >id=606430& rui=124473007
- 11.4.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "" redantbites
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:54 pm (PDT)
lmao A paper clip lol... time break down and get a new burnner i say
In a message dated 3/21/2010 10:49:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. writes:com
yes they do wear out.. I have gone through I think 6 of them in my computer
but then again I burn a lot of disc... right now I am in need or 8 more
burners to replace all the bad ones in my computers.. they still work they
just don't open right anymore.. have to use a paper clip to open them thank god these ones all have the little hole that this trick works
on or I would be hating
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Doreen C <_equida@gmail.equ _
( ) > wrote:
ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your
burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have
had Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get
transferred to the next puter likely.
just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an
error since.
Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
good luck.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <_crazyhorse84074.crazyhorscra_
(mailto:crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. ) > wrote:com
I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r
dvd-r and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues
but I can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, <_imsexyman4ever@imsexym_
( ) > wrote:
In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
_dstorey@rose.dst _ ( ) writes:
RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R will
also give problems.
The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
-------Original Message-------
From: _Neale Kelly_ ( )
Date: 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
To: _now_showing@now_showing@ now_ (mailto:now_showing@ yahoogroups. )com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
_____________________ _________ ______
From: Jodi Edwards <_jodigirl88@gmail.jod _ ( ) >
To: Now Showing <_now_showing@now_showing@ now_
(mailto:now_showing@yahoogroups. ) >com
Sent: Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
Subject: [now_showing] Help Please
Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything else to
use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it is
burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad disk,
on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've used in
the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm doing
differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
Thanks for any help!!
__________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus
signature database 4961 (20100320) __________
The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
_http://www.eset.htt_ ( )
( )id=606430& rui=124473007
- 11.5.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "michael" msmolt
Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:00 pm (PDT)
Haha yeah its nice to have the paper clip when one removes the burner and
finds he forgot the disk in the drive lol
-------Original Message-------
Date: 3/21/2010 8:54:28 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
lmao A paper clip lol... time break down and get a new burnner i say
In a message dated 3/21/2010 10:49:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. writes:com
yes they do wear out.. I have gone through I think 6 of them in my computer
but then again I burn a lot of disc... right now I am in need or 8 more
burners to replace all the bad ones in my computers.. they still work they
just don't open right anymore.. have to use a paper clip to open them thank god these ones all have the little hole that this trick
works on or I would be hating
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Doreen C < > wrote:
ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your
burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have had
Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get
transferred to the next puter likely.
just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an
error since.
Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
good luck.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. >com
I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r dvd-r
and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues but I
can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, < > wrote:
In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R will also
give problems.
The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
-------Original Message-------
From: Neale Kelly
Date: 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
From: Jodi Edwards < >
To: Now Showing <now_showing@yahoogroups. >com
Sent: Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
Subject: [now_showing] Help Please
Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything else to
use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it is
burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad disk,
on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've used in
the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm doing
differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
Thanks for any help!!
__________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4961 (20100320) __________
The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
- 11.6.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "Crazyhorse" crazyhorse84074
Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:01 pm (PDT)
LOL. ya I need to but I need a few so I will wait till they will not burn
anymore.. they still burn fine you just have use a paper clip or something
like it to poke in the hole to open the it is a pain in the ass
but as long as it still burns I can't see spending the kind of money I will
have to spend to replace all of them.. I have 4 computers and all 4 of them
have worn out drawer openers in oh and they each have 2 burners
in them so ya that is 8 total burners that need to be replaced so it is not
going to be cheap but one day they will all get replaced when the will not
burn anymore..
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:53 PM, < > wrote:
> lmao A paper clip lol... time break down and get a new burnner i say
> In a message dated 3/21/2010 10:49:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. writes:com
> yes they do wear out.. I have gone through I think 6 of them in my computer
> but then again I burn a lot of disc... right now I am in need or 8 more
> burners to replace all the bad ones in my computers.. they still work they
> just don't open right anymore.. have to use a paper clip to open them
> thank god these ones all have the little hole that this trick
> works on or I would be hating
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Doreen C < > wrote:
>> ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your
>> burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
>> They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have
>> had Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
>> I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get
>> transferred to the next puter likely.
