A case of [m]oral grounding
Guided by your frank advice, Frank realized that, being goat-like in nature, he was not hygienically opposed to grazing. Seized by hunger pangs, he jumped out of the hospital bed and lunged to the floor. "Oh my word, how I've missed Meme's nibbles," Frank groaned, masticating his cud. "Mmm," cooed Dr. Nan, "would you mind terribly if I joined you?" She puckered her unnaturally plump lips. "Hmm, w-w-well," Frank grew flustered, "I g-g-guess that would be okay. I m-m-mean, I wouldn't want Meme's cooking to go to w-w-waste." In a moment, the two were oohing and ahhing over Meme's delectable spillage. Meanwhile, back off the ranch, Meme was having second thoughts about her impulsive outburst. Frank really didn't say or do anything wrong. And here he was recovering from an injury caused by his desire to please me! So Meme trotted back to Frank's room, looking forward to a passionate reunion. Once again, she discovered Frank in a compromising position, this time licking the very ground Nan walked on. "Oh Frank!" she bawled, in a tone that held as much anger as pity. "Meme, wait! It's not what you think," he bleated. "So tell me, what do I think?" Frank fell slack-jawed. "I'll tell you what I think," Meme continued, suddenly icy calm. "I think you're a pants addict!" Dr. Nan shot up and gasped. "Yes, it's true!" Physician Assistant Canindé sashayed over the threshold, wearing only a sheared white coat. "When you both were away this morning, Frank and I shared a pair of corduroys! And they were uncut too! I am just so ashamed!" The fawn-eyed lamb slumped out of the room. "And how many other little does are likely to come crawling out of the pasture?" Frank dropped his head to his hoofs. "That's it," Meme bristled. "You need to take a leave from LiveJournal in order to overcome your pants addiction!" Frank grew solemn, shaking the crumbs from his goatee. "For all that I have done, I am so sorry," he muttered sheepishly. "But I beg you to reconsider. After all, isn't it only natural for a goat to love pants? Why must you demonize my passion as pathological?"… Frank would like your opinion on whether he should seek counseling with the esteemed Dr. Fox for his alleged pants addiction. Let him know what you think in the comments below, and he'll pour you a virgin cherry cosmo.

Thanks, again, for hanging out with us. We'll see you next week!
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