Tuesday, March 16, 2010

LiveJournal Announcement: LiveJournal Major Notes: Global navigation, Mobile, Bug fixes

There is a new announcement in [info]news

We're going to keep this short and sweet (Frank and birthday vgifts will be back next week). You've probably seen the updates to our main menu. Don't be alarmed. You'll find everything you need, just in slightly shifted format. Just so you know, we based these changes on input from both experienced and new users who were not familiar with LiveJournal. Our goal was to reduce barriers to usability and make LiveJournal more accessible and easy to navigate. Please note that this is a work in progress. We welcome your detailed suggestions in [info]feedback. We thank you, in advance, for helping us improve your LiveJournal experience.

We've updated the global navigation menu:

Here's a quick breakdown of what you'll find where:
  • Scrapbook can now be found under My Stuff, along with Settings, Stats, and Edit Profile.
  • You'll find all the tools you need to post and update entries under Journal, which includes posting and editing entries, managing comments and tags, and customizing your journal's style.
  • Friends contains all of your friend settings, from filtering your Friends page to adding, removing, and finding new and existing friends on LiveJournal.
  • Under Communities, you'll find links to manage your communities, accept community invites, and create new communities.
  • Explore includes search features, RSS feeds, Question of the Day, and FRNK radio.
  • Under Shop, you'll find links to upgrade or give a paid account, buy virtual gifts, purchase LiveJournal merchandise (like T-shirts), and view your payment history.

LiveJournal Mobile update:

We've enhanced LiveJournal's mobile site to improve usability and load times. We've made more of LiveJournal's features accessible via mobile, including posting comments, uploading photos, reading and commenting on friends' posts, finding and messaging friends, and more. We look forward to reviewing your feedback and recommendations for future improvements.

Other important changes:

  • You can lock comments to prevent further commenting on a post, while leaving existing comments visible.
  • We replaced the "Tell a friend" link with a new "Share This" widget that lets you share LiveJournal posts on other social media sites, including Facebook, Digg, Twitter, etc.
  • We changed some of the icons on entries (you can hover over the icons to view descriptions).
  • You'll see a Tag count on your Tag management page.
  • You'll now see the 10 most recent vgifts on your profile page. To remove vgifts, left-click on the vgift and choose whether you want to remove the vgift from your profile or delete it entirely.
  • We've added options to help you control receipt of vgifts, which you'll find in My Stuff under Edit Profile. You can now enable vgifts from friends or everyone and disable anonymous vgifts.

We've got your fix:

  • UPDATE: We understand that Scrapbook was broken by our latest release. We're working on resolving this issue as soon as possible. In the meantime, please be aware that you cannot edit or delete photos, manage galleries, or add titles to photos. In addition, you may not be able to change privacy settings on photos. In other words, once you try to edit a photo, the changes will not be applied, and the photo will be automatically set to private (which cannot be changed).
  • UPDATE: There was an unintentional change in the price of userpics. We will do a patch release to fix this ASAP, and we'll refund anyone who purchased userpics at the higher price.
  • Non-conforming images will now be automatically resized for custom mood themes.
  • Line breaks no longer count as two characters against your entry's character limit.
  • We fixed a bug on the Manage Tags page so you can clear all tags and add new tags.
  • We corrected the UI for the update.bml page so it displays properly in IE8.
Thanks again for joining us. Frank and company will be back next week!
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