>> just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
>> I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an
>> error since.
>> Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
>> good luck.
>> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. com
>> > wrote:
>>> I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r
>>> dvd-r and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues
>>> but I can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
>>> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, < > wrote:
>>>> *untrue!!!*
>>>> In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
>>>> writes:
>>>> RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R
>>>> will also give problems.
>>>> The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
>>>> *-------Original Message-------*
>>>> *From:* Neale Kelly < >
>>>> *Date:* 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
>>>> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Help Please
>>>> I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
>>>> --------------------- ---------
>>>> *From:* Jodi Edwards < >
>>>> *To:* Now Showing <now_showing@yahoogroups. >com
>>>> *Sent:* Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
>>>> *Subject:* [now_showing] Help Please
>>>> Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything
>>>> else to use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it
>>>> is burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad
>>>> disk, on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've
>>>> used in the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm
>>>> doing differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
>>>> Thanks for any help!!
>>>> Jodi
>>>> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus
>>>> signature database 4961 (20100320) __________
>>>> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
>>>> [image: ]<http://www.incredimid=606430& rui=124473007 >id=606430& rui=124473007
- 11.7.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "Crazyhorse" crazyhorse84074
Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:03 pm (PDT)
LOL. ya that'w the hole I'm talking about but I have to use it to open it
even with it hooked up in my computer it is just worn out is all but still
burns fine so no need to replace it yet.. I get good and poking things into
the hole
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 11:00 PM, michael < > wrote:
> < >group/uptowngirl designs/
> Haha yeah its nice to have the paper clip when one removes the burner and
> finds he forgot the disk in the drive lol
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:*
> *Date:* 3/21/2010 8:54:28 PM
> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Help Please
> lmao A paper clip lol... time break down and get a new burnner i say
> In a message dated 3/21/2010 10:49:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. writes:com
> yes they do wear out.. I have gone through I think 6 of them in my computer
> but then again I burn a lot of disc... right now I am in need or 8 more
> burners to replace all the bad ones in my computers.. they still work they
> just don't open right anymore.. have to use a paper clip to open them
> thank god these ones all have the little hole that this trick
> works on or I would be hating
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Doreen C < > wrote:
> ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your
> burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
> They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have had
> Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
> I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get
> transferred to the next puter likely.
> just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
> I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an
> error since.
> Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
> good luck.
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. >wrote:com
> I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r
> dvd-r and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues
> but I can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, < > wrote:
> *untrue!!!*
> In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R will
> also give problems.
> The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:* Neale Kelly < >
> *Date:* 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Help Please
> I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
> --------------------- ---------
> *From:* Jodi Edwards < >
> *To:* Now Showing <now_showing@yahoogroups. >com
> *Sent:* Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
> *Subject:* [now_showing] Help Please
> Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything else
> to use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it is
> burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad disk,
> on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've used in
> the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm doing
> differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
> Thanks for any help!!
> Jodi
> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
> database 4961 (20100320) __________
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> [image: ]<http://www.incredimid=606430& rui=124473007 >id=606430& rui=124473007
> < >group/uptowngirl designs/
> < >group/uptowngirl designs/
> "Cowboy Love<http://www.silles-bastelwelt. >de/MeineTuts/ Tut170/Love_ Pink.html
> "
> Font: Lady Luck
> < >
- 11.8.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "michael" msmolt
Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:08 pm (PDT)
Umm you probably have tried this but just in case. Can you go to the drive
in my computer and right click it and say open drive?
-------Original Message-------
From: Crazyhorse
Date: 3/21/2010 9:03:23 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
LOL. ya that'w the hole I'm talking about but I have to use it to open it
even with it hooked up in my computer it is just worn out is all but still
burns fine so no need to replace it yet.. I get good and poking things into
the hole
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 11:00 PM, michael < > wrote:
Haha yeah its nice to have the paper clip when one removes the burner and
finds he forgot the disk in the drive lol
-------Original Message-------
Date: 3/21/2010 8:54:28 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
lmao A paper clip lol... time break down and get a new burnner i say
In a message dated 3/21/2010 10:49:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. writes:com
yes they do wear out.. I have gone through I think 6 of them in my computer
but then again I burn a lot of disc... right now I am in need or 8 more
burners to replace all the bad ones in my computers.. they still work they
just don't open right anymore.. have to use a paper clip to open them thank god these ones all have the little hole that this trick
works on or I would be hating
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Doreen C < > wrote:
ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your
burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have had
Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get
transferred to the next puter likely.
just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an
error since.
Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
good luck.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. >com
I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r dvd-r
and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues but I
can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, < > wrote:
In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R will also
give problems.
The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
-------Original Message-------
From: Neale Kelly
Date: 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
From: Jodi Edwards < >
To: Now Showing <now_showing@yahoogroups. >com
Sent: Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
Subject: [now_showing] Help Please
Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything else to
use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it is
burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad disk,
on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've used in
the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm doing
differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
Thanks for any help!!
__________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4961 (20100320) __________
The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
"Cowboy Love"
Font: Lady Luck
- 11.9.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "gail caminiti" striktmommy
Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:12 pm (PDT)
if you look at your drive right under the drawer or next to it there is a very tiny hole, this hole is for opening the drawer when it's stuck, you open a paper clip and stick it in the tiny hole, it triggers the lock on the drawer to open.
If you have a service contract on your computer, call the company and they will send a new disk drive for free. I have dell and had to replace both of mine and they did it free of charge, even sent a tech to do it for me.
I have replaced 3 lol................. ....guess I burned them out! roflmao
go to link to see how to open stuck drawer.............. com/ig?hl= en&source= iglk&refresh= 1
owner now showing
_____________________ _________ __
From: Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. >com
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, March 22, 2010 12:01:17 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
LOL. ya I need to but I need a few so I will wait till they will not burn anymore.. they still burn fine you just have use a paper clip or something like it to poke in the hole to open the it is a pain in the ass but as long as it still burns I can't see spending the kind of money I will have to spend to replace all of them.. I have 4 computers and all 4 of them have worn out drawer openers in oh and they each have 2 burners in them so ya that is 8 total burners that need to be replaced so it is not going to be cheap but one day they will all get replaced when the will not burn anymore..
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:53 PM, <redantbites@> wrote:
lmao A paper clip lol... time break down and get a new burnner i say
>In a message dated 3/21/2010 10:49:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time, crazyhorse84074. 13@gmail. com writes:
>>yes they do wear out.. I have gone through I think 6 of them in my computer but then again I burn a lot of disc... right now I am in need or 8 more burners to replace all the bad ones in my computers.. they still work they just don't open right anymore.. have to use a paper clip to open them thank god these ones all have the little hole that this trick works on or I would be hating
>>On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Doreen C <equida@gmail. com> wrote:
>>>ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
>>>They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have had Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
>>> I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get transferred to the next puter likely.
>>>just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
>>>I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an error since.
>>>Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
>>>good luck.
>>>On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074. 13@gmail. com> wrote:
>>>>I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r dvd-r and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues but I can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
>>>>On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, <imsexyman4ever@> wrote:
>>>>>In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time, dstorey@rose. net writes:
>>>>>>RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R will also give problems.
>>>>>>The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
>>>>>>-------Original Message----- --
>>>>>>From: Neale Kelly
>>>>>>Date: 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
>>>>>>To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
>>>>>>I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
_____________________ _________ __
From: Jodi Edwards <jodigirl88@gmail. com>
>>>>>>To: Now Showing <now_showing@ yahoogroups. com>
>>>>>>Sent: Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
>>>>>>Subject: [now_showing] Help Please
>>>>>>Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything else to use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it is burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad disk, on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've used in the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm doing differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
>>>>>>Thanks for any help!!
>>>>>>__________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 4961 (20100320) __________
>>>>>>The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
>>>>>>http://www.eset. com
- 11.10.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "gail caminiti" striktmommy
Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:15 pm (PDT)
How to get a stuck CD/DVD drive to open.
Difficulty: Easy
Things You'll Need:
* Paper Clip
* Stuck CD/DVD Drive
1. Step 1
So you have a CD/DVD stuck in the drive, and the drive won't open. Here is how to open it.
2. Step 2
CD/DVD Drive
First turn off or unplug the CD/DVD drive. If it is a CD/DVD drive in a computer, then turn the computer off.
3. Step 3
Paper Clip
Get a paperclip and straighten it out.
4. Step 4
Release hole
Find the release hole on the CD/DVD drive. It's a small hole about the size of a paper clip
5. Step 5
Paper Clip in Release Hole.
Insert Paper Clip into release hole. After the paper clip has went in a small amount you will feel resistance.
6. Step 6
Drive bay open
Keep pushing the paper clip in until the drive bay opens enough to grab it, and pull with your fingers. Depending on how stuck the CD/DVD is, will determine how easy it will be to pull the drive bay open.
7. Step 7
Now just grab the CD/DVD out of the drive, and push the drive bay closed. Power up the system and test the drive out. It should still work.
_____________________ _________ __
From: michael < >
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, March 22, 2010 1:07:43 AM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
Umm you probably have tried this but just in case. Can you go to the drive in my computer and right click it and say open drive?
-------Original Message----- --
From: Crazyhorse
Date: 3/21/2010 9:03:23 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
LOL. ya that'w the hole I'm talking about but I have to use it to open it even with it hooked up in my computer it is just worn out is all but still burns fine so no need to replace it yet.. I get good and poking things into the hole
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 11:00 PM, michael <msmolt@gmail. com> wrote:
Haha yeah its nice to have the paper clip when one removes the burner and finds he forgot the disk in the drive lol
-------Original Message----- --
From: redantbites@
Date: 3/21/2010 8:54:28 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
lmao A paper clip lol... time break down and get a new burnner i say
In a message dated 3/21/2010 10:49:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time, crazyhorse84074. 13@gmail. com writes:
yes they do wear out.. I have gone through I think 6 of them in my computer but then again I burn a lot of disc... right now I am in need or 8 more burners to replace all the bad ones in my computers.. they still work they just don't open right anymore.. have to use a paper clip to open them thank god these ones all have the little hole that this trick works on or I would be hating
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Doreen C <equida@gmail. com> wrote:
ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have had Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get transferred to the next puter likely.
just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an error since.
Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
good luck.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074. 13@gmail. com> wrote:
I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r dvd-r and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues but I can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, <imsexyman4ever@> wrote:
In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time, dstorey@rose. net writes:
RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R will also give problems.
The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
-------Original Message----- --
From: Neale Kelly
Date: 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
To: now_showing@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [now_showing] Help Please
I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
_____________________ _________ __
From: Jodi Edwards <jodigirl88@gmail. com>
To: Now Showing <now_showing@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
Subject: [now_showing] Help Please
Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything else to use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it is burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad disk, on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've used in the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm doing differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
Thanks for any help!!
__________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 4961 (20100320) __________
The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
http://www.eset. com
"Cowboy Love"
Font: Lady Luck
"Cowboy Love"
Font: Lady Luck
- 11.11.
Re: Help Please
Posted by: "Crazyhorse" crazyhorse84074
Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:19 pm (PDT)
LOL. ya it don't work. the only way they open anymore is with a paper clip
or stiff wire or something like that. they have seen better days.. we have
burned I have no idea how many thousands of disc so it is time to replace
them again.. this will be the 6th or 7th time replacing some of them but
like I said we burn a lot of disc..
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 11:07 PM, michael < > wrote:
> < >group/uptowngirl designs/
> Umm you probably have tried this but just in case. Can you go to the
> drive in my computer and right click it and say open drive?
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:* Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. >com
> *Date:* 3/21/2010 9:03:23 PM
> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Help Please
> LOL. ya that'w the hole I'm talking about but I have to use it to open it
> even with it hooked up in my computer it is just worn out is all but still
> burns fine so no need to replace it yet.. I get good and poking things into
> the hole
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 11:00 PM, michael < > wrote:
> < >group/uptowngirl designs/
> Haha yeah its nice to have the paper clip when one removes the burner and
> finds he forgot the disk in the drive lol
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:*
> *Date:* 3/21/2010 8:54:28 PM
> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Help Please
> lmao A paper clip lol... time break down and get a new burnner i say
> In a message dated 3/21/2010 10:49:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. writes:com
> yes they do wear out.. I have gone through I think 6 of them in my computer
> but then again I burn a lot of disc... right now I am in need or 8 more
> burners to replace all the bad ones in my computers.. they still work they
> just don't open right anymore.. have to use a paper clip to open them
> thank god these ones all have the little hole that this trick
> works on or I would be hating
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Doreen C < > wrote:
> ONE more thought, this isn't what you want to hear, but how old is your
> burner? HOW many hundreds of DVD's have you burned with it.
> They do wear out. I am on my 3rd one in the desktop computer and I have had
> Toshiba Laptop dvd burner replaced at least 5 times.
> I have a Lite-on, that has lasted 3 computers and still will get
> transferred to the next puter likely.
> just since nothing else has worked and it is consistently giving errors.
> I wasted about 20 disks, before I gave up and got another burner. Never an
> error since.
> Newegg sells them reasonable, cheaper than a stack of disks.
> good luck.
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Crazyhorse <crazyhorse84074.13@gmail. >wrote:com
> I have to say I can burn and use any disc on all my stuff. I use dvd+r
> dvd-r and rw's and never have a problem.. I am not sure why some have issues
> but I can say I never have an issue with any of them... Crazyhorse.
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, < > wrote:
> *untrue!!!*
> In a message dated 3/21/2010 7:08:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> RRect. That is correct. Make sure you get DVD+ R also the DVD - R will
> also give problems.
> The RW's will skip and stick about 3/4 of the way through.
> *-------Original Message-------*
> *From:* Neale Kelly < >
> *Date:* 3/20/2010 10:46:09 PM
> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
> *Subject:* Re: [now_showing] Help Please
> I only use DVD R disc. I found I had problems when I used RW disc
> --------------------- ---------
> *From:* Jodi Edwards < >
> *To:* Now Showing <now_showing@yahoogroups. >com
> *Sent:* Sun, 21 March, 2010 1:41:06 PM
> *Subject:* [now_showing] Help Please
> Ok I have redownloaded ConvertXdvd, because I cannot find anything else
> to use. It converts everything just fine. Then it looks as though it is
> burning fine, but when I check the disk on the DVD player, it says bad disk,
> on every single one of them. These are DVD-RW, and that's what I've used in
> the past. I don't get it, can anyone tell me what the heck I'm doing
> differently? Before the reformat, I was burning them just fine..
> Thanks for any help!!
> Jodi
> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
> database 4961 (20100320) __________
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> [image: ]<http://www.incredimid=606430& rui=124473007 >id=606430& rui=124473007
> < >group/uptowngirl designs/
> < >group/uptowngirl designs/
> "Cowboy Love<http://www.silles-bastelwelt. >de/MeineTuts/ Tut170/Love_ Pink.html
> "
> Font: Lady Luck
> < >
> < >group/uptowngirl designs/
> < >group/uptowngirl designs/
> "Cowboy Love<http://www.silles-bastelwelt. >de/MeineTuts/ Tut170/Love_ Pink.html
> "
> Font: Lady Luck
> < >
- 12a.
Re: my 2 cents--- [now_showing] Help Please
Posted by: "Crazyhorse" crazyhorse84074
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:38 pm (PDT)
I can use and do use any disc I can get.. I have not had one yet that will
not work for me.. it is odd that some have a hard time with disc's I know I
have never had any problems at all with what ever brand I buy & I can use
any type of disc dvd-r dvd+r and any rw's. one day maybe I will figure out
why some have issues I don't but till then I can say I am happy I never have
to deal with disc not playing or working in any I do know there
are some players that will not play a certain one but mine will play
anything I put in it... just my 2 cents Crazyhorse.
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Dreamhrt33 < > wrote:
> I use Memorex DVD - R. Works great for me! Just my 2 cents worth. lol
> Bobbi
> --------------------- ---------
> *From:* " " < >
> *To:* now_showing@yahoogroups. com
> *Sent:* Sun, March 21, 2010 9:24:36 AM
> *Subject:* my 2 cents--- [now_showing] Help Please
> OH I can not even use Maxwell i have 400 of those dvd and they never burn
> right, always have problems.. I try to burn dvd on them they burn ,, but
> will not play right and they stop start and then on date dvd they lose my
> date files .. I can not get nothing off them . so those i have been using
> for cartoons for the kids cause i know there going to damage any dvd i give
> them ,, usly in like 3 days, and i don't put more that hour and half on them
> 3500 mb.. . I use sony for anything that's mine.... went i make date back up
> for me.. but if you ask me to make you a date back and you don't give me the
> dvd guest what your getting "Maxwell"... lol.. but then i do not burn with
> the converteX either.. I USE IT ONLT TO CONVERT. I then use my dvd shrink
> with Nero 7.9 install and burn. i use to burn a lot of dvd but not any
> more.. now its only went i have to. or if i am making a backup of my files..
> and i always use sony for my dvd...
> In a message dated 3/21/2010 9:09:31 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
> dstorey@rose. net writes:
> They do it on a new one also..Gets worse as you erase them many
> times.They were Maxells.
> I'll have to try the speed thing.I would have friends tell me there was
> nothing on them.but would play in mine for a while.
> Thanks for info.
> I use X to DVD also with setting that came through with download.
> *-------Original Message----- --*
- 13a.
Re: request for tomorrow night on showtime
Posted by: "gail caminiti" striktmommy
Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:41 pm (PDT)
ok thanks I am sure someone will have it tomorrow
_____________________ _________ __
From: Temperance < >
To: now_showing@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Sun, March 21, 2010 9:16:05 PM
Subject: Re: [now_showing] request for tomorrow night on showtime
awww sorry it was shared on 9th march and has now expired from pando.I can only see RS links now.
It is such a big show i am sure someone is recording it and ill send it in.
On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 01:12, Temperance <ttccc3@googlemail. com> wrote:
Gail someone already shared episode 1 and 2 a while ago, although officially it doesn't air until
>tomorrow and the next week, i watched them both and they are the real deal
>i will hunt and see if i can find the links and hopefully they were pando links.
>On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 20:51, gail caminiti <striktmommy@> wrote:
>>could someone record and forward Nurse Jackie tomorrow nights episode, I don't have showtime.... ......... .....
>>thanks in advance
>>owner now showing
>> Gail
- 14.
As requested--- RoxioCreator2010_Pro.rar With friend
Posted by: "michael" msmolt
Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:03 pm (PDT)
You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.
From: Michael
Size: 2.4GB
Expires: Apr. 4, 2010 (?)
This is now uploading to pando so please as slow as pando is runing this
weekend give it till tomarrow early night to get uploaded before you say its
waiting on sender
